Posted 25 June 2015 - 05:45 PM
Posted 26 June 2015 - 01:06 AM
Got sidetracked by having to go outside and do some chores and get exposed to Hellishly hot heat and well, didn't feel like doing anything afterwards.... You actually saw that pic of the Thunder?
Posted 26 June 2015 - 06:23 AM
That's cool, I forgot Thom had a daughter. Sorry, I actually thought I *had* replied to this, didn't realise Jack had just left you hanging.
Pop by the Skype, Gamma says he's caught up and ready to post
Posted 26 June 2015 - 07:55 AM
Posted 27 June 2015 - 07:40 PM
Posted 15 May 2016 - 02:00 PM
Thom Frankfurt, on 19 April 2015 - 09:42 PM, said:
1. Steel Lady, Jagermech
2. Lady Star-Struck, Catapult
3. Marauder 3R FRR pilot
4. Archer 2k versionFRR pilot
5. Orion On1-K Gun Runner pilot from FWL
6. Dragon DRG-1N FRR pilot
7. Anvil Warhammer
8. Ostroc OSTII FRR Pilot
9. Crusader 3K versionFRR pilot
10. T-bolt TDR-5SFRR pilot
11. Grasshopper GHR-5H Liao pilot
12. Catapult. CPLT-1C Davion pilot
Edited. Use those versions for your data, unless you have something else in mind.
Posted 15 May 2016 - 02:02 PM
Posted 15 May 2016 - 02:46 PM
Posted 15 May 2016 - 06:33 PM
Shall batter one out myself I think.
EDIT: Actually, thinking about it I don't have more than a couple lines to add right here. Anyone who'd like to could fill them in?
Jack continues to glower and watch the clock, but agrees to the refused flank Thom suggests. He's still white knuckling the coffee, responding in short sharp sentences. It's obvious he thinks it's a good plan, but he's got his mind elsewhere.
Edited by RogueSpear, 15 May 2016 - 06:35 PM.
Posted 16 May 2016 - 02:39 AM
Posted 16 May 2016 - 06:47 AM
Also, Jack would be reluctant to start off by showing his flak trick. So if we do this, he's gonna need to get Rick and Dan to replace the first thirty or so rounds with blanks.
Posted 04 June 2016 - 09:39 PM
I was thinking of just doing it clockwise around the map, it'd group D&J close together to offer support/sych everyone as they make a beeline towards the forementioned corner of the map, but they'd have to cross the majority of the map in that case. That said, it'd put Bertie really close to the railcar/junk maze.
Of course we could always fluff it up that Randy greases some palms to get our starting locations changed, or even have it billed as Rainbow versus everyone.
IDK, thoughts?
Posted 04 June 2016 - 10:28 PM
As for start locations, I'm fine either way. Did we have a map of the level? Sounds like you have it pretty concrete

Apologies for my own lack of reply to the IC thread, I'm trying to throw together the motivation and effort to do a university project. It's a game I've wanted to build for a while, but I'm suddenly doing it solo and found out last week that a bigger + better version of the exact game I'm building has just been greenlit on steam and the drive to do it just completely crashed

