Patch Day - August 20Th - LIVE!
Posted 20 August 2013 - 10:06 AM
Posted 20 August 2013 - 10:06 AM
Decreased the spread? Again? Why not just go all the way and make it a mini gauss by making it fire slugs instead of the scatter gun spray? -1
Honestly, I haven't seen machine guns used a lot, so I don't understand why it got a debuff to crit chance/damage. (if someone would enlighten me about this, that'd be great. =) )
Liking the UAC5 buff. Making me consider using them more often. +1
I don't have any real strong feelings about the streak buff since I don't use them often.
Again, I don't use AC2s often enough to have any strong feelings about them.
I really love the Terra Therma map, and I welcome all the changes to it. +1
Third Person...eeeeh...just may be a feature I'll seldom use/forget about. Unless I see some kind of advantage over it in the next few days, this is more of an "oh okay, whatever' kind of feel for me.
No improvements to Flamers this patch kinda irks me. I, personally, love the ways Flamers look and sound when firing them, but I can admit I'm using mine more as a 'wall hanger' than a weapon. -1
Would've liked something like:
-less heat generation since the flamer is more or less concentrating heat from the engine into plasma. When using Flamers, I find it ironic if you overheat more than your victim.
-more heat created on the victim, especially if the flamer starts to damage internal structures/components. Even if they don't up the damage, upping the heat would be very welcomed. As is, I'm sure there are plenty of builds that can dissipate heat FASTER than the Flamer can create.
But otherwise, overall, pretty good patch. I know its still in beta, so more are bound to come. Hopefully you guys won't try and rush this and launch with something below what you're obviously capable to putting out. =D
Posted 20 August 2013 - 10:07 AM
John MatriX82, on 20 August 2013 - 10:04 AM, said:
show founders tag is not like that. Although there might be a bug where you have to set it outside of a game. If the option isn't there, go into the game, and toggle it. After you get out the option should be there.
Posted 20 August 2013 - 10:07 AM
jakucha, on 20 August 2013 - 10:04 AM, said:
What you don't say is technically equally important as to what you do say. I'm not saying I'm trying to read more into what's not there, but it is somewhat of a "reasonable assumption" that not mentioning that tidbit (whether intentional or not) does not lend to a good result.
Posted 20 August 2013 - 10:08 AM
no crit: 48% chance, 0.1 damage to IS (0.48/s), 0 damage to IC
single crit: 31% chance, 0.235 damage to IS (0.7285/s), 0.9 damage to IC
double crit: 17% chance, 0.47 damage to IS (0.799/s), 1.8 damage to IC
triple crit: 4% chance, 0.705 damage to IS (0.282/s), 2.7 damage to IC
Summing up:
1 DPS vs armour
2.2898 DPS vs internal structure
6.93 DPS vs internal components
Not too bad of a nerf on the face of it, but then again it didn't really need a nerf at all.
Edit: Me fail English? Unpossible!
Edited by stjobe, 20 August 2013 - 10:13 AM.
Posted 20 August 2013 - 10:08 AM
i appreciate PGI's efforts i really do...but this is a poor patch.
we get 3pv..woohoooo...yeah, right the silent majority is happy i guess
we get a mech that has a ct dmg magnet (to be fixed next month)
we get some weapon balancing which is ok but nothing game changing, like for example gauss+2ppc.
and we get medium chassis buffs..im happy PGI is trying to address this but i really doubt it a few extra twist turn degrees are going to make mediums viable in a world of assaults. but its nice to have this buff we will have to play and see...
this is a patch i cannot get excited about no matter how hard i try...

Posted 20 August 2013 - 10:08 AM
ToxicValor, on 20 August 2013 - 10:03 AM, said:
3PV is toggled automatically because many play this way. Ergo, that giant post about from the President of PGI, Russ.
This is a STEP for bringing in new players with more ease. If you don't like it; toggle it off. DONE.
CALM DOWN, kindergartners. Drink more soda.
New players aren't going to know that a drone is floating behind them acting as the camera, and that it's a beacon to their position and all of the enemy team.
New players are going to be forced into a mode that, according to the patch notes, is going to take away valuable information like the minimap and their lance info.
New players are going to be forced into a mode that, according to the patch notes, is going to alter their physical response by locking their arms.
The fabled UI 2.0 isn't here yet so there is no hint system, context clues, or interface that points out to a new player that any of this is happening, or how to change to the cockpit view. So, how is any of this helpful to new players at all right now?
Edited by Silent, 20 August 2013 - 10:09 AM.
Posted 20 August 2013 - 10:09 AM
Gaslight, on 20 August 2013 - 09:58 AM, said:
Yep I was wrong on the math. In my defense I don't play the Awesome (because who does?) so I never noticed. The Centurion I should have caught, I think for some reason I was thinking it was 55 tons (there actually are weird 55 ton variants in the tabletop).
