I deleted my vote. This poll is a bait-and-switch compromise.
Still not learning good PR yet, PGI. Keep trying.
Some quick tips based on experience as an accounts manager:
1. Don't try to trick your customer, they're not idiots.
2. Don't belittle your customer, they're not children.
3. Keep your customer informed with details, give them hope and they'll be excited and appreciative.
4. Deliver on promises within time or with fair notice, or else trust is broken.
5. Listen to customer feedback and then respond, they will pay you lots of money.
6. Form a good relationship with your customer, they will tell their friends all about you.
I'll go on. If the "core community" named by Bryan is considered a single customer, than in my experience they are well into an emergency state. Good customer management never permits such dissatisfaction to persist. Damage control measures are required before a point of no return is reached. If this is out of the hands of Bryan, Paul, and Russ, then there are deeper problems at play.
Perhaps words like "contempt" and "lie" go too far, but in a setting of good customer relations, such words are rare noise rather than common! Something to think about.
On the other hand, if the "core community" customer were unimportant compared to a bigger, richer customer, then everything experienced to date becomes explainable.
"Now is the winter of our discontent..."
Edited by Haitchpeasauce, 28 August 2013 - 08:28 PM.