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What To Buy Next? (Battletech Board Game Related)

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#1 Risko Vinsheen


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Posted 03 September 2013 - 11:38 PM

Starting to get more and more into the Battletech board game, and even getting my father interested in it.

I have so far:
Introductory Box Set (25th anniversary edition)
Record Sheets 3039 and 3050
Total Warfare rule book
Hexpacks 'Lakes & Rivers' and 'Cities & Roads'
Starterbook: Sword and Dragon
and even a couple Technical Readouts (3058 and 3075, mainly just because I knew they included some mechs I wanted to read more up on.)

Does anyone have any suggestions of what books I should go for purchasing next? Any certain sourcebooks that might have interesting rules, scenarios, or record sheets in them?

Edit: I know minis in general would be a given but I'm not quite so confident in my painting abilities to go buying expensive metal minis only to ruin them with crappy paint (still practicing with the cheap plastic ones in the box set). Plus kind of still holding out hope that IWM will start an MWO themed set, or I'll somehow be able to get my hands on MWO style mechs another way.

Edited by Risko Vinsheen, 03 September 2013 - 11:42 PM.

#2 Egomane


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Posted 04 September 2013 - 01:15 AM

On the book side, the Tech Manual would be my advise, as it includes rules for some of the tech, the mechs in your recordsheet books and technical readouts use. You'll be able to use those Arrow-IV launchers on the Naga Omnimech or on the Catapult C3 (but as they are artillery... see below).

I'd go for more minatures. You don't need to paint them to have fun with them. :(

I'd start to include tanks. Then go for battlearmor and conventional infantry, VToLs, off-and on-board artillery (in that order) after that. Slowly you'll expand your enjoyment of the game.

If you want to paint your miniatures, try to find a local gamestore that offers painting days or similar events. You'll often find very helpful folks there, who can start to teach you the tricks.

Edited by Egomane, 04 September 2013 - 01:17 AM.

#3 Slade Deleportas


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Posted 05 September 2013 - 12:32 AM

Also look into getting Solaris Skunk Works for mech design and record sheets. Along with tech manual I'd also suggest Tactical Operations. Has a lot of expanded rules etc that can be fun to play with.

#4 The Lost Boy


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Posted 29 October 2013 - 01:17 AM

Stop right there! Play the game! And then play some more. Dont break out all the expert, infantry, tank, vtol etc yet. Keep playing til you know those basic mechanics stone cold. Then add tanks. Then infantry. Then play,play, play, play! You have tons of stuff in the 25th aniversary box and the rules of warefare. Grab some map packs off ebay if you need too, or make your own. Make up MISSIONS, instead of just bashing each other into oblivion. Try playing games with mechs that have damage when you start. This is a great way to handicap matches with varied skill levels. All the stuff you have is GREAT. You should have LOTS of inspiration and options for YEARS of gaming. Finding pdfs of mech sheets is great too. Buy em or locate them, they make setup quick when you can just print the sheets you need instead of filling out the blank ones. And remember few things are better than your Thunderbolt charging from out of a river knocking over a Battlemaster and knocking out his pilot, and then kicking his mech in the cockpit the following turn.

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