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GUT CHECK TIME: MWO... FPS, Tactical RPG, (fill in the blank)?

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Poll: GUT CHECK! (112 member(s) have cast votes)

How should MWO gameplay be?

  1. Like all previous MechWarrior titles more or less (FPS-ish but in a walking tank). (5 votes [4.46%])

    Percentage of vote: 4.46%

  2. Similar to previous MechWarrior titles, but with stronger "simulation" aspects: more interesting critical systems damage, more "realistic" aiming and handling of mechs, etc. (61 votes [54.46%])

    Percentage of vote: 54.46%

  3. Some "randomness" physics number crunching in the background, but still ultimately more of a FPS-ish feel. (Similar to gameplay such as WoT, while avoiding the crappy matchmaking and Pay2win stuff). (9 votes [8.04%])

    Percentage of vote: 8.04%

  4. Make it something more tactically interesting! Players gain XP and can specialize in certain areas by "boosting" certain skills (whatever that means). No one should be a "master of everything"! (allow for some kind of respec) (33 votes [29.46%])

    Percentage of vote: 29.46%

  5. Old school RPG: same as option 4 BUT NO RESPECING! (4 votes [3.57%])

    Percentage of vote: 3.57%

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#21 MagnusEffect


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Posted 10 November 2011 - 09:13 PM

View PostKay Wolf, on 10 November 2011 - 07:29 PM, said:

It's called priming, ME, and I agree with you 100%, except there are a few ways to prime. Calling out the pilot's name, as you said, calling out the largest target, or even having everyone prime on the same 'Mech your Lance Leader begins firing on. It's unfortunate, but concentrated fire has, indeed, become a part of the culture and, were it up to me, I would add that to my dishonorable battlefield conduct.

True, I guess my main point was that advertising a player's name in the middle of a fight sort of breaks the immersion and makes priming a bit TOO easy. Should be other, more interesting ways to direct fire.

View PostKay Wolf, on 10 November 2011 - 07:29 PM, said:

Of course, since MechWarrior II started off prior to the Clans invading the Inner Sphere, and subsequent games only dealt with a continuation of that time-line, none of the kids who picked it up from that point got to understand Weisman's and Babcock's vision of World War II fighter pilots -you can find this in Shrapnel, actually- in monstrous walking knight gun platforms, so that never mattered to anyone else.

A common misconception:
MW2 and MW2: GBL happen AFTER MW2: Mercenaries. MW2:Mercs was a pre-quel back when prequels were still rare. (dealt directly with the Clan Invasion). MW2 deals with the Refusal War of 3057(?) which was basically the Wolves (mostly Wardens at that time) trying to delay the strongest crusader Clan (Falcons) long enough for the IS to rally a defense. MW2: GBL takes place after the GBs had invaded with the rest, but by that point they were sort of happy to just "hang out" in former Draconis Combine territory (admittedly fuzzy on the details).

Yeah, it is annoying how ONLY MW2: Mercs (among recent MW games) really dealt with (well.. sorta) the whole "war is hell" massive scale destruction of the Succession Wars and Lostech angle.

View PostKudzu, on 10 November 2011 - 08:11 PM, said:

If you're going to make a poll, do you best to make the options as unbiased as you can-- otherwise don't bother making one at all.

Fair enough statement, but if you are going to call them biased, offer a solution :)

I did update the choices a bit though to sound less biased. I will admit I really hated WoT, but not for all the obvious reasons.

Edited by MagnusEffect, 10 November 2011 - 09:29 PM.

#22 Gaius Cavadus


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Posted 10 November 2011 - 09:27 PM

View PostMagnusEffect, on 10 November 2011 - 09:13 PM, said:

I will admit I really hated WoT, but not for all the obvious reasons.

Haha, lemme guess: you wasted all that time effort to get the Tiger and found out it was a total piece of garbage compared to the other T7 heavies?

Talk about disappointment. I really wanted the Tiger and really, really, REALLY wanted the Panther. Man, talk about a let down when I finally got them; two of the most terrible tanks in the game.

Plus one-shot kills by arty sort of sap the fun out of higher level matches.

Anyways, I'm done off topic :)

#23 Threat Doc


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Posted 10 November 2011 - 09:53 PM

View PostMagnusEffect, on 10 November 2011 - 09:13 PM, said:

A common misconception:
MW2 and MW2: GBL happen AFTER MW2: Mercenaries. MW2:Mercs was a pre-quel back when prequels were still rare.
I agree with you 100%, except that's not how the games were released in the real world, and your common player from that time would not remember, and does not care that they were released out of chronological order like that. My point stands that the only thing about 85% of players from the release of NetMech on really cared, and knew about were Clan technology, and that players didn't get the World War II fighter pilot effect Weisman and Babcock wanted for BattleTech, in general.

