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Uac5 Is Becoming As Mandatory As Ams

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#61 DocBach


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Posted 06 September 2013 - 07:24 AM

View PostAndross Deverow, on 06 September 2013 - 05:36 AM, said:

Have you tried multiple UAC5's??? They are by no means concentrated. They spread damage fairly good...


The idea is mainly a preventative mechanic in anticipation for larger caliber Clan Ultra AC's that are going to work like the AC/40's for just 12 tons if they work the same as Ultra AC's do now.

#62 DocBach


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Posted 06 September 2013 - 07:28 AM

View PostHighlet, on 06 September 2013 - 07:22 AM, said:

All of these nerf UA/C topics were started by essentially the same 3 people just trolling. People eat it up hook line and sinker.

UA/C could use some tweaking but they are far from overpowered. This playerbase has such a trigger-nerf reaction to everything.

The UAC5 may not be overpowered; however, the upcoming UAC20 has a chance to be gamebreaking if it shares the same mechanics of the current Ultra AC.

#63 Bhael Fire

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Posted 06 September 2013 - 07:28 AM

I have a 3 UAC/5 Jag.

I get nice kills with it and it's a lot of fun...but I have to select my targets very carefully. If it's a lone, slow moving mech out in the open...yeah, it's pretty much dead. But if the target is using cover, torso twists, moving fast, or just playing smart altogether...3xUAC/5 is not as effective and much harder to get kills with.

But, I'm pretty much bracing myself; the UAC/5 is getting on the small bus with the Gauss and PPC with the next patch — so all this QQ is pointless. You sissies are getting your way soon. :D

Edited by Bhael Fire, 06 September 2013 - 07:53 AM.

#64 The Boz


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Posted 06 September 2013 - 07:42 AM

I fail to see how torso twists shift the balance in your favor when under fire from two or more UACs if it's a 1v1 encounter. While torso twisting, your damage output is zero, but you are definitely taking more than zero damage in return.
Unless, ofcourse, your idea of balance is "If you see one, run the other way, hope that LRM boats kill it", in which case I completely understand.

Edited by The Boz, 06 September 2013 - 07:43 AM.

#65 Andross Deverow


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Posted 06 September 2013 - 08:10 AM

View PostThe Boz, on 06 September 2013 - 07:42 AM, said:

I fail to see how torso twists shift the balance in your favor when under fire from two or more UACs if it's a 1v1 encounter. While torso twisting, your damage output is zero, but you are definitely taking more than zero damage in return.
Unless, ofcourse, your idea of balance is "If you see one, run the other way, hope that LRM boats kill it", in which case I completely understand.

Shouldnt put yourself in any position to get multiple enemies pounding on you. Stay with the team....... Anyways I agree with poster somewhere above. Pointless to explain basic tactics/mechbuilding to those who do not listen.


Edited by Andross Deverow, 06 September 2013 - 08:11 AM.

#66 Bhael Fire

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Posted 06 September 2013 - 08:11 AM

View PostThe Boz, on 06 September 2013 - 07:42 AM, said:

I fail to see how torso twists shift the balance in your favor when under fire from two or more UACs if it's a 1v1 encounter.

Well, see...there's the problem.

If you don't have the firepower, you never go 1v1 against a 3xUAC/5. Ever.

That rule of thumb applies to ANY weapon load-out when going 1v1.

#67 The Boz


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Posted 06 September 2013 - 08:24 AM

Again, Andross fails to communicate.
The Boz: How does twisting torso help in a 1v1?
Andross: Shouldnt put yourself in any position to get multiple enemies pounding on you.
Brilliant. Classic. Keep it up!

#68 oldradagast


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Posted 06 September 2013 - 08:27 AM

View PostD1al T0ne, on 05 September 2013 - 01:29 PM, said:

"Someone killed me with a PPC!!! WHAAAAAAA!!!"


"Someone killed me with a UAC!!! WHAAAAA!!!"


"Someone killed me with a small laser!!! WHAAAAA!!!"


"Seomeone wrote a strongly worded letter and delivered it to my mech bay!!! WHAAAAAA!!!"




Final game will be: flamers, small pulse laser, and nerfed machine guns... and maybe the SRM 2 and LRM 5. Mounting more than 1 weapon will give you ghost heat.

