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Sarah's Legging Legion

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#1 LennStar


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Posted 17 August 2013 - 07:13 AM

Hallo all pilots of Sarah's Jenner out there!

I want two things:

1. I want Sarah's name remembered for all times

2. I want to revive the ancient and now nearly lost art of legging*.

For that I propose the building of


To be a member, you have to respect the following rules:

1. You have to pilot a Sarah's Jenner (What? You guessed it? Awesome!)

2. In a premade you have to try to leg your enemies
of course if you have a CT red Atlas, feel free to shoot at the CT.
Exception: As we all know, the CT of the jenner is BS big. You get front CT hit if shooted in the back. So: All Jenners may be shoot at at CT.

3. And of course we should be fair and announce our mission to the world. Therefore I propose the following chat rule:

At the start of the Game (at least if premade), you have to type something that hints at Sarah's Legging Legion (SLL)
I suggest "get em good, leg em better"

We should also use following chat commands:

- retr(eat) = too much enemies, scatter and find new targets
- leg *position* = theres a target, help me leg him!

(First dead SLL member invites once to SLL.)

So, now the time has come.

Sarah's Jenner Pilots unite! Leg them! Join the Sara's Legging Legion!

Spread the fear of getting legged!

Post here if you want to be a member and friend the people who want to leg 'em!

(If we ever form an elite squad we should call them Sarah's Severe Legging Legion.)

*legging: killing an enemy by destroying it's legs.

Members of SLL:

- LennStar

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