Hexenhammer, on 08 September 2013 - 04:23 PM, said:
the short? A LONG time.
The fast? Converting it over with MC just as PGI intended.
Now, keep in mind they regularly run half price conversion weekends, where it's 1
per 50XP converted. At that point, converting 200,000xp would cost you 4000
, or about $20 worth at mid-tier
I did that, myself, over some 3 conversion sale weekends - I'd just dump leftover bits of otherwise unneeded
into conversions.
Now, I've everything unlocked, and around 50,000GXP I've built legitimately, for use in powerlevelling chassis variants I really don't like.
Note as well - as szJass alluded to - the 2x XP bonus happens before calculating the 5% GXP earned. Thus, if you have multiple mechs and clear several 2x bonuses every day, you can essentially double your GXP gain.