In all, to this point, and I hope it's stopped at THIS point, the MechWarrior games have been 'post-Vietnam-fighter-pilot' point-and-click games. MechWarrior III from Zipper Interactive has been the absolute closest to what Weisman and Babcock described in Shrapnel, and I hope MWO will be more like that than any of the other MW games thus far. Pretty high bar to reach, I think.

#24 MagnusEffect


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Posted 10 November 2011 - 10:07 PM

View PostKay Wolf, on 10 November 2011 - 09:53 PM, said:

My point stands that the only thing about 85% of players from the release of NetMech on really cared, and knew about were Clan technology, and that players didn't get the World War II fighter pilot effect Weisman and Babcock wanted for BattleTech, in general.

In all, to this point, and I hope it's stopped at THIS point, the MechWarrior games have been 'post-Vietnam-fighter-pilot' point-and-click games. MechWarrior III from Zipper Interactive has been the absolute closest to what Weisman and Babcock described in Shrapnel, and I hope MWO will be more like that than any of the other MW games thus far. Pretty high bar to reach, I think.

I get what you are saying and, yeah, totally agree. Come to think of it, I remember the first time I played MW3 and was shocked when I tried to fire a big weapon fitted to the right arm of my mech. Was a huge change from MW2; **** that Gauss rifle had some kick. :) It was flawed in some ways, but definitely ahead of its time.

Edited by MagnusEffect, 10 November 2011 - 10:10 PM.

#25 TheRulesLawyer


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Posted 10 November 2011 - 10:49 PM

View PostCavadus, on 10 November 2011 - 05:03 PM, said:

When people advocate sim I'm sure the farthest thing from their minds is WoT; WoT is an arcade game with a pinch of realistic ballistics.

You mis-read that. WoT would be my closest option since when people on here seem to talk about a sim they want things like penetration based armor and pinpoint accurate weapons.

#26 Gaius Cavadus


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Posted 10 November 2011 - 11:48 PM

View PostTheRulesLawyer, on 10 November 2011 - 10:49 PM, said:

You mis-read that. WoT would be my closest option since when people on here seem to talk about a sim they want things like penetration based armor and pinpoint accurate weapons.

Not really but w/e.

Edited by Cavadus, 10 November 2011 - 11:56 PM.

#27 Kudzu


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Posted 11 November 2011 - 12:08 AM

I think part of the communication problem is that some people want it to be more "realistic" to the Battletech universe and some people want it to be more "realistic" to our universe.

#28 Odin


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Posted 11 November 2011 - 12:56 AM

You fire a weapon - it gonna hit where you pointed it.
Please, no pilot stats should be allowed to ***** with it.

I understand
  • folks here concerned generally about pinpoint accuracy, true is, target comps, in BattleTech seem to be less accurate, than their real-world counterparts;
  • boaters gonna boat and loath the boats of others, alpha here you come;
  • ballistic weapons are in general less accurate then lasers;
If our TC (target comp.) toggles various possible hit locations on the chassis of the target, say like head, center/left/right torso, arms etc.

This ability can be subject to stats progression. That would be a guided fire mod; we need one manual mode - unguided, as well, to keep the simulation true for purists. Weapon damage is based on what kind of weapon you fire, hit location (pinpoint) and Mech internals. There always is, just like in real life, some randomness, about what you damage. We'll be able to buy cheaper weapons or more expensive ones; the later will do more damage.

The Mech you take to field, performs after your avatars abilities - and the condition of the chassis; expensive chassis are better than botchy repaired old Mechs, reasonable; RPG stats. Its realistic! a simulation; in this case a simulation of a Mechjockey, based on your actions and based on what you actually accomplish and a simulation of the Mech you drive + time - for me this seems not arcade;
So simple put: Mech performance=jockey (you+your avatar)+Mech+condition of chassis; the cool and wonderful thing about this is, every Mech/Jockey combo has its own history and therefor progress/performance, we all gonna have individual Mechs!!!, unlike in previous MechWarriors, that sounds fantastic in my ears; (would you like that?)
  • Spend more time in it - progress.
  • use jump jets, get used to it - progress
  • you can't buy proficiency; use=progress
  • you progress only in the Mech you use;
  • progress, proficiency is entirely based on time spend in the cockpit - nothing else;

What applies to Mech and Jockeys (see above) applies to weapons as well.

Stats progression your entity
So not a single weapon fired, each and every Mech, you as its pilot and every other bloke out there is a true individual entity!
Thats not arcade, mainstreaming, sellout, whatssoever, thats freaking fantastic! Please keep in mind, that your Mech one fine day will reach 100% of its capabilities - based on time=gameplay not based on cash; One fine day your avatar reaches HERO status, reaching 100% of its capabilities - based on time spend in game=gameplay, not based on the wallet;

Sorry to be so complicated again, any thoughts?