#69 VanillaG


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Posted 06 September 2013 - 08:44 AM

View PostKhobai, on 05 September 2013 - 09:10 PM, said:

Balancing the UAC/5 is super easy.

1) increase the UAC/5's cooldown to 1.5, so it fires single shots at the same rate as the AC/5, just like in tabletop, which consequently also prevents macro abuse.

2) decrease the UAC/5 jam rate to 10%, because with the cooldown of 1.5, double shots would be balanced with only 10% jam.

Jamming should be an uncommon occurrence because no one in their right mind would design a weapon that jams 25% of the time. Even 10% is too often, but thats whats required to balance the UAC/5 at 1.5 cooldown.

Another alternative is leave the cooldown as is, remove double shot, and lower the jam rate to 10%. This makes the UAC/5 a better AC/5 with the potential to jam. This way, people can't macro around the double shot AND get the decreased cooldown.

#70 Khobai


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Posted 06 September 2013 - 08:49 AM


Another alternative is leave the cooldown as is, remove double shot, and lower the jam rate to 10%. This makes the UAC/5 a better AC/5 with the potential to jam. This way, people can't macro around the double shot AND get the decreased cooldown.

Then its not really a UAC. The UAC is supposed to be able to fire like a standard AC or double shot with a chance to jam.

#71 VanillaG


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Posted 06 September 2013 - 09:26 AM

View PostKhobai, on 06 September 2013 - 08:49 AM, said:

Then its not really a UAC. The UAC is supposed to be able to fire like a standard AC or double shot with a chance to jam.

True, my suggestion was a different way of implementing a faster firing AC without sticking to the TT/lore.

As to your original suggestion, if they change the cool down to be the same as the AC/5, they need to change the double shot time to .75 seconds. As it stands right now, the UAC/5 now fires 3 times in space of an one AC/5 instead of twice (0, .5, 1.0).

#72 Khobai


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Posted 06 September 2013 - 09:48 AM


As to your original suggestion, if they change the cool down to be the same as the AC/5, they need to change the double shot time to .75 seconds. As it stands right now, the UAC/5 now fires 3 times in space of an one AC/5 instead of twice (0, .5, 1.0).

yep i thought that was implied, but yeah the double shot should be 0.75 seconds.

#73 Andross Deverow


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Posted 06 September 2013 - 09:54 AM


Too bad we will never see the RAC, then we would really hear the whining. That badboy shoots 3X as fast as UAC.

Frankly im just amazed at how things roll in this game. PGI fixed a nasty snipe meta and fixed UAC5 so its worh the tonnage now people go OP! OP! OP!. I run 4 of em on my Jager-S and sure it can do some impressive things but ....
- I max out 54KPH
- Run out ammo
- Die very easily
If people are going to stand still, yes i will have a hayday with them. Moving targets are another matter. All I can say to all the whiners is wait until Clan tech comes. The you going to wish PGI ignored you about nerfing the heck out of IS tech. Or rather you will jump ship and boat up some cheese using Clan gears... Hypocrisy in action.


Edited by Andross Deverow, 06 September 2013 - 09:55 AM.

#74 Frosted


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Posted 06 September 2013 - 10:10 AM

let's nerf every weapons until they are all the same.

Edited by Frosted, 06 September 2013 - 10:10 AM.

#75 TOGSolid


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Posted 06 September 2013 - 10:21 AM

View PostLevi Porphyrogenitus, on 05 September 2013 - 12:18 PM, said:

Flamers and UAC5s should get a pass in the next major balance patch.

I'm hoping that means a change to fundamental mechanics, similar to what Gauss/PPC got.

Flamers could go many different ways, but that's not relevant to this thread.

My hope for the UAC5 is that it shifts from a faster-firing AC5 that can double tap if you don't macro it (current form) to a high-rate-of-fire burst weapon system that offers actual different core functionality to the standard AC5.

Make the UAC line fire one bullet per AC rating (2 for UAC2, 5 for UAC5, etc.), doing 1 damage per round, at, say, 1 round per 0.1s (0.5s for a single UAC5 burst), with the ability to fire a second burst much sooner than a standard AC5 can fire a second slug. This will offer a totally different experience for the UACs compared to the standards, while still retaining superior DPS, while also leaving room for the Rotary ACs to be full-on rotary cannons that fire continuously (since Ultras will be burst weapons).

