InnerSphereNews, on 27 August 2013 - 01:17 PM, said:
September Creative Developer Update
Some economic math from our telemetry data:
- Average match time is 8.4 minutes.
- Average CB/match is 79,069
- Average CB/hour is 564,778
if you only have 1 BattleMech to use.
- New players can earn 7,981,686
in cadet bonuses during their first 3.5 hours in addition to between 1-3 million
in regular game earnings.
If players so wish, they can even increase C-Bill earnings substantially by exiting matches if they are destroyed early, and jumping into a new one.
Bryan Ekman
Ok, i will say i found the rest of the post amusing err to say the least. Anyway i will only comment on 2 points, hoping you see it as legit feedback for the communication.
Your answer is wrong in the economic math, your calculations are correct, when i ran them throu the calculator we got same numbers. If your economy is going to be corect with those numbers, then you need to add variables to get the correct answer.
Target demographic for any large game, and your stated demographic, is the casual player. Lets look at stated player DEMO(graphic), has a set number of hours available a day. Lets for a variable say 150 minutes (2.5 hrs seem reasonable?). So DEMO fires up MWO, maybe even TS, the 150 minutes have started, so check out your mech, maybe chat to mates blah blah blah time ticking down, launch, matchmaker time drop. Out of game chat?, mechlab?? see what im getting at.
During that 150 mins play time DEMO is probably go P, Drink, pat his ***** or putch maybe even the wife, eat... again you see where im going..
So how long is DEMO in actual drops?, im sure you can get figures, but it wont be 150 mins. So when you say a week/ month thats Drop time not gaming time. So to DEMO its not a week its 10 days, month is 6 weeks.
Beware of bot/farming opportunities in your game, having or condoning a system where this can happen is not a good thing.
Edited by N0MAD, 28 August 2013 - 07:21 AM.