Posted 05 June 2016 - 06:11 AM
Call sign: Medvedev
Date of Birth/Age: December 19th, 2989.
Current Mech: GLD-5R
House Affiliation: None, Mercenary. (A slight soft spot for the Duchy of Oriente)
Notable Equipment:
History: From a military and relatively unknown family hailing from Fletcher under the Duchy of Oriente, Hallison has always been sort of just a really smart thug, his father wasn't a terribly kind or sober man and his wife was often missing from the household, mainly due to her duties as an instructor at Humphreys Training Academy.
Hallison loved history as a child, and as a teenager he had a very nerdy softspot for it, but an even bigger one for mechs and mechwarriors, he followed his mother wherever he could but she didn't allow him to tag along to Humphrey's often, when he did, he'd often record the training sessions from the viewing lounge via noteputer, and obsessively watch those recordings over and over again, pouring over the mistakes and outcomes of each battle like a true fanatic.
Though his father, an infantryman in the service of the 29th Berenson Infantry Division didn't like his son's attraction to Mechs or Mechwarriors, he fostered the boy's and later teen's obsession by allowing him, (and secretly hoping he'd fail) to take a recruiters skull cap test. When Hallison, aged fifteen made the little mech walk through the neurohelmet and control sticks, his mother suddenly took a much more active role in his parenting.
He attended Aitutaki Academy and initially not having a strong political drive to begin with, slowly developed an anti-Marik sentiment from his rough schooling there, at twenty he graduated and was fielded into the Fourth Marik Militia, which he agreed with ideologically a great deal more.
Hallison spent ten years in the 'Fearsome Fourth', his probationary was a medium, but he adapted much better to a ON1-VA Orion, he was a pretty talented pilot and known for rallying men above rank and bellow when the going got tough, but he was better known for keeping his lance alive through tip-of-the-spear frontline breaking tactics. He earned a reputation among the soldiers and personnel for brutality in his later years, where a trained eye might have noticed his UAC-5 drifting more for the cockpit then anywhere else. He left the military seven months into his eleventh year after some inner personal turmoil to join Moore's Bandits (now finally coming into competency), which he spent three years with, after a dispute with a member he departed the company to live in the periphery for a year, devolving into more and more of an all-around scumbag, and spending about all of his savings on ****** and liquor before joining up with Bannockburn's Bandits some months later.
He highly impressed Major Arnold Leslie in their defense of a factory cluster for the Taurian Concordat during his 3 month testing tenure (even though he was drunk at the time) and was fielded into Leslie's Lancers, made the resident heavy pilot of one of the two ON1-VA, which he luckily had a great deal of experience with.
He had a falling out with the Lancers after five years of service and found himself drifting, having saved a large amount of money, (but not enough to purchase anything fresh) he settled on Rajkot, a neighbor of the highly industrious Son-Hoa, where he found, and very slowly restored a once regal Draconis Gladiator. Between copious amounts of drinking, stimulants, and cheap prostitutes that is.
Since then he's been pulling freelance work for whoever was desperate enough, good, reliable talent at a low price, he's recently had the longest streak of bad luck, a combination of vibro-mines, traps, and funk have left him in the red, and his once pretty Gladiator is a lot more then worse for the wear, and instead of getting it repaired Hallison has been decaying in a hotel room on Solaris, getting into fights, frequenting middling to lower class whorehouses, and purchasing excessive amounts of alcohol. He's stopped smoking though, and it almost looks like he'll quit.
Physical Description: Pale green eyes, around average height, balding, (though he shaves his head all the way so even he is clueless to this fact) with thick facial hair and two scars over the left of his mouth and lips, another long heat-burn scar horizontal across the back of his neck. He's somewhat fit, but hasn't had the money or time to spend working out like he used to, so he's slimming down a bit.
Often wears a leather bomber jacket embossed with 'FEARSOME FOURTH' across the back, and the simplistic icon of a mech crushing a tank underfoot on the left breast pocket, a collection of operation pins hang from the right pocket, peppered in are some fake ones, most are just really bad, perverted jokes. Along with this he usually wears a baseball cap, some root for long dead sports teams, others attempt to evoke FWL pride.
Open Background: He had several impressive performances through his ten years in the FWL's 4th, although he also had several disciplinary motions made against him for infighting, and once for smashing a dinner tray over the head of a commanding officer, though this was directly before defenses were drawn against a major oncoming assault so the details of this report are sparse.
There's probably footage out there somewhere of his golden Orion breaking a Magistracy of Canopus charge by smashing the heavy laser into the cockpit of an advancing Shadow Hawk, then firing it, it might have even been used in a commercial once, but if it has he sure doesn't know about it, nor would it be attributed to him.
It's pretty obvious he's got a massive ego from the paintjob of his mechs, which he insists are painted a flashy, reflective gold. This color hasn't always been the best decision, but Hallison is a combination too stubborn and too stupid to get it changed.
Deep Background:
He's pretty sure he accidentally mortally wounded an upperclassmen during his first Jucio por Combate in Aitutaki but once they were carted away he never heard of it again. He's also never contacted his family once he left the 4th and is pretty sure both his parents died a few years back, but never had the courage to find out. He also didn't really care.
He's almost certain he has a child with a regular fling he had in Leslie's Lancers but again, he's never bothered to find out, his personal life is the exact opposite of his piloting skills.
He once participated in a raid on a civilian convoy during his time in Moore's Bandits, and is almost certain he vaporized a good deal of the escaping non-coms on accident.
Hallison is descended from reconstruction SLDF personnel, and is highly proud of it, but sure as hell never intends to tell anyone lest they return from their sojourn, since he believes his loyalty should lie with them, since they had humanity's well being in mind unlike anyone else.
His middle name.
(I might edit this more once I've slept, we'll see.)
(Edited to reflect the generally sour, increasingly dishonorable personality of Hallison as he ages.)
Edited by DNI Operator, 05 June 2016 - 02:51 PM.
Posted 05 June 2016 - 07:56 AM
Posted 05 June 2016 - 02:34 PM
RogueSpear, on 05 June 2016 - 07:56 AM, said:
My character isn't a famous warhero nor does it say anywhere that he's a famous warhero, infact I made it pretty obvious he's relatively unknown, his few impressive moments in the FWL military is valid for the fact that pretty much everyone in the 4th at the time were veteran pilots, his impressive moments were impressive for soldiers of the FWL and his fellow Mechwarriors. I didn't specify on purpose, since I assumed it went without saying to learn about the military history of a character you'd have to deliberately look through records to find that sort of stuff out.
Also, his 'footage' isn't something that would be attributed to him, since Leslie's Lancers weren't exactly famous outside the Taurian Concordat, if it was used in a commercial it was used to promote the versatility of the Orion, a battlemech pretty much every house has used, and has been repeatedly upgraded for it's reliability.
Also, an abandoned gladiator three planets from a gladiator factory isn't exactly lostech, it's just misfortune for whoever used to own it.
Mind, I'm up to changing the gladiator to some down-and-out Draconis soldier merely selling it to him, I'm up for removing the orion commercial bit, I'm up for removing a lot of things, but the character, Hallison, a generally depressed, mellow, scumbag looking and scumbag smelling, chain-smoking drunkard with a perverse, nigh repulsive sense of humor is not a famous war hero, sorry. If he was I'd fear for his fans lives.
Also, I wasn't aware that having a character who venerated people who could technically be called heroes (by some Terran folk anyway), in secret no less, equated him instantly signing on with them whenever they showed up as an ideologically completely different/separate entity.
Also, sorry if this sounds harsh, whole family is aberdeenshireshits and this is sorta just how we deal, also-- you assumed a lot about the character and how they'd react to certain things and assumptions always rub me the wrong way.
Edited by DNI Operator, 05 June 2016 - 05:06 PM.
Posted 05 June 2016 - 02:52 PM

