#saveMWO Community Town Hall
Discussion thread
Gentlemen and other posters of this thread:
I needn't remind you that this is a safe space for discussion on all things related to the above topic. I will not tolerate any violation's of the CoC, terms of service, and the like. This is not to say that I am not tolerant of dissenting opinion - this is precisely why this thread is here, and it is for the purpose of community outreach and a healthy discussion of the game, it's successes and it's shortcomings.
If you feel that a poster is making you upset, do not respond - you are letting them win. If you are posting in this thread to troll or derail it, your opinion and commentary is much appreciated and valued and we thank you for your passion regarding this game, which is something that we all share. If you have cogent points to make, make them, and use those limited entertainment electrons in the best way possible. I trust that you can all behave like rational adults in this thread.
Prove me right. If you are unsure how you should post without getting into trouble, just think to yourself, "How Would Andersbot Post?" or "HWAP?". It will get you through the angry times.
Below are links to previous content if you wish to catch yourself up on what has occurred previously. Your arguments and opinions will have greater weight if we're all on the same page with what has previously been discussed and debated.
Official Links
- The Town Hall audio stream
- The Letter (Sign it!)
- The Signatures (so far!)
- The original thread (for reference)
- The second Thread (also for reference)
- The Start of the Twitter recap by MWO ComStar

In addition to having more individuals signing the letter, we now have 26 groups signed up, some of them representing the largest organized groups currently playing MWO. These groups represent a little over 5000 players (I'm missing good unit counts on some of them, which I've left blank until I can confirm them. In the meantime, I've counted them based on my most recent available information):
EDIT: Unit leads, PM me if you want to be added to this list or if you have a correction/addition to your unit count.
Community Members (click to view signatures - 1045 as of 8/14/13 @ 12:12 AM EDT)
PM Anders on the MWO forums if you are a unit or community leader and want to sign on behalf of your group.
In addition, the below 26 groups have signed, representing over 5000 MWO players
- Victor Morson, on behalf of the Blazing Aces (~40 members)
- Miekael, on behalf of The Fallen (~10 members)
- Lord Ikka, on behalf of the 9th Sword of the Dragon (~100 members)
- Stingr4y, on behalf of FWLM (~200 members)
- JSArrakis, on behalf of cReddit (~200 members)
- Anders, on behalf of the Word of Lowtax (~1500 members)
- MausGMR, on behalf of Clan Smoke Jaguar - Beta Galaxy (~20 members)
- jrgong, on behalf of the 25th Marik Militia
- GaussDragon, on behalf of KaoS Legion (~50 members)
- Stalephreak, on behalf of Zero Fox Mercs (~10 members)
- Durkan and Kerbango, on behalf of Last Mech Standing (~1000 players)
- Protection and Hylius, on behalf of Eridani Light Pony Merc Corp (~200 members)
- G.L. von Bluecher, on behalf of the 1st Royal Guards (~200 members)
- Aylward, on behalf of the 1st HeadHunters of Davion RCT (~500 members)
- EndGam8968, on behalf of the Omega Defense Corps
- Otonashi Saya, on behalf of Ryuken-Ni-Sorei
- Wolfp, on behalf of ZhiZhu Merc Corps (~80 members)
- DV McKenna, on behalf of Clan Snow Raven
- DrAmnesia, on behalf of the MWO Arena League (~150 players)
- Wild Hog, on behalf of the 6th RCT
- Bluemaxx, on behalf of ARMD (~400 members)
- Trev Firestorm, on behalf of Thunder Mountain Forces (~10 members)
- GMan129, on behalf of Cerberus
- FileTitan, on behalf of the Ghost Warriors Brigade
- Drangon Lee, on behalf of the Confrerie Black Dragon (~20 members)
- DCM Zeus, on behalf of the Luna Wolves (~100 members)
- DLS, on behalf of Bnl Merc Corps
- Gremlich Johns, on behalf of the Blood Spirits
- Team Leader, on behalf of the Heavy Metal Brigade (~80 members)
- Di Tar, on behalf of RavenWood (~90 members)
- Siriothrax, on behalf of Steel Jaguar Reborn (~25 members)
Robotically Yours,
Edited by Anders, 19 August 2013 - 09:21 PM.