If this happened, they could probably leave the jam chance nice and low, or even remove it altogether if the overall DPS didn't get to be too crazy. A lot would depend on how quickly the gun could cycle between individual bursts.

Gives em a unique flavor while fixing the eventual insanity of the UAC/20. <3 it

#76 Taren Avalis


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Posted 06 September 2013 - 10:40 AM

Solution - If you have 1 UAC/5 - 15% jam rate, 2 UAC/5's - 20% jam rate, 3 UAC/5's - 25% jam rate. Tweak upward 1-2% if necessary. Problem solved.

As someone who uses them in ones or two's only, one is where it should be right now. Two is just slightly overpowered right now. For the tonnage/ammo required to field double ac/5 it should be pretty powerful. 3 is just insane right now. Even before the change if you mounted three you almost always had one firing for non-macroers, and sometimes you had crazy burst if you got lucky.

#77 Enigmos


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Posted 06 September 2013 - 10:43 AM

View PostAccursed Richards, on 05 September 2013 - 12:18 PM, said:

Maybe I missed a memo....why is "tryhard" an insult now? Is it better to not try, or something?

Channeling Yoda "there is no try, only do" Jedi master.

#78 TOGSolid


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Posted 06 September 2013 - 10:48 AM

View PostAndross Deverow, on 06 September 2013 - 09:54 AM, said:


Too bad we will never see the RAC, then we would really hear the whining. That badboy shoots 3X as fast as UAC.

What we have right now is functionally a RAC, not a UAC. Also, if you think the UAC wasn't worth it before then you really need to buy your weed from somewhere else because your dealer is cutting yours with some nasty ****. That last buff was completely unecessary because the UAC was already a really strong weapon.

Edited by TOGSolid, 06 September 2013 - 10:49 AM.

#79 JimboFBX


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Posted 06 September 2013 - 11:31 PM

bleh, just played a game where half the mechs had UAC5, myself included.

On my highlander removed my gauss rifle. 2xUAC5 is heavier but I could remove the SRM4 since I didn't need a close range weapon anymore. Even before the charge up, the gauss was ineffective versus lights at close range.

My 2xUAC5 + 4x SRM4 jager can mow through any mech at close range. Plus it gets max armor too.

#80 Jesus Box


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Posted 07 September 2013 - 12:55 AM

View PostAndross Deverow, on 06 September 2013 - 04:53 AM, said:

Well, heres the way I look at it. PGI bends over for all the whiners that cant seem to grasp the idea of using cover, range or not standing toe to toe with bad things. When Clan Tech arrives it will give all the little whiners an extremely foul taste in their mouths and they will pi55 and moan about the fact that the Clan weapons are better... PGI will then take steps to nerf the {Scrap} out of them as well.
If a guy looks through the forums he would see that there are very few whiners. PGI should see that too, if they diont want to play, fine, it wont damage the player base much at all. You cannot cater a game to stubborn players that choose not to learn to play, its counterproductive. All PGI will end up doing is driving away the core oldschool Battletech/Mechwarrior players. These players tend to be the ones with jobs & wallets.......


Whiners are going to whine, just as haters are going to hate. There is always going to be that part of the barrel, or bad applies from the tree, that just want to have their build be best while enemy builds are nerfed.(I'm Rock. Nerf Paper. Scissors is fine. That's the crowd PGI is listening to.) You have to ignore these people, say L2P a few times, and focus on the overall product. They'll either leave while you retain your real players, or they'll L2P like the rest of us did. But you can't please people that you try to cater too. They are like spoiled children. Give them a cookie, and instead of saying thanks, they will complain that you only gave them one, or that it isn't big enough, or doesn't have chocolate chips in it. PGI went down this road rather than ignoring it like they should and focusing on the skilled unbiased players that said things were fine as is. This game has only gotten worse since the ECM patch balance wise and it's due entirely to them catering the game rather than telling people to cram it and L2P. This is a community that complains that learning how to swim is too difficult, thus PGI gives them baby floats with a mickey mouse picture on them. The adults will then leave. Because they don't want to hang with that kind of crowd. Would you swim with friends that used baby floats? Would you take your adult friends to the kiddy pool? Oh no, that didn't come out right. Time to stop now.

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