Regardless, that doesn't mean throwing the whole system out the window and making engine size limits arbitrary from one chassis to another is a good idea. At least before the system was rational and could be explained to somebody if they wanted to know. Now the system is:
"The rules for that are X, Y, and Z...except for this 'mech, and this 'mech, and this other one, just because, and soon probably a couple more..." and eventually every single chassis and variant has a different totally random max engine size you have no choice but to just memorize.
Also there are some lights that suffer from being limited to smaller engines than they should per the formula. Presumably they will fix this when they can raise the speed cap but until then they aren't following the rules either.
Posted 20 August 2013 - 10:09 AM
Omni 13, on 20 August 2013 - 09:15 AM, said:
Sure if you want to be "that guy" who always says, "it's beta!" for missing game features that never end up in the game even long after release.
Hellgate London: Hey guys, it's beta. The devs totally have an internal patch for day one that will fix the fact that you can't actually see people you are playing with.
FinalFantasyXIV: Hey guys, it's beta. The devs have TARGETTING OF ENEMIES sorted out in an internal patch for launch.
Aion: Hey guys, it's beta. The NA NCSoft team will totally fix the grindy nature of the game for launch.
Posted 20 August 2013 - 10:11 AM
Right ?
Just think about it...
Posted 20 August 2013 - 10:12 AM
C'mon, get over it. I would suggest to wait and patch and try it. No extra queue? who cares? This is a big advantage for new players and this game needs more players. We would have nothing if we don't find more people to play it. If that means 3pv then be it.
What do you lose? your immersion? PGI made the efforts to create a hovering drone behind you, i don't know any game that made that extra work to please there simulation fans. So get over it and lets play this game. And if it is suhc an advantage then use it too.
What i like is the streak buff, can't wait to test that and the LBX change sounds interesting.
Posted 20 August 2013 - 10:12 AM
mint frog, on 20 August 2013 - 10:00 AM, said:
So did Baldrick in Black Adder..
Don't worry my lord..I have a cunning plan...
We take a bear and cover it in feathers and call it a cockrel, It'll look so strange that none will bet on it, thats how we get odds of five thousand to one...
3PV a good idea..well..booking passage on the Titanic was probably considered a good idea...
and the Band played on..
Posted 20 August 2013 - 10:12 AM
Posted 20 August 2013 - 10:12 AM
Posted 20 August 2013 - 10:13 AM
Orion ji, on 20 August 2013 - 10:02 AM, said:
You're wrong (

Posted 20 August 2013 - 10:13 AM
I'll wrench on these in Smurfy later, but my initial impressions are:
a) Yipe these things are quick, and they do it with better brawling hardpoints than Trenchbuckets and the Centurion-D.
B) With a STD 300 or so they make scary-fast zombies, and a big XL turns them into lightning bruisers. Max engine, max armor, and they still have the ability to put 18 tons of payload wherever you want it.
I love knocking the ears off these things with my Jenner. Roll up behind them, get one ear by the time they figure out where I am, get the other while they lumber around looking for tone, leg him, run away laughing. /trollface
* Reduced LBX spread! Yay! It took the MWLL devs a while to figure this one out too, but it also worked. Here's hoping the same now. I still wonder if it's possible to implement a non-linear spread, where the cluster stays tight up to listed range but spreads rapidly after that. Well, consider it one for the suggestion box.
* Machine Gun stuff: Eh, whatever. Joke Weapon is still a joke. I still run 4 of them on my Cicada just to annoy people with RATATATATATATATATATATATATATAT~
* UAC jam: Woohoo! I said this a year ago.
* Streak damage: Woohoo!
* AC/2 cooldown: ...woohoo? I don't use AC/2s...
* Conquest loser resource reduction: ...does this actually make a difference?
* Hot stuff: Eh, whatever. Stay out of the frakkin' orange stuff.
Oh, I can hear the whining already. If I were to mail a Starbucks gift card to PGI, could someone see to it that it got used to keep the support guys caffeinated this week?
That said, forcing Arm Lock and disabling the Minimap (nobody cares about the lance HUD) are interesting choices. The camera drone is... well, we'll see.
And... F4? Really, PGI? There's ALREADY at least one "Alt+F4 lololo" comment per match, did you really need to make that worse?
Woohoo! I called this six months ago! This ought to make them the agile brawlers and Light hunters they ought to be. A Medium pilot worth the name should be able to play ring around the Fatlas almost as well as a Light, AND should be able to win a CoD with a Light. This helps that a lot.
Now shrink them all by about 10% and we'll be golden.
* Terra spawn bug: thank you.
* what collision?
* Stuck: Frozen next, please? I'm tired of JJing onto inescapable tarpit rooftops.
* Nav markers: Nice little QoL thing. What setting slider actually needs to be at med+ for these?
* Hot stuff redux: You get kicked into the
* Cockpit lights: Heh. Oh, these poor, abused little lights. Why ya gotta keep breakin' 'em, huh? What'd they ever do t'you, man?!
Edited by Straylight, 20 August 2013 - 10:14 AM.
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