Update: Paul says he wanted a general C-Bill revenue reduction, which is opposed to the official patch notes, "- CB rewards have been adjusted to compensate for the additional 4 players on the battlefield.". Discussion can be found here: http://mwomercs.com/...rning-too-much/
Combined research
Performance numbers
You have likely seen the reduction in performance rewards, which equate to 10-15%.
Salvage Study
You may not have seen, but reasoned the reduction to salvage was 60-80%.
Time study
Now let's say you average 100k CBills per game (pre patch). A bad loss would usually be in the 30k (no kills, no assist, 200 dmg) to 50k range with good wins in the 150k (3 kills, 4 assists, 4 component, 600 damage, 2 spots, 50k salvage) to 170k range giving you your total 100k CBills per game average. (For simplicity here, let us ignore that it is much easier to get the 30k loss than the 170k win, thus we do not have symmetrical distribution).
In the new system you're receiving 29.2k (no kills, no assists, 200 dmg) to 45k on bad losses and only 99k (3 kills, 4 assists, 4 component, 600 damage, 2 spots, 10k salvage) to 112k for those good wins. Notice the good wins are seeing a 34% reduction in revenue while losses are seeing 2.6% reduction.
But you have more mechs to fight and can get more monies that way! Not exactly. First, you're receiving 12-16% less per performance stat. Secondly, you have to make up the difference of 30k salvage on the win. So, you already have to perform 12-16% better than before just to break even on performance. Mathmatically, if you did 600 damage on average before, you now need to do 715 on average and get 1 more kill and 1 more assist to break even on performance from before.
But then have to get the equivalent of 4.6 additional assists/savior/defensive kills as well to make up the additional 30k of salvage. Basically, you have to at least tag those 4 new mechs on the field to get the assist bonus and perform 12-16% better than before and then find another 2 spots. And that just about breaks you even to previous numbers.
To summarize, you now need to do 115 more damage, get 1 more kill, 5 more assists/defense/savior kills and 2 more spots/tag/narc/components to break even from before. It is not just 12-16% better in one category, but all categories and then overcome a 30k deficit on those reduced performance numbers.
If the idea behind 12 vs. 12 was to split lances apart so several scrums were occurring, how can anyone realistically, and more important, ethically, do this? My best game (to try and hit all mechs) as a light mech saw 0 kills, 11 assists. I was looking to tag mechs, yet still perform as needed. Most screen shots I've seen have the excellent players only getting shots on about 10 mechs (some combination of kills and assists that equate to 10). This leads me to conclude that very few, if any, are achieving the assist/defense/savior kills necessary to recoup the reduction.
You then realize matches are taking longer (
Play is also riskier where one mistake can severely cripple or destroy your mech, further skewing the win/loss distribution towards loss frequency (that is, a bad loss is much easier now to obtain than that great win). Your CBill/match average will go down based upon this fact alone.
Ultimately, matches are 43% longer on sample average, total rewards are 10-30% lower, and with increased risk. When combined, we are seeing a significant reduction in CBills/hour. The higher your win/loss ratio, the more impact you are seeing as salvage was a significant portion of your income. Low win/loss ratio players with average or below average performance are not likely to see much of a change.
I honestly do not know how to get this into the eyes of the developers. The math does not lie. There are some assumptions above (and I'm trying to reduce those assumptions as we go on), but the results do not change much as the majority of the reduction is in areas we, the players, have no realistic or ethical control over (salvage reduction, 12-16% increase in performance required, increased match length).
Edited by FatBabyThompkins, 14 August 2013 - 06:12 AM.