Nation Uprise, on 29 November 2013 - 03:20 PM, said:
UI 1.5 is beyond better than what UI 2.0 has to offer. All 2.0 has going for it is aesthetics, which doesn't matter in the grand scheme of things. Like the OP said, add those things and stay with 1.5, then anything else that needs to be added can just be a pop up window on top of the current UI, if its too much a hassle to code it in directly. I wouldn't care if the lobbies or CW were a different pop up window that just overlays on top of the current UI 1.5 window.
Some people don't even like the fact that the game is in a window. I have a feeling giving them pop-up windows would make things
worst. Either way I doubt it would actually be any easier to do than not doing it. The current setup is just not designed with what they actually needed in mind. Why, I have no idea, but they need to change it over period.
Just why their method of saving me clicks more than doubles the click needed boggles the mind. Selecting mechs in gird/list format is much nicer, as well as seeing what gear I own a bit easier, but beyond that the current layout seems better to me. Just seems like I have to go all over the screen to get to what I want.