DLRevan, on 28 August 2013 - 09:10 PM, said:
I'm pretty much done reading all these things. I keep clamouring for bryan or russ to say something that makes sense, but there's only so much I can take.
Those of you voting yes, or even voting at all, good on you. This poll is so loaded, its no different from the meaningless polls made by random users (not developers!) on other game forums. If you vote yes, then 12v12 will be 1PV only and this poll will be used as the excuse as to why the rest of MWO will never segregate 1PV and 3PV. Maybe even CW. If you vote no, then it'll be used as the reason why NOTHING in MWO will ever restrict 3PV. The right answer is to not vote at all.
Don't tell me that it only matters for premade 12v12. It doesn't. I bet you not even 50% of the core people (founders and what have you) are even playing premade 12v12. I will assume here that matchmaking actually works, and very high skilled PUG is roughly equivalent to low-mid premade skill level. That dilution is not going to change unless there is an explicit hardcore vs casual queue.
I'm pretty much done, as I've said. I see the point my friends have been making for months...they've all left long ago. No longer am I going to defend nonsense like this to others. I'm just posting this because it pains me to see people so taken in by a parlor trick, and as always I hope someone at PGI takes note, wakes up and decides he/she has to fix these messes that are ruining something that is really great at its core, both as a video game and as a part of BT.
And they better sit up and take notice. Because PGI/IGP chose to market this game through community & word-of-mouth means and clearly don't realize that that doesn't mean "hands-free advertising".
Since there was a lull in the action I wanted to make sure this was the last thing someone stopping in would see.