Pras Atreides, on 23 August 2013 - 03:34 PM, said:
But there's a timer, if the time is out then the winner is the team who make more damage to enemy. Or the game program can detect that if the left mechs has no weapon any more the game is over and the winner is the team who make more damage to the enemy.
simple right?
gavilatius, on 23 August 2013 - 05:23 PM, said:
then if that happens when the timer runs out that light LOSES, no DRAW and his mech worth gets divided up as salvage.
Well they can call the game lame mode while you wait ten minutes doing nothing but running around if it happens. zzz Don't you even get slightly disappointed when the last mech hides powers down?
Taynak, on 23 August 2013 - 05:27 PM, said:
Im sorry... i can't think of a single match where i have seen a mech on both sides left with no weapons... they would have to have shot eachother at the same time and have destroyed eachothers weapons at the same time... this is not impossible but far beyond unlikely...
I've never seen it but you should code for all eventuality unless you're a halfwit programmer. *If* it happened it would be a lame wait.
Further more deciding a winner by some arbitrary scoring system is simply put an unfair scoring system. Damage for example, a more skilful player puts out less damage to kill someone and you'd simply reward the team with the worst gunners.
A deathmatch mode in an arena would be good for this though. I was basing my thoughts on current maps. This would work in the arena... which IS coming according to roadmap.
Edited by Bendak, 25 August 2013 - 01:52 PM.