Earl White, on 06 September 2013 - 02:37 AM, said:
Good, I'd rather them balance around lower skill players, that way more people benefit than balanced for the minority of higher skilled players. Yes you could say it sends "large waves and ripples" that can be exploited by higher level players, but higher level players will always exploit everything and anything, and usually have more to exploit if it is balanced specifically for them rather than the majority populace.
If you can balance to help low skill players, the gap is made smaller between them and "the elite" even though both parties benefit from the changes.
If you balance around "the elite" only, then low skill players will not benefit but only those who are in the top echelons can.
Wow... I mean, WOW!!! You REALLY do NOT understand "skilled" players do you?
So you make a change that gives a 10% boost for the lazy or low skilled person. The highly skilled person however gets the same 10% boost, but considering the level that the highly skilled player is already at, he is benefited manifold what the average suktard would get.
The best way I can explain it is to assign players, "skill values". These are arbitrary but should serve to demonstrate what's been happening:
Let's say a low skilled player's skill value is 100 and a highly skilled player's skill value is 1000. Now give that 10% boost and the low player's skill value is 110, while the highly skilled player's skill value is 1100.
Benefit difference a full 90 points in favor of the highly skilled player.
The change has the exact opposite of the intended affect, increasing the disparity between the highly skilled and low skilled players.
What should PGI do?
Ultimately PGI should do NOTHING that isn't fixing a BROKEN mechanic. They should stick to their guns and focus on the broken stuff, or adding NEW features.
All the "tweaking" PGI has done in game against weapons systems and such has resulted in very little of value. Consider, weapon heat and damage values. At one point or another MOST weapons had values that were different from the original TT values, but guess what, after YEARS of development and tweaking the weapon heat and damage values are darn near EXACTLY the original TT values again. Considering the amount of time and effort they've invested, it's almost a criminal waste of time and money on their part to have come full circle and get back to nearly an exact match of those TT values... It's sad and extremely ironic, and frustrating watching it happen.
Why can't we expect that poor players will eventually get better? Why is PGI so afraid they'll get 'frustrated' and leave the game? You base your mechanics on the low end and this will become a wasteland where the elites ROFLSTOMP the lesser skilled, driving them away anyway.