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Poll - Limit 12 V 12 Pre-Made Group Matches To 1Pv Only

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Poll: Poll - Limit 12 V 12 Pre-Made Group Matches To 1Pv Only (1092 member(s) have cast votes)

Should 12 v 12 pre-made group matches be limited to 1PV (First Person) view mode only?

  1. Yes (983 votes [91.53%])

    Percentage of vote: 91.53%

  2. No (91 votes [8.47%])

    Percentage of vote: 8.47%


#581 Joker Two


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Posted 28 August 2013 - 08:00 PM

Of the two options you have given, yes, I would prefer to have 12v12 be 1pv only.

However, I feel this poll is intentionally limited, as it makes no mention of separate queues for random team matches in 1st, 3rd, and mixed, as had been suggested and stated by the dev team. I feel that although this feature would be helpful, it hides the real issue, which is that many, many players want all queues to be 1pv only, or at least have the option to play such.

How about try implementing the hardcore modes already included in the patch. Run them for a week like we've run this setup for a week, see how many people use them.

Edited by Joker Two, 28 August 2013 - 08:03 PM.

#582 Viper69


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Posted 28 August 2013 - 08:00 PM

These guys at PGI are truly amazing.

Bryan why would you not heed a poll that grossed more than 1500 players saying no to 3pv yet you dip into the same pool you dismissed to get results for your biased poll. You sir are lower than low.

#583 Wolfways


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Posted 28 August 2013 - 08:02 PM

View Postsoarra, on 28 August 2013 - 07:57 PM, said:

Voted and added to sig

Same here ;)

#584 SweetWarmIce


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Posted 28 August 2013 - 08:04 PM

It would be a start.

#585 Killashnikov


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Posted 28 August 2013 - 08:05 PM

They are NOT going to let you run a less restricted poll. Poor form PGI. You are undoing all the good will this thread may generate. All a returning player has to do is see the censorship in action and they will leave in disgust. Indeed it is driving me away from your olive branch. VERY DISSAPPOINTED! Though I shouldn't be - it seems in character with most other decisions this month...

#586 Granimal


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Posted 28 August 2013 - 08:07 PM

That new poll was gone quick?!?! This is a no win situation for the playerbase. The quick and easy way to solve this PGI is to give us separate q's and we will see how it turns out. Let the modes stand on their own merit. If you do that your playerbase will grow because you covered your bases and people might start coming back I know I will. A lot of the time I want to play with a few friends not try and raise a 12 man. please for the love of (insert Deity) please just give us a separate q for first and 3rd view please.

#587 Pendraco


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Posted 28 August 2013 - 08:07 PM

Come on guys! Lets give'em a chance! (again)....They seem to be extending an olive branch......with a big fat sexay carrot on the end of it (sexay). I swear if they screw this up I will make "The Garth" carry me through the rest of the Murky MWO development waters..

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PS: I swear that is not an actual threat..No need to call the mounties...er, or what ever you guy's call them..lol

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#588 repete


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Posted 28 August 2013 - 08:07 PM

View PostStandingCow, on 28 August 2013 - 06:06 PM, said:

I found that interesting... they ignore us and our polls and call us the silent minority... yet they start a poll and ask what we think?

That's why it's a biased poll. Biased for the options available, and bias in their selection/citation of it while ignoring real polls.

#589 clee


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Posted 28 August 2013 - 08:10 PM

So how would that work once we can get groups of arbitrary size? When the tonnage limit is in place and we can make groups of 5-11 people, what rules would apply?

Will a 10 or 11 man group be mixed views, or 1PV only, for instance?

#590 Salient


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Posted 28 August 2013 - 08:12 PM

View PostViper69, on 28 August 2013 - 07:22 PM, said:

The only correct vote is not to vote. People who vote yes doom the rest of us to not having a choice. Am I the only person who sees this because over 200 people are too dense to understand that the poll is completely biased.

They posted this up on the mwo subreddit, so i think youre getting a lot of people voting that really shouldn't be, and aren't even looking at what the poll says.

#591 Haitchpeasauce


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Posted 28 August 2013 - 08:18 PM

I deleted my vote. This poll is a bait-and-switch compromise.

Still not learning good PR yet, PGI. Keep trying.

Some quick tips based on experience as an accounts manager:

1. Don't try to trick your customer, they're not idiots.
2. Don't belittle your customer, they're not children.
3. Keep your customer informed with details, give them hope and they'll be excited and appreciative.
4. Deliver on promises within time or with fair notice, or else trust is broken.
5. Listen to customer feedback and then respond, they will pay you lots of money.
6. Form a good relationship with your customer, they will tell their friends all about you.


