scJazz, on 12 September 2013 - 08:45 AM, said:
Not that I really feel like defending PGI but...
The TT Heat table translates very poorly to a FPS where players enjoy and are allowed to customize their Mechs.
Ammo explosion
Aiming Modifier
Movement Modifier
Ammo Explosion is easiest to comment on... taduh the new Meta becomes no one pilots anything that includes anything but Energy Weapons and Gauss Rifles.
Shutdown... not so difficult but is it really worth it? People hate random stuff happening to them. The new complaint of the month becomes "I've shut down early everytime in the last 47 matches!!! PGI's RNG sucks!"
As for Aiming and Movement penalties, seriously, you do not want to do that stuff in a MOBA with a Server Authoritative Architecture! With network latency and server side time slicing the effects would be seriously random appearing and would blow all the HSR work they have done right out of the water.
You are incorrect in ALL your assumptions.
1. Custom 'mechs have been in existence, even since TT days (and in fact TT 'mechs are orders of magnitude more customizable than MWO 'mechs), and the heat affects table has done a great job for 30 years in balancing them.
2. Other computerized iterations have had some level of customization AND a heat affects table and have done well without some of the bastardized kludges we've had to suffer through in MWO.
3. So what if the "new meta" changes and no one carries weapons with ammo? Actually, only the less skilled player would go that route. The SKILLED player would just quickly learn to avoid overheating while they have ammo.
4. The current shut down mechanism works just fine and supposedly PGI has stated that the current mechanism equates to the first shut down roll on the TT table (hence my picture representing it), that can be continued, only in a more built out table the time available to press that "O" key to over ride would need to be halved at each level of potential shut down. Simulating the 'randomness', relying on your own awareness and reflexes to hit it.
5. We already have aiming penalties while jumping, or being hit with AC and missiles. The same sort of mechanisms could be adapted to be activated, and increased at specific heat levels.
6. We already have movement penalties when traversing terrain beyond specific angles. The same sort of mechanism could be adapted to decrease movement at specific heat levels.
7. You assume the heat affects table has to match affect for affect between TT and this game. It does not. In fact this game could have additional heat affects like weapon misfires, increased jamming percentages for ALL ballistic weapons, things not easily implemented in TT, but much more easily doable in a computer sim.
Every person I've come across who fights adding heat affects table is typically someone who I've found out later is either a boat pilot, or a light pilot. In boats and lights a more robust heat affects table with movement and aim modifiers scares the living pee out of...
What's your primary ride in game?