Server Downtime - Aug 27Th - Quick
Posted 27 August 2013 - 01:20 PM
IF you BUY prem time, you get a 50% bonus...well that means 250k a match maybe once in 4 drops? Again, this is ONLY taking into account the TOP 2 players on the WINNING team. One of those 4 is for sure a loss with under 100k payout on premtime, but because we are the top player on the losing team and it wasn't a total skunk.. 40k. the other two are wins because I am that good and i get lucky with my pug team having half a clue as to how to play, 150k@.
250k+40K+150k+150k= 590K for a little under an hour of play for the BEST 4 players (2 each side) in the matches.
That is 3 wins 1 loss ratio...
If you are not in the top 2 of your 12 well, A' Grinding you shall go.
Posted 27 August 2013 - 01:22 PM
Rhaythe, on 27 August 2013 - 11:12 AM, said:
I said I disagreed. As I was called out earlier, I am not a clan gamer. So what's the point of me addressing those points?
In my opinion, PGI is catering to the larger audience of gamers interested in a free-to-play game, not the hardcore tournament players that represent a very minor percentage of its population. So speaking as someone who plays a few hours a day after his toddler goes to bed, I see nothing that has unbalanced the game whatsoever.
If you want me to continue to make spitballed comments about clan play that makes you roll your eyes, I can do so.
I'm, like you, not a clangamer but I simply hate 3PV and don't want to play with people who use it, the game is much more challenging and fun looking through my cockpit window. By the way it's not clangamer (1PV) vs. PUG (3PV), why do you think so?
So where's the problem, I want to play with likeminded people in a 1PV-only mode, as you and PGI phrase it we are a "minority" (even if more people are playing my way than 3PV atm, wait what...?). So let us wait for 5 minutes to start a match, you the "majority" can drop into a game in seconds even without us, so no problem for you... You got what you wanted 3PV, now we want to have our (promised) mode, easy as that, we are not demanding it from you but from PGI and we are arguing with them! Is there a special reason you don't want us to have it?
Scouting past and present....

Edited by Kottlewski, 27 August 2013 - 01:23 PM.
Posted 27 August 2013 - 01:31 PM
Kottlewski, on 27 August 2013 - 01:22 PM, said:
I'm, like you, not a clangamer but I simply hate 3PV and don't want to play with people who use it, the game is much more challenging and fun looking through my cockpit window. By the way it's not clangamer (1PV) vs. PUG (3PV), why do you think so?
So where's the problem, I want to play with likeminded people in a 1PV-only mode, as you and PGI phrase it we are a "minority" (even if more people are playing my way than 3PV atm, wait what...?). So let us wait for 5 minutes to start a match, you the "majority" can drop into a game in seconds even without us, so no problem for you... You got what you wanted 3PV, now we want to have our (promised) mode, easy as that, we are not demanding it from you but from PGI and we are arguing with them! Is there a special reason you don't want us to have it
I said nothing like that. I don't use 3pv either. Stop injecting your opinion into my quotes.
Posted 27 August 2013 - 01:43 PM
FuzzyLog1c, on 27 August 2013 - 01:03 PM, said:
Try 7 kills and 4 assists (11/12 mechs) in a Jenner. 133k C-bills. I'll need another 38-40 matches like that to earn the XL engine for this mech. And I need two more XL engines for the other Jenners. That's effing discouraging.
The rate of earnings is so frustrating that, rather than encouraging Premium Time, I prefer to not play.

You could just buy one engine, and move it around.... Just saying...
Posted 27 August 2013 - 01:49 PM
Slopey, on 27 August 2013 - 10:28 AM, said:
Don't play any competitive clan based 12v12's do you. It's not about target locks or shooting or the mini-map, it's about INFORMATION.
We've given up for now and have dropped out of tourneys due to the 3PV reducing it to MechAssault, coupled with HSR and Ghost heat.
Don't try to explain this to the grognards. its pointless
Posted 28 August 2013 - 02:27 AM
Rhaythe, on 27 August 2013 - 01:31 PM, said:
Sorry but as a non native speaker I've read your posts/statements as following, again sorry if I misunderstood you:
- Competitive players are a minority and they should not matter for PGIs future decisions, because of the masses who are not...
My question was what makes you believe that only competitive players want 1PV only modes, I don't play in groups and I want the promised 1PV only mode, am I the only one, I don't think so? Again, why is nobody using that mode including you?
- You say that it does not give much of an advantage...
And some people say there are real advantages but you won't discuss those with them. I don't have to look around so much in 3PV on my widescreen setup because of the small FOV in a Commando this takes away immersion and danger.
The difference is not nearly that drastic in my Hunch SP, so I think new players (with 3PV as default) are not going to like mechs with small windows because of this...
- If PGI does something you don't like don't fill the forums with your "opinions", QQ etc. because I don't have problems with that something...
I'd like to see what you do when you disagree with something...
Posted 29 August 2013 - 08:24 AM
FuzzyLog1c, on 27 August 2013 - 01:03 PM, said:
Try 7 kills and 4 assists (11/12 mechs) in a Jenner. 133k C-bills. I'll need another 38-40 matches like that to earn the XL engine for this mech. And I need two more XL engines for the other Jenners. That's effing discouraging.
The rate of earnings is so frustrating that, rather than encouraging Premium Time, I prefer to not play.

You're not the only person feeling the grind! Grinding is an emotional response many astute mechwarriors feel when they are not progressing or achievement something significant when playing MWO.
I don't know where PGI is getting their metrics from.. The cbill grind is 1/3 or less from what it was at the start of open beta.. The cbill earnings were then nerfed on several occasions and the community didn't make a fuss about it.. Now you make about 1/2 of what the cbill earnings were a month ago...
Massive changes to cbill earnings.

Something is way off with their math probably because 1) they assume when you loose, the game is close - which in my experience, when you loose, you often loose quickly and earn next to no cbills and 2) when you win, it assumes you have lots of assists etc which in my experience, it's extremely difficult to get lots of assists and kills..
In particular, saviour kills give you the most cbills and xp but the problem is that with 12v12 you're often spread out and don't participate in a huge battle.. thus the game is broken up into 4v4 skirmishes.. once 2-4 mechs are gone from your team, the result is usually a steamroll in favour of the winning skirmish team...
All to say, you don't earn anything close to before... these cbill seal puppies have been clobbered!

Greed is bad and it's evident to many astute, observant mechwarriors. Launch is a couple weeks away - when the internet community gets a hold of this and the smart journalists catch on to this greedy cheese - I predict a lot of negative press... and it might be the death toll for our beloved game.

"Be smart, be thoughtful and be generous." - Ashton Kutcher at the recent TCA 2013:
Edited by MavRCK, 29 August 2013 - 08:26 AM.
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