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Without Teamspeak Premades Are Nothing....

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#1 Funkadelic Mayhem


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Posted 07 September 2013 - 08:31 PM

So PGI please stop listening to the premades and their warped idea of balance!

As a solo only player I am about at my wits end of getting lolerstomped by premedes! If you are going to implement a regional queues, scrap it! We dont need it with stat rewind! What we need is solo only queues and premade only queues!

If premades make up most of the population, there is no reason they should not fight each other at this point, IN THEIR OWN QUEUES! And let the solo droppers drop as one!

My matches go like this.

Situation A: (most of the time) The enemy team has a bigger premade or more premades then my team. My team gets their chassis handed to them.

Situation B: My team has the bigger or most premades and I can just sit back, do nothing at all and we win.

I must have an elo that makes up for most premades, because Im always the one that ether has to carry a team or I dont have to do anything and we still win. Ether way its just not fun!

PGI the founders and premades are against this. They are the ones always crying for nurfs or buffs. Why? Because the only thing they know how to do is focus fire over comms. It take NO skill whats so ever to use comms and win! You made a big mistake by balancing this game on that!

Please implement solo and premade only queues! FOR THE LOVE OF GOD ITS WAY PAST TIME!

Edited by Funkadelic Mayhem, 07 September 2013 - 08:47 PM.

#2 Johnny Reb


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Posted 07 September 2013 - 08:43 PM

Heh, or situation x, just cause someone thinks its a premade based on faction affiliation cries and drops, then his team wins minus that ashhat!

#3 Tweaks


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Posted 07 September 2013 - 08:44 PM

What's a "ques"? Do you mean queues?

#4 Hexenhammer


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Posted 07 September 2013 - 11:09 PM

Without Teamspeak Premades Are Nothing....

Posted Image

Edited by Hexenhammer, 07 September 2013 - 11:19 PM.

#5 One Medic Army


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Posted 07 September 2013 - 11:28 PM

So, if premades are nothing without Teamspeak advantage, the logical way to remove their advantage is to give everyone in-game voice coms.

It's not to split the population into yet another set of subdivisions.

Also, as others have said, currently you're just assuming the existence of premades, I've seen plenty of times people will out and out lie and call themselves a premade when they aren't, just to shake the enemy.

#6 Deathsani


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Posted 08 September 2013 - 12:16 AM

I too am a solo only player, due to an inability to find some people to play with, and I agree with the idea that we need in game voice coms. Possibly with some insentive to actually use them.

#7 Mycrus


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Posted 08 September 2013 - 12:54 AM

yup it's about time for funky's threads...

#8 GumbyC2C


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Posted 08 September 2013 - 01:15 AM

actual in game VOIP solves a lot of problems of premades, but not all. But hey, why include a feature of online multiplayer that has been standard in online games since 2000? Wouldn't it be better to spend your time programing awesome features like ghost heat and 3PV?


#9 Morang


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Posted 08 September 2013 - 01:29 AM

But voice comm should be coupled with an ability to mute it at all (while retaining other in-game sounds) and mute particular people. Otherwise anybody could just press PTT and broadcast grindcore over voice comms all the match.

In WorldOfTanks there's no built-in voice chat for PUGs in random matches (only for premades), but you can ignore people even in text chat and you can silence them right during the match. It's not a rare event when some ***** begins to click all over the map at the match start (which translates to chat as a long list of "Attention to grid square X" messages), so it's easy just to summon mouse cursor by holding Ctrl, then right click on his name in the team list and choose "Ignore" - and you'll never see him in the chat again.

#10 Plavis


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Posted 08 September 2013 - 01:43 AM

People complain about people using macro making them think less and not use timing and memory as some people claim.


People complain about people that uses voice comms like teamspeak making them coordinate better and have instant communication wile event are happening.

Its normal for people to complain.

If PGI made a better way of controlling weapons and ability to adjust firerate so that guns that are supposed to shoot at 0.50 actually shoot at 0.50 then i think people less people would have to use macro to compensate for this.

If PGI actually Implemented voice coms just like most multiplayer games have (yes this game is a multiplayer "MO" not a massive multiplayer online "MMO") Specialy this types of games are supposed to be the ultimate mech simulator like they claim.(just another team base FPS)

But no we dont have those
thats why people use macros
thats why people use voice comms
to make up for POOR FETURES

#11 A banana in the tailpipe


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Posted 08 September 2013 - 03:18 AM

Premades ruined 13 of my 15 matches this morning just trying to get one win with my hunchie. Screw those douches that sneak into pug matches.

#12 Hexenhammer


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Posted 08 September 2013 - 03:38 AM

Its easier blame a premade for the pub stomp than your own team.

Edited by Hexenhammer, 08 September 2013 - 03:39 AM.

#13 Kanatta Jing


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Posted 08 September 2013 - 03:51 AM

Teamspeak isn't the entirity of the premade advantage.

The other part is dropping with the same people repeatedly and working out how to get the job done.

#14 New Day


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Posted 08 September 2013 - 04:28 AM


#15 Naja


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Posted 08 September 2013 - 05:01 AM

Oh the joys of Australian time, I rarely run into premades. And you really shouldn't lump all founders in with premades. I'd actually hazzard a guess that the majority of players in premades aren't founders, going from what i've seen.

