Andross Deverow, on 06 September 2013 - 04:53 AM, said:
Well, heres the way I look at it. PGI bends over for all the whiners that cant seem to grasp the idea of using cover, range or not standing toe to toe with bad things. When Clan Tech arrives it will give all the little whiners an extremely foul taste in their mouths and they will pi55 and moan about the fact that the Clan weapons are better... PGI will then take steps to nerf the {Scrap} out of them as well.
If a guy looks through the forums he would see that there are very few whiners. PGI should see that too, if they diont want to play, fine, it wont damage the player base much at all. You cannot cater a game to stubborn players that choose not to learn to play, its counterproductive. All PGI will end up doing is driving away the core oldschool Battletech/Mechwarrior players. These players tend to be the ones with jobs & wallets.......
Whiners are going to whine, just as haters are going to hate. There is always going to be that part of the barrel, or bad applies from the tree, that just want to have their build be best while enemy builds are nerfed.(I'm Rock. Nerf Paper. Scissors is fine. That's the crowd PGI is listening to.) You have to ignore these people, say L2P a few times, and focus on the overall product. They'll either leave while you retain your real players, or they'll L2P like the rest of us did. But you can't please people that you try to cater too. They are like spoiled children. Give them a cookie, and instead of saying thanks, they will complain that you only gave them one, or that it isn't big enough, or doesn't have chocolate chips in it. PGI went down this road rather than ignoring it like they should and focusing on the skilled unbiased players that said things were fine as is. This game has only gotten worse since the ECM patch balance wise and it's due entirely to them catering the game rather than telling people to cram it and L2P. This is a community that complains that learning how to swim is too difficult, thus PGI gives them baby floats with a mickey mouse picture on them. The adults will then leave. Because they don't want to hang with that kind of crowd. Would you swim with friends that used baby floats? Would you take your adult friends to the kiddy pool? Oh no, that didn't come out right. Time to stop now.