#29 Threat Doc


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Posted 11 November 2011 - 07:05 AM

View PostMagnusEffect, on 10 November 2011 - 10:07 PM, said:

I get what you are saying and, yeah, totally agree. Come to think of it, I remember the first time I played MW3 and was shocked when I tried to fire a big weapon fitted to the right arm of my mech. Was a huge change from MW2; **** that Gauss rifle had some kick. :) It was flawed in some ways, but definitely ahead of its time.
(huge grin) I know exactly what you mean. In MW3, it "felt" like you were firing a Gauss Rifle or a PPC. I loved it.

View PostKudzu, on 11 November 2011 - 12:08 AM, said:

I think part of the communication problem is that some people want it to be more "realistic" to the Battletech universe and some people want it to be more "realistic" to our universe.
I would like it to be both, if possible, and I think it is. Start with the actual map of our local group, where the Inner Sphere would be, adjust for galactic motion over the next 1,038 years, and start setting up worlds. As for how things work in the BattleTech universe, well... since we don't know what's actually out there, yet, apply the BT universe as is. I know I would absolutely love it.

View PostOdin, on 11 November 2011 - 12:56 AM, said:

Sorry to be so complicated again, any thoughts?
My thoughts are, about any sort of skill, is it should be a mixture of in-game pilot and real-world pilot skill. It has to be done that way in other games, for example Fallout 3, Oblivion, and other similar role-players, so why not here? Everyone starts out with a pilot, which has already been stated, in a 'Mech, and the pilot is of Cadet or Green quality; the player has to learn how to adjust fire and fight the controls enough to keep the 'Mech on track, which makes the player work for their game a bit. Nothin' wrong with that, in my opinion, it would all be a more natural part of the game than point-and-click, which requires absolutely zero skill at all. Piloting and Gunnery skill, tactics, etc. all come up steadily as the player does their thing, and the in-game pilot graduates up to Regular, Veteran and, eventually, Elite quality.

For the twitch-based community, the effect it would have for them would be at the lower end, potentially being frustrated by their in-game counterpart as they gain their skill. For the non-twitch community, it would most likely be seen only as a training period. On the upper end, for the twitchers, their skill would likely not be improved much, they would learn the same tactics and compensative skills everyone else does, and they would go on to play the game they want to play, except for that pesky Cone of Destruction, which has been reduced significantly due to their pilot's skill and their new compensatory skills, but remains because of the equipment, the fact they're sitting and swaying 30 feet above the ground, going over terrain, stepping on 'Mech fumbling rocks and into slimy mud-bottoms in rivers, and other terrain and weather effects that will throw them off. For the common pilot, however, the upper end would give them the opportunity, as it does in other computer games, to actually improve their real-world skills with Piloting and Gunnery, and they would have the compensative skills and the patience, and they would have the CoD, even if they personally can never get above a certain level of skill.

Voila! You know what we have, now? A MORE LEVEL PLAYING FIELD! That's what.

What does that mean? Really, if you can't figure it out, here's what it means... it means the God forsaken twitchers are going to have a more difficult time taking me, and those who are like me, down, which means I'm going to want to stick with the game longer, to grunt and sweat and swear at my computer, and giggle like I'm insane -all of which I've done in the past- and have a marvelous time. I hear a lot of people talk about artificially enhancing Piloting and Gunnery skills, that it's a bad thing, but I'm here to tell you that, according to the tabletop game rules, and even if BattleTech were real the real-world problems with driving 200+ year old computers 30+ feet in the air in wind, rain, crossfires, and terrain that can give way and throw off targeting scanners badly at 30+ kilometers per hour, disallow for point-and-click mentality. This is how and why the to-hit tables in the tactical board combat simulation game were made the way they were, why it's so hard to hit a 'Mech other than both the attacker and defender at an almost stand-still without intervening terrain, etc. This is why the Cone of Destruction and an in-game means of determining hits similar to the board game is the best way to do things, and is so necessary to MWO. Every single player of the MechWarrior series of games, including MW3, my favorite, should be required to play, even if it's 4 real-world guys versus 4 other real-world folk, a Company vs Company sized tabletop version of the game, just for even two rounds. They would figure out how things are, and how different they are in the computer game.

The excitement and anger of lining up a shot and missing because your opponent knows also how to pilot a 'Mech and was able to get out of your cross-hairs, is the most exhilarating element of the game, moreso than landing a fresh hit every single time they point-and-click.

