aniviron, on 07 October 2013 - 05:01 PM, said:
To be fair, if the Cent were as tall as the HBK and had legs as thin as in the concept art, nothing would be wrong with the in-game model at all; it'd be pretty much perfect, actually. (Not going to redact the image, it's awesome enough that everyone gets to see it twice.)
I've gotta be honest, I always thought the BT sourcebook art was pretty bad for the most part. I'm really glad that FD is in charge of the redesigning for MWO; it's a lot closer to how awesome these look in my head than the BT art is, that's for sure.
Total agreement. Also what a lot of people miss is that I think in 90% of cases Alex has kept the flavor and distinctive elements true whenever possible, but seeing "perfect" re-creations of the TRO art is what got us such lovely looking stuff in MechCommander...... Seriously, most official art is kinda lame, and a lot of the newer stuff, like PLOGs, while high quality just doesn't have the FEEL of the Battletech universe to my mind (kinda my knock on Shortpainter too, tbh.. awesome stuff, but doesn't feel clunky/industrial enough for Battletech, IMO).
Also, most of the Closed Beta mechs, like the Atlas and Hunchback are definitively improved and IMO should be the official TRO version going forward. I think the MWO Hunchback is one of the best looking mechs ever done for Battletech, and the K2 Catapult is only a smidge behind.
I think Alex has done, generally a pretty darn good job of capturing and usually improving the designs. There may be small things I prefer to see different, like on the CENTURION, I'd prefer a traditional battlefist, and maybe less of a shark-fin sensor in the head, or for the THUNDERBOLT, the torso lasers I would prefer in a tighter cluster (makes more military sense, for ensuring tight patterns) and nromal hands in place of the pincers.
And yeah, a lot of the "issues" is more the scaling problems the in game models have had, but IMO, there are times where the in-game models have, IMO, come out better looking than Alex's concepts. The original Jagermech's concept arms looked, IMO, horrible. Had they simply kept the "dome" cockpit, I think it would be a PERFECT model. also like the in game Victor and Orion more than the concept art, TBH. (Kinda like how I love Kiriages 3D render of my KGC model a LOT more than my actual concept piece)
So, gotta give credit where due.