Looking at the early dev chats and early talks about how the game was "supposed" to be, nothing suggested it would go downhill that much in that direction. It had such a good start, but now I'm extremely disappointed... and sad that I gave that I paid so much money for it (not that I blame anyone for that).
I've read many posts about other players who confirm what I see as well, so I know I'm not going crazy. With that new HSR thing that makes sniping so darn accurate now, it pretty much means that in order to survive long enough to deal enough damage, you need to have as much armor and firepower as possible, have the advanced zoom upgrade, and make sure you can hit the enemy in the CT before he does you. This means the only viable 'Mechs now, unless you're very very skilled in a coordinated lance, are the assault class and "some" of the heavies.
Forget lights; they die so fast now it's ridiculous. Jump jets seem to be nerfed too, or at least are less responsive than they were, so I can't even easily jump over and headshot bigger targets than me like I used to, even with 5/5 jumpjets. So other than to spot the enemy and run back to hide under mama's skirt (bigger teammates), they are pretty useless now. You may get lucky sometimes, and I have on occasions, but it usually ends badly. Sure you can still "try" to circle-strafe around a slow and sluggish heavy or assault, but more often than not, he'll just wait for that one shot and end you with it.
Mediums... not much better than lights except they can get a bit more lucky on opportunities. However, against anything bigger, unless they are in a pack, they have no chance if the enemy has enough firepower to alpha-out your CT in less than 3 shots... which most heavy/assaults do.
So... where is this game going? From what I see now it looks like the "role warfare" they promised isn't there anymore, or at least, changed so much that it's no longer recognizable.
I'm a solo player. I want to be able to join a pub game and still be able to make a difference in something else than a slow and sluggish assault 'Mech. I don't want to join a merc corp or a clan simply because I don't have time to play that much (I'm a new dad). I like to be able to quickly hop in and hop out when I need a fix. I used to be able to do this with ease several months ago before all those changes and I liked that.
Now... not so much. I feel I won't have any fun unless I have a fully upgraded assault or heavy with a huge alpha.
Is it really what I should be expecting from now on or do you think there's still a chance the game goes back on the right track?
Edited by Tweaks, 03 September 2013 - 08:49 PM.