From what I read "If your Mech is destroyed.., you can jump out of that match and into a new one right away – potentially doubling your C-Bills to 1.2 million per hour! "
This (to me) implies that there is no lose (penalty) of exp or C-bill from an early exit in the game (leaving before it is over). It that true? I was under the impression that if you left early you would not get any extra exp/c-bill from further kill assists and the like.
Please clarify

C-Bills And Early Exit
Started by SnowdogJJJ, Aug 28 2013 06:34 AM
8 replies to this topic
Posted 28 August 2013 - 06:34 AM
Posted 28 August 2013 - 06:38 AM
Oh it's true you won't get credit for assists that happen after your death if you quit. But what the "Dev" was trying to say was that if you die early you won't likely get too many assists anyway, so quit and start over. Of course, this flies in the face of the only way the community has to teach new players since the "Dev" hasn't put a tutorial in for over a year... Also encourages behavior that in the past they said was inappropriate, ie running in and dying quick then re-launching to farm c-bills... Well, yeah, it's a poor way to earn c-bills in the opinion of most of the community.
Posted 28 August 2013 - 07:02 AM
I do not believe that you are credited for kill assists if you leave prior to the destruction of the 'Mech you have damaged. That's 6,500 CBills each (Assault). If you've only hit one or two 'Mechs it's not likely to make a big difference. If you've hit 10-11, then you've probably gone through most of the game anyway - and 65,000 CBills is worth having.
For me in was an odd thing to put into the creative director's post. Watching other pilots in spectator mode helps people learn about different loadouts and they can form opinions of good/bad piloting decisions that other people are making. I would give players a Mech XP bonus for spectating all the way through to the end.
I completely understand quitting early and I have done so on large maps when I have been headshot early whilst having limited impact on the game. There's nothing inherently wrong with it. However to encourage it as a farming technique, when the CBill rewards for kill assists is quite high, is.. as I say... a bit odd. Perhaps he wants to encourage a quicker re-cycling of pilots back into the "ready" pool to help the match-maker?
For me in was an odd thing to put into the creative director's post. Watching other pilots in spectator mode helps people learn about different loadouts and they can form opinions of good/bad piloting decisions that other people are making. I would give players a Mech XP bonus for spectating all the way through to the end.
I completely understand quitting early and I have done so on large maps when I have been headshot early whilst having limited impact on the game. There's nothing inherently wrong with it. However to encourage it as a farming technique, when the CBill rewards for kill assists is quite high, is.. as I say... a bit odd. Perhaps he wants to encourage a quicker re-cycling of pilots back into the "ready" pool to help the match-maker?
Posted 28 August 2013 - 07:10 AM
Whether or not you get assist rewards after exiting is difficult to test. Next time we have a Public Test Server day we should get a posse together and explicitly test this function.
Whether or not you get the assist reward, joining a new match if you die early will almost certainly lead to higher c-bill-per-hour. If you died early enough, you wouldn't have earned much for that first match anyway and you're better off moving forward.
Whether or not you get the assist reward, joining a new match if you die early will almost certainly lead to higher c-bill-per-hour. If you died early enough, you wouldn't have earned much for that first match anyway and you're better off moving forward.
Posted 28 August 2013 - 07:31 AM
Redshift2k5, on 28 August 2013 - 07:10 AM, said:
Whether or not you get assist rewards after exiting is difficult to test. Next time we have a Public Test Server day we should get a posse together and explicitly test this function.
Whether or not you get the assist reward, joining a new match if you die early will almost certainly lead to higher c-bill-per-hour. If you died early enough, you wouldn't have earned much for that first match anyway and you're better off moving forward.
Whether or not you get the assist reward, joining a new match if you die early will almost certainly lead to higher c-bill-per-hour. If you died early enough, you wouldn't have earned much for that first match anyway and you're better off moving forward.
I've been re-reading the threads in question trying to come up with a clear answer.
Hopelessly muddled...
I can read it both ways.
Damage 4 mechs and die before they do... quit... all 4 enemies not earn the assists
Damage 4 mechs and die before they do... quit... all 4 enemies earn the assists
Pointedly, this only affects assists. Everything else is earned instantly or requires living through the game (base cap)
For about the 10th time I really do wish some DEV would actually look at the code and write an answer along the lines of...
I just read the code and this is the exact precise list of what happens!
Posted 28 August 2013 - 08:06 AM
scJazz, on 28 August 2013 - 07:31 AM, said:
I've been re-reading the threads in question trying to come up with a clear answer.
Hopelessly muddled...
I can read it both ways.
Damage 4 mechs and die before they do... quit... all 4 enemies not earn the assists
Damage 4 mechs and die before they do... quit... all 4 enemies earn the assists
Pointedly, this only affects assists. Everything else is earned instantly or requires living through the game (base cap)
For about the 10th time I really do wish some DEV would actually look at the code and write an answer along the lines of...
I just read the code and this is the exact precise list of what happens!
Hopelessly muddled...
I can read it both ways.
Damage 4 mechs and die before they do... quit... all 4 enemies not earn the assists
Damage 4 mechs and die before they do... quit... all 4 enemies earn the assists
Pointedly, this only affects assists. Everything else is earned instantly or requires living through the game (base cap)
For about the 10th time I really do wish some DEV would actually look at the code and write an answer along the lines of...
I just read the code and this is the exact precise list of what happens!
Yeah, they answer it repeatedly but generally misread the question first and answer about quitting while still alive. It's very unclear.
However, it's clearly SUPPOSED to be that you gain full rewards when quitting early if you've died but if you disconnect while alive, that's where

However, how it's supposed to be is irrelevant, such systems are very often buggy. Until such a time as we can conclusively test this, it's an unknown.
Posted 28 August 2013 - 08:16 AM
Well, it will lead to really bad behavior, when the game goes live. I will give you the method in which that will occur:
1) Download a item called Sikuli scripting
2) Code it to continue to press R and check screen screen for a red triangle with square boxes
3) Delay 30 second then run the mech forward for a few seconds
4) have mech continue to try and detect any incoming hits
5) turn mech to face direction of incoming hit and track targeting retacle under triange by 100 pixels.
6) continue to fire weapons until destroyed
7) leave match and reenter another one
Method of using it:
1) Start script
2) Goto movie
1) Download a item called Sikuli scripting
2) Code it to continue to press R and check screen screen for a red triangle with square boxes
3) Delay 30 second then run the mech forward for a few seconds
4) have mech continue to try and detect any incoming hits
5) turn mech to face direction of incoming hit and track targeting retacle under triange by 100 pixels.
6) continue to fire weapons until destroyed
7) leave match and reenter another one
Method of using it:
1) Start script
2) Goto movie
Posted 28 August 2013 - 08:23 AM
Which is botting and a sure way to get your account banned.
Sure, you can run a more clever system (to not turn directly towards foes and such) but you'll still run into the same thing.
Regardless, you're attributing this to a feature that has no relation to it. Leaving matches early doesn't impact this at all - you make money a bit faster, but you could do this regardless. If someone was going to do this, they could do it without leaving matches early too.
Regardless, the system as is has worked more or less like this since the start of open beta (barring more penalties for disconnecting while alive).
Sure, you can run a more clever system (to not turn directly towards foes and such) but you'll still run into the same thing.
Regardless, you're attributing this to a feature that has no relation to it. Leaving matches early doesn't impact this at all - you make money a bit faster, but you could do this regardless. If someone was going to do this, they could do it without leaving matches early too.
Regardless, the system as is has worked more or less like this since the start of open beta (barring more penalties for disconnecting while alive).
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