Mista Whizzard, on 11 September 2013 - 02:39 AM, said:
Right... I'm going to level with you:
Who appointed me? No-one. My original idea was my original idea. It was supported by some at town hall #3. A small team backed me up and assisted me in getting the website up and running, and spreading the word amongst various communities.
As for troll food... part of me agrees with you. For 2 weeks now I have been constantly trolled in many media by people who do not support the event. I previously mentioned all of this earlier in the thread. As Shael indicated in his post, the effects of this have had their toll.
The reason I ordered the timer to be frozen was purely based on a shift in my own beliefs. This was possibly not the best use of the information that I had been provided, and certainly not the best reaction I could have had to it. I did not think of anyone else other than myself. I was wrong and I apologise.
To explain my shift in beliefs, previously I had been operating under the assumption that some of PGI's decisions were being forced upon them by their publishers, who are by design, only interested in the money.
A lot of us founders have been playing for a long time now, and natural burnout has caused many to leave and play other games for a time. Many who I know left, returned. They were not happy with the way things had changed, so they left again. I wanted to show that if PGI was to cater to this community by communicating with us like they did in the days of closed beta, we would prove ourselves capable of financing the game long-term. Communication was one gripe that I thought we could all easily agree on.
This logic was reasonable. #saveMWO claimed to have 5000 signatures, but some of them were on behalf of complete units. I know from the division within my own unit that a unit leader cannot really claim that everyone feels exactly the same I needed to make this claim measurable. I thought about how this could be done, and the idea of a sync drop formed. What PGI would see on their end is represented (quick and dirty) on a pic on page 10 (i think) of this thread.
The idea of asking individuals to sign up and disclose their expenditure on the game was to demonstrate the financial value of these people protesting for change. If I could show even half of the signatures #saveMWO had, with an average spend of $100 US for instance, that a quarter mil. how long have we been in open beta, and able to invest money in the game? Less than 12 months? That would be a lot of money. And we would be talking in a language that the publishers, by design, would understand. The idea was we could turn the data in the database over to the devs at the end of the event, and they could cross-reference any expenditure claims as they saw fit, hence the request to keep all of this information accurate.
Now although the numbers on the website are not where I want or need them to be, across the member base we are looking at an average spend of just under $250US. Given the number of players registered, (which is a bit like online-on-server numbers for MWO - kept hidden because the are currently under-performing) this is an impressive average, above my expectations really. However the number of registrations, seen in this scenario as potential 'whales' (to use a term commonly used in theoretical free-to-play models) is down. One of my fears through all of this has been that we would proove ourselves a minority through non-attendance, hence my constant push for unit leaders to contact as many people as possible so that they can make up their own mind on the matter - even if they haven't played or invested money since open beta began.
To discover the possibility that the servers would get shut down was a huge blow. Apart from the fact it would be both embarrassing and stressful, (as many would panic and go down the "we just crashed the server - thats illegal" road) this would prevent PGI from collecting the data I want them to see.
Then came the perspective shift; when I realised they don't want to know. This was a devastating thing for me on a personal level. The level of contemptuousness that Garth apparently expressed toward the people who had registered for the event shocked me. The fact it was presented as an idea "for shi*ts and giggles" was mockery. For the record: Fox did refuse. Kudos to him for that.
Believe me, at first - I didn't believe the first 'informant' - I thought someone was pulling the puppet strings. Then shortly I checked the UniteAndDrop email address, sorted thru the spam and bullsh*t and found not one, but two emails confirming the original informants testimony. One of these was anonymous, the other was signed.
In hindsight, I would have gone public with the information anyway. I just wish I had have done it more wisely. Their response to this is textbook damage control. Caught with their hand in the cookie jar, they have now stated that they will not shut the servers down - which is a positive thing I guess, but they have introduced doubt in your minds about wether or not it would've really happened. They have not however, denied the conversation took place, and they even gave me a pleasant pat on the back for sh*ts and giggles to detract from this.
It does serve to prove that we have their attention.
Honestly, I am fearful that we will not amount to a group large enough for PGI to respond to, but it has been pointed out to me time and time again that this is out of my hands. It always has been, and always will be.
My supporters this evening are right about another thing; If the event does not succeed, I will be able to hold my head high knowing I did everything I could.
So with that, I am informed that the timer is again ticking down for those who are willing to participate. I remind everyone that even if you cannot make the drop, you can still register on the site and have your investments documented. But I stress to people that if you are actively participating, you need to register on the site as well. Much of the information explained this evening should have been read between the lines of the mission statement. One piece of data is strengthened by the other, and vice-versa.
I stand by my previous statement; I dont want to care. I thought it would be easier just to walk away, but the undeniable fact is I still do - care.
And so, Mycrus. I do, sincerely apologise to you personally, and everyone else - for my poor form and miss-representation of the UniteAndDrop supporters. I have been under enormous stress, but I do not wish to be excused as such.
I just hope that I have turned your opinion around enough to have you join the event on saturday.
I will be there, dispite my faults. It would be remiss of me not to say thankyou for the many messages of support that I received throughout the day today, and encouragement to restart the timer.
hey russ... this is how you make an appology, this guy got the clock running again. now will the 3pv be seperate queues for pugs who shouldn't ever have to play against 3pv players like you guys said? This is why i'm doing the drop. Because a concerned supportor in his amerture off hours efforts has succeded in ways already that IGP/PGI "profesionals" have failed.
words and actions is what we're for, for quality we were told was coming but still hangs as dreams and prophicies amongst the heads of the company. At least UnD will have set out what it had to do and will be doing it. Even if it doesn't achive the milestones it will be greater than what so many have been paying pgi to do. a goal reached instead of an empty launch. of all the times i want to be proven wrong this is it. launch or bust, we hope the message finally gets through to you IGP/PGI