Well, apart from Ace Darwin maybe, he was a champ.
Edited by The True Space Pope, 05 June 2016 - 02:52 PM.
Posted 05 June 2016 - 03:10 PM
The True Space Pope, on 05 June 2016 - 02:52 PM, said:

Well, apart from Ace Darwin maybe, he was a champ.
Hey man putting the shattered terra back together is pretty hero-y. Though it's not like those SLDF guys woulda done it without Kerensky telling them. But yeah, Hallison has a bias for the SLDF, not the clans and were he to know of the clans the difference would be pretty distinct to him.
Also anyone who pilots a pink panther must be some sorta devilman. Though his unit and the unconventional way he managed it was rad AF I'll give you that.
Edited by DNI Operator, 05 June 2016 - 03:16 PM.
Posted 05 June 2016 - 03:20 PM
A lot of fancy ideological propaganda though from all corners ("the way to hell is paved with good intentions" always felt like a great BT summary).

The Pink Panther was great, too bad FASA focused on more boring characters (*cough* Davions/Kells/Space Fascists *cough*).
Edited by The True Space Pope, 05 June 2016 - 03:23 PM.
Posted 05 June 2016 - 03:34 PM
The True Space Pope, on 05 June 2016 - 03:20 PM, said:
A lot of fancy ideological propaganda though from all corners ("the way to hell is paved with good intentions" always felt like a great BT summary).

The Pink Panther was great, too bad FASA focused on more boring characters (*cough* Davions/Kells/Space Fascists *cough*).
Hey if you're descended from SLDF personnel all you see is JUST HOW GOOD AND KIND AND GREAT they are. Hallison is jaded but his one ideological blind spot starts and ends with the SLDF. But yeah, also reading about events that happened around 300ish years ago through a filter of journal, diary, historical record and the like, usually makes out events to be much more sugar-coated then they actually are. Hallison never really questioned any of the more nefarious bits regarding the SLDF, since he idolized them, and fans usually don't point out flaws with the object of their obsession.
But yeah, in BT I like to just assume that every faction no matter how small-- is composed of dudes, humans, that's basically battletech, while each faction has ideologies they strive to uphold, and all that goodly ****, the bigger they are, the more likely they've got some bad juju in their quest to achieve such greatness, that's just how humanity do.
Blake did a good job of being relatively peaceful on his /own/ though. I mean, before WoB. (Even if he did lie, A LOT).
Edited by DNI Operator, 05 June 2016 - 03:38 PM.
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