Majorfatboy, on 08 September 2013 - 05:43 PM, said:
Oh great, yet another poor lost soul who doesn't quite know what they're talking about. Every time someone says this it goes to show how many players we have who only think they know how this works.
Oh course you could alter / customize an IS battlemech. You could change anything you wanted on it, but there were rules in place:
Cost, above all else: You'd need the cash not just to purchase the item in question, but cash to pay for the alteration.
Availability: Doesn't matter how rich you are, if you can't find what you want, or the equipment needed to make the change, you're out of luck.
Time: Just like real life, a lot of refits and alterations take time. If you were playing a long campaign, based on a timeline, you may not even be able to do without the mech you wanted to customize.
Location: When you're on an enemy world, light years from base, with only mobile field bases to call home, you're going to have a tough time replacing broken armor, to say nothing of (as an example) gutting a mech, yanking it's engine out, custom-fabricating new hardware, changing a weapon system, and rewiring the whole thing. A lot of work had to wait until your unit was somewhere with a base/factory.
Ownership: most mechwarriors are hired/military soldiers. They don't own their mechs, they are assigned to them. Doesn't matter how cool mechwarrior Bob Smith thinks it would be to swap his two flamers for an extra medium laser, it's his CO's decision.
Hell, I've got some old TRO's around here that have blank load sheets in the back, for writing in what mech in your little army has what loadout.
I don't get what's so hard about this for everyone to understand, it's just like every other tabletop game ever made. You start off with a simple, crappy character, do a bunch of adventures, and **** yourself out in the spoils of war. You don't think someone makes a level 1 Elven archer, with leather clothes, no magic, no skills, and a simple hunting bow, and plans on playing the entire quest / lifetime of the character like that?!
Hell no! You's slap on that orkish armor you found in the futtbucker caves, You buy and equip that +20 sniper's bow, you'd get magical training from some creepy old dude in the middle of a swamp or some ****.
Or maybe you'd create a character pre-loaded with swag, because that's what the scenario called for.
Every time someone claims you couldn't customize an IS battlemech in TT, An angel gets it's wings ripped-off, rolled, and smoked by a hippie.
Please, please think of the angels.
I've been saying this for months, glad someone else also recognizes. The only real exception in my mind is Endo Steel, you should never really be able to switch out your mech's structure.The difference is like removing your car door and replacing it, or a new windshield. Inconvenient but a tech can easily accomplish it. Removing the engine and putting in a new one? A little harder. Endo Steel would be like stripping everything off the frame, getting a new frame made of different material and reattaching all the parts. Not easy, and certainly expensive.
I especially agree with charging C-bills and down time for changing equipment.