As for the best thing to do about them? Give voice comms to pugs, but for the love of Cthulhu let me mute everyone. Call me pretentious, but i find 99.9% of what people call "tactics" in online gaming is "I just wanted to sound important so collected a whole lot of buzzwords from military movies/tv shows and spouted them across my mic, even though I don't actually know what they mean nor if they're particularly relevent"

Also the "flying V" is from the mighty ducks.

#16 Ensaine


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Posted 08 September 2013 - 05:40 AM

Here's this dead horse again....

Guys. Teamspeak is the default, go-to comms app for most games. Integrated comms usually are of low quality, and can/do lag the game/UI as they tend to be very clunky.

Get over it. ANY integrated comms the dev's put in, will suck, when compared to Teamspeak.

Any of the moderated Teamspeak servers have NO issues with ******* playing dumb stuff, or going off on teenage rants. Anyone can be muted with a right click.

If you compare this to xBox chat, then, lol for doing so, and lol again for xBox .......

True premades have dedicated chassis buildouts, and set chasis types, and set roles in a game. There are VERY few of these, as private practice matches do not exist yet.

What you are seeing, are PUGS in Teamspeak. Usually experienced players, who know enough to focus fire on a target called out in TS.

No different than typing out 'Focus Bravo at D3' except the time required.

Any channel I join in Teamspeak, I am NOT required to bring any certain mech. I am NOT required to load out a mech with this or that weapon/module/ability.

^^ This is a PUG, who happen to be smart enough to see that Teamspeak is the way to go. No sense peeing up a rope about integrated comms. It's pretty dumb to make excuses at this point. Immature, 'kids screaming', those people doing THAT, or THIS.........yet, most of you won't try it, and waaa about 'Premades' that don't exist.

Want to see REAL premades? Make a 12 man.

#17 Chaosdrive


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Posted 08 September 2013 - 06:01 AM

I find it less than common that premades make up more than a lance most of the time, plus I don't think there are enough groups to actually keep more than a couple matches going at any one time - Especially during early hours, leading to long wait times.

You also need to factor in how many of these groups are just friends grouping up to mess around, or teach another how to play, I hardly doubt throwing them against serious 4 man groups would exactly do much.

I spend a lot of time in up to 4 man groups, I find it more enjoyable that way, I don't feel the need to bring xxx mech because it has weapon y which currently does really well however if groups of 2,3,4 were also split away and forced to fight other 2,3,4 groups it will just throw away the "play with friends and have a laugh" aspect to "prepare to get rofl stomped if you dare try to play with anybody without a high skill level, voice comms and a drop/lance commander" and I don't want that, sure, there are people who take 4 man's seriously but, from what I have seen, they far from make up the majority of the player base.

Oh, and I don't believe you have the right to say that focusing fire over comms takes no skill when you yourself admitted you do nothing but solo drop. You also need to worry about positioning, lines of fire, flanks whilst also trying to listen to what else is being said over comms, this is very hectic and can be a lot to take in at once, however when you solo drop you have one person to worry about; yourself.

I'm not going to say getting slapped up against 2+ full, serious premades doesn't suck because it does however you also need to think about people who are just playing together, another separate queue would just trim the playerbase further whilst also giving friends a reason to not play together - Hardly an ideal solution.

If they really wanted to limit premades in a drop I'd much rather they do something such as limit it to one four man per side, or ensure that each side has an equal amount of 4 man teams rather than out and out separating them.

There is also this that was posted by Johnny "situation x, just cause someone thinks its a premade based on faction affiliation ". Unfortunately the elo system seems to work on averages, you could have 11 great players and 1 player who's elo is incredibly low, bringing their team down to an "average" elo whilst you have 12 average players, who quickly get stomped.

Finally I'd like to add that I found that even in your title could be considered insulting really, as in anybody who runs in a premade would be useless without the ability to talk, I also sense a lot of anger in your posts, maybe you should consider relaxing a little more? I find even reading through half the forums here actually gets me pretty stressed out, hate is contagious so I like to limit my exposure.

#18 Mavairo


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Posted 08 September 2013 - 07:02 AM

People hate on Two Mans even.

So yeah. :)

Also, really putting TS on a computer isn't hard at all. Using it is even easier. Or heck just get a couple of your buddies together on skype and play.

I got a pretty decent team going, with a few of my face to face friends. And mingled that with some of my online friends. We have a ball, we know how for the most part how the other thinks, moves, acts and shoots. (from years and years of gaming together in various games)

And really, the game is MUCH better when you've got a group of friends playing together than sitting off in quiet land by yourself. There is one constant in all your losses especially when you play by yourself. You.

Edited by Mavairo, 08 September 2013 - 07:05 AM.

#19 Taemien


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Posted 08 September 2013 - 11:02 AM

Hey OP... why didn't you make this thread back in MW3, MW4, or even MWLL? Why are premades suddenly a problem now?

Better question, why don't you post in one of the other threads already made about this issue?

#20 Jestun


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Posted 08 September 2013 - 11:14 AM

Solo queues are a bad idea. They always have been.

It would mean that the main (non lone wolf) queue would suffer greatly, trying to match exactly 12 people to each team which meet the matchmaker criteria while having to account for group size at the same time.

Admittedly it's a better idea now than when it was 8 vs. 8 as there are more potential combinations of group sizes in a 12 man team, but it's still a bad idea.

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