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Meeting Half Way On Weapon Convergence

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#1 Dudeman3k


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Posted 30 August 2013 - 07:43 PM

If memory serves, one of the most stand out reasons the devs can not (not won't) add multiple reticules to the fire mechanics is because of engine limitation (or lack of code experience).

So I propose we (as forward thinkers) suggest a rather unpopular method to meet halfway with explanation to "why" it can work. (I say unpopular because I too am against the idea, but in reality it will balance overall game play)

Cone of fire: (yes, I said it... but seeing how any other solution is far from reality, this will have to do... and it isn't all that bad when you break it down to "why"). I will avoid comparisons to other games, as I will tackle "why" it might actually work better in MWO than any other game in existence to date.

Throttle control and "screen shake": The dev teams have shown us they are capable of altering aim mechanics in a simple way. "screen shake"! but really, what is "screen shake"?? in laymen terms it is a form of, yes, cone of fire! with JJ's dominating the sniper domain, the devs were hard pressed to find a way to balance the mobile gorilla tactics of JJ sniping, and how they did was pure genius. simple, yet effective, it was cone of fire... errrmmm, excuse me, "screen shake". now your asking, how does this relate to throttle control? well heres where it gets easier to understand.

Playing each match, you will notice a common trend with EVERY weight class. It's always pedal to the metal, throttle at 100% of 0%. Pin-point accuracy at any moment... this really helps the high alpha meta, as there is no way to regulate location DMG without "nerfing" or "buffing" a weapon system. You can mess with the numbers all you want but that wont help.

By adding "screen shake" to the % of throttle you can achieve a few great many things without calling it cone of fire.... here are a few.

Skilled pilots - Throttle decay is a useless feature, as everyone is either 100% or 0% on throttle at most any given moment. With "screen shake" in movement there will be importance to keeping a reasonable speed when firing your weapons. if you want to maintain your pin-point alpha, you'll need to either slow down, or stop entirely. In turn, making you vulnerable, yet protected against those trying to hit you when they're at 100% throttle trying to hit you. this will allow skilled pilots to maximize on the increase and decrease to throttle speed in order to justify a fight or flight maneuver (vs doing both... like the AC40 jagars). Not only would this put emphasis on skill, but it will encourage....

ROLE WARFARE - !!! With all mech's being able to run and gun, larger engines have a rather limiting contribution vs just getting in a Highlander and arming it to the teeth with a Pin point high alpha weapon system. Some might argue "this will hurt faster mechs" but they are just dumb. what is 50% of 150kph vs. 50% of 54kph? so while a light is running at half throttle (75kph) with little "screen shake", an assault at 50% throttle is going at a whopping 27kph in order to achieve the same level of accuracy!!!. Lights can now maneuver BEHIND mechs with little fear of a 100% throttled 40 point alpha mech taking its leg off. The heavy or assault would need to be stationary to cripple its lighter enemies with one shot now! the light, now fluctuating between throttle levels to "tail" a much slower lumbering mech, can now "strike" with a purpose! flank with confidence! and maybe even relay targeting info on those "stationary" snipers!!!

Now everyone is saying "thats OP!, and stupid", no it is not... remember, the light is ALSO affected by "screen shake" while in motion. This tailing light will not be able to core you as easy as you think, because he's hitting your arms, legs, LT, RT, CT... hell even missing outright, because hes in motion while trying to take you down from behind.... while your stationary friends can just pin-point his leg as usual.

This will give the Mediums and lights a justifiable reason as to why it's not as armored or as heavily gunned! They need to use their superior "skilled" throttle controlled aiming mechanics, to hit the heavier mechs while in motion, and then disappear when the heavies stop to get a clear shot.

A purpose in weight class.... beautiful....

Pin-Point Alphas: These will still exist. adding "screen shake" in the throttle dynamics will truly take the face of "high risk high reward" with pin-point still in effect. In fact, with the screen shake, it will justify why we should just keep the pin-point damage, as armor is doubled, and ammo is heavy.

...... I just had a brain fart. someone please finish the rest for me. hahaha

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