#30 wolf on the tide


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Posted 12 November 2011 - 01:37 PM

none of the above.

fully immersive sand-box MMO-RPG, with mech combat being just 1 element in the game.

start as a level 1 disposessed fighting on foot (or vehicle) in a battleforce style setting (spawn ins for troops and tanks up to a "battle limit")
(savage 2 model perhaps?)
graduate to mechwarrior (start in a naff medium, work you way to light,heavy,assault) use same battle map as the battleforce peeps, but no re-spawn for mech's

unlock other "character slots" so you can train a 2ndry character as a mech'anic, aerospace fighter pilot, crafter, etc...

and CHANGE THEIR CAREERS if you want to....not another "grind 85 levels of warlock" only to find you dont like it and have to start again with something else.

so that endless mech battles dont become a monotonous grind that makes you want to quit the game after the 2 week "honeymoon" period is over

#31 Tempered


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Posted 12 November 2011 - 01:47 PM

I voted simulator. This is contingent on not simulating a neuro helmet. That would make the game play FPS.

There seems to be some confusion on what people mean by simulator. To me that would mean simulating the controls and systems needed to pilot a large robot with a nuclear reactor at its core. Managing coolant systems, weapon and targeting systems, etc. Things like adjusting convergence on weapon sets. Setting proximity fuses on missle systems. Shutting down damaged areas of the coolant systems. Dealing with weapon jams. Adjusting power output of the reactor.

Edited by Tempered, 12 November 2011 - 01:55 PM.

#32 MagnusEffect


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Posted 12 November 2011 - 07:40 PM

View PostCavadus, on 10 November 2011 - 11:48 PM, said:

Not really but w/e.

I second this. The penetration thing from WoT: I get what they were going for, but it was INCREDIBLY annoying/disheartening when you had no choice but to slog it through the tech tree to get a bigger gun before you could actually cause damage. DO NOT WANT IN MWO!

My suggestions to the issue of boating and aiming (any number of the following):
  • Stock large weapons (AC/10&20s, LRM/15/20s, PPCs, Lrg Lasers, Gauss Rifles) can only be fitted with similarly sized weaponry on a 1:1 basis (Basically a more stringent system of MW4 customization). These are the weapons that usually define a mech's characteristics anyway. Smaller weapons can be clustered and swapped out more easily. Mechs could be balanced over time to prevent any one mech from being too powerful.
  • Increase the potency of individual large weapons, but make it harder to fit many of them. Most mech designs are built around only 1-3 primary weapons, with secondary weapons fitted in as necessary. In MW4, seeing a mech with 6 or 7 Lrg Lasers was ridiculous, but common.
  • Do away with previous games aiming system of all weapons aimed at a single point. Players should be able to aim with some degree of success, but there should be some weapon spread when firing multiple weapons. This encourages firing weapons individually or getting somewhat closer to get that dead-on accuracy of previous games.
  • Similar to the last point, but allow pilots to adjust the sighted "weapon convergence" (outside of combat) to a specific range like you would on an actual fighter plane. This means you have close to pinpoint accuracy at whatever range you specified, but NOT outside of that.
  • This is also where RPG type skills could come into play (controlling weapon convergence specifically)
  • Decrease Alpha Strike usage!: The toll an alpha strike takes on mechs firing them has been incredibly downplayed in every game, especially in larger mechs. Mech electrical and mechanical systems are VERY complicated things. In the IS, they are also commonly hundreds of years old. An alpha strike triggers a MASSIVE surge of energy through all systems. All the heatsinks in the world won't IMMEDIATELY disperse that much heat. The more weapons involved in an alpha strike, the more likely something should break or cause unbearable heat. On larger mechs they should be reserved for acts of desperation or a final all-or-nothing killing blow. They should NOT be a primary method of attack. This last point should help fix the worst of poptarting alpa strikes.

Edited by MagnusEffect, 12 November 2011 - 08:01 PM.

#33 Samson


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Posted 12 November 2011 - 08:05 PM

I am 110% with Odin on this, I would love to see you become more proficient with your mech as opposed to just a mech. Think of it like driving a car. You know how to drive, a lot of the skills are directly transferable but you know your car way better than another persons. You use it more, know all of its quirks, you know how far you can push it. I wouldn't mind seeing that with weapons, albeit to a lesser extent.

#34 Pht


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Posted 12 November 2011 - 08:06 PM

View PostMagnusEffect, on 10 November 2011 - 03:28 PM, said:

You guys know the drill. Speak and be heard or get out of the way! :)

Let me know if you have a good answer that should be added.

How about an option for ...

"first person armored combat unit simulation of what it's like to pilot a BT Universe/lore 'Mech?"

(which is what I think an MW game is).

#35 Joseph Mallan


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Posted 17 November 2011 - 04:31 AM

I put my two bits on tactical emphasis. I want the game to challenge my command of a combat situation.

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