I'll go on. If the "core community" named by Bryan is considered a single customer, than in my experience they are well into an emergency state. Good customer management never permits such dissatisfaction to persist. Damage control measures are required before a point of no return is reached. If this is out of the hands of Bryan, Paul, and Russ, then there are deeper problems at play.

Perhaps words like "contempt" and "lie" go too far, but in a setting of good customer relations, such words are rare noise rather than common! Something to think about.

On the other hand, if the "core community" customer were unimportant compared to a bigger, richer customer, then everything experienced to date becomes explainable.

"Now is the winter of our discontent..."

Edited by Haitchpeasauce, 28 August 2013 - 08:28 PM.

#592 Straften


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Posted 28 August 2013 - 08:19 PM

So PGI, you had 280 pages of disgust and outrage over 3PV in the apology response thread you close. How many pages until you close this one?

And how many closed, censored topics until you just come clean and stop trying to force your 3PV sausage down our poor throats? Your community has expressed that we are overwhelmingly against mixed queues. STAHP.

#593 Stunner


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Posted 28 August 2013 - 08:19 PM

I can't believe the community generated poll that was in no way offensive was deleted. That's a new low PGI.. I had hope that you would listen to constructive feedback but deleting a poll that had no bashing or anything in it being deleted means you don't care for the community. I don't care what your creative update said how you do care about the community when you delete constructive non-bashing feedback you don't care. I was holding off my 2 pre-orders for the updated phoenix package to wait and see what you as a company were going to do via 3PV. Deleting this unbiased poll while creating a poll worthy of dirty underhanded sneaky elections with misguided wording tells me you do in fact do not care what the community says and you have your own agenda. Sadly I'm considering getting a refund on 2 overlord packages now.

#594 Viper69


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Posted 28 August 2013 - 08:21 PM

View PostPendraco, on 28 August 2013 - 08:18 PM, said:

LOL, yea...I have not actually bought it yet. But Dayum! I am still upset too, but I really, really want MWO to be a success. I am also curious to see if they implement this feature (not what I wanted....but I'll take it).

If they get out of line again we can kick the Nerd rage into overdrive and show'em who's boss......In a total, non threatening way..

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So you are foing to give them a second chance to break one off in your rear end.

#595 aniviron


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Posted 28 August 2013 - 08:23 PM

Wait, wait.

I keep hearing from all of you in the 12-man queue that nobody plays 12-mans. And I've been hearing this for months and months, back when you only had to round up 8 to play. But now you're willing to trade any chance of the rest of us ever getting a "hardcore" mode for 12-mans to be less bad?

I initially voted yes, but after rereading the post, it sounds an awful lot like if you vote yes, you are also agreeing to forsake there ever being a 1pv-only drop mode if you don't happen to have 11 friends who are on a lot and like the game, by some miracle.

That's unacceptable. While I agree that competitive games should be 1pv only, there should also be an option for those of us who want nothing to do with 3pv and don't play 12-mans (which, if all the griping about them being dead is at all accurate, is almost everyone).

#596 skill gap


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Posted 28 August 2013 - 08:24 PM

Over 700 players tricked into voting to remove 1pv queues so far. Well played.

I don't understand the purpose of repeatedly insulting your customers like this. Apparently you hate money.
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#597 Grey Black


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Posted 28 August 2013 - 08:24 PM

@Soarra and RanikSelensky, I would like to suggest you add the dev suggestion to your poll, as it gives us something else to vote on, namely having mixed 1PV/3PV queues while having 12v12 FPV locked. That would not only allow us a split in the polls to see how we REALLY feel about the suggestion, but also to give the dev suggestion a shot and see if it's okay with the community.

#598 elsie


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Posted 28 August 2013 - 08:25 PM

You should have an option for mixed and 1pv. The 12 man queue tends to be more for the 'competitive' teams. Which leaves the smaller groups and individuals who want the option out in the cold.

Thus, I didn't vote.


#599 Ranik Selesky


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Posted 28 August 2013 - 08:26 PM

View PostGrey Black, on 28 August 2013 - 08:24 PM, said:

@Soarra and RanikSelensky, I would like to suggest you add the dev suggestion to your poll, as it gives us something else to vote on, namely having mixed 1PV/3PV queues while having 12v12 FPV locked. That would not only allow us a split in the polls to see how we REALLY feel about the suggestion, but also to give the dev suggestion a shot and see if it's okay with the community.

On it. Eta 2 mins. All systems nominal.

#600 Xenois Shalashaska


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Posted 28 August 2013 - 08:29 PM

Then reason why I say yes to this is because the UI2.0 will most likely allow for a lobby system for people to create 12 vs 12 teams. Thus making 12 vs 12 more accessible. That's only if my assumption is correct. In that case Bryan is doing us a favour. Don't **** on it.

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