Almond Brown, on 17 September 2013 - 09:56 AM, said:
Not sure of how many Players MWO has on the servers, but NO Poll on here will ever get enough Votes, one way or the other, to make a real difference. To many players who are playing are just playing and could give a rats arse about Polls about whatever. They just play.
BTW. If you missed it. Today's Patch makes this Poll moot anyways. If anyone does not like mixed 3PV, they can now play in the 3PV Free 12 v 12 queue. That should solve the 3PV Hater's issue right?
I got money that says it turns out just like the 8 v 8 scenario. Lets see how many flock over there, and then stay, after they find out that "ROTFStomping" ain't so easy when Teams actually fight. LOL!
They will all soon decide that 3PV ain't so bad after all, when all you can handle is ROTFSTOMP'ing PUGS and think your good doing so.
Almond, I would have to disagree with your first portion of the comment. I think this poll did help, if only to let PGI know what the people wanted to see, even if everyone didn't vote on this poll. It allowed PGI to get a sample vote of what people in general wanted to see, and I did my best to make this poll as fair and unbiased as possible so that they could not dismiss this poll as being such.
As for today's patch, it certainly is a step in the right direction. It's still not what some of us wanted, but it's step in the right direction for people who want to play competitive 12 vs 12 man teams to play ONLY in a 1PV environment, and I would like to thank PGI for doing that.
I'm glad I made this poll, because at least I can say I tried to help the community. I don't know if my poll helped PGI, but I love MechWarrior and BattleTech, and I hope that PGI did listen to us and this poll helped influence them into making the best decision possible for both them and the community at large.