RMR, on 12 January 2014 - 10:03 PM, said:
Also I am not entirely sure if I should get an Orion, or if I should get an Atlas. Thoughts on that as well please.
I have always liked both but I feel if I get a Atlas I'll just be a bigger (literally and figuratively) target which is why I have been thinking about the poor mans Atlas.
I haven't generally found the XL to be that big of a problem with the Orion, I think its more of a psychological issue in that I'm more focused on protecting myself than with a standard, but actual deaths from XL is fairly rare.
For your build though you have way too little ammo for the AC5s. This build would work much better and you'd only lose a minimal amount of speed, 3 more tons of ammo (I generally figure 2.5 tons of ammo per gun, so 5 tons for 2), 1 more heatink (you can take it back off for the ton of SRM ammo I took off), and the armor on your legs isn't quite so stripped down.
Modo44, on 14 January 2014 - 05:58 AM, said:
I found its much more effective to keep the types of lasers grouped (ie both Larges in the left arm, left because it separates the bigger weapons from being blown off together). Allows you to fire each arm separately around cover without wasting heat.
Also I don't personally find 2 streaks to be worth it, I'd rather load on a couple more heatsinks or squeeze in a little bigger motor.