If the goal is balance start from a point of balance and work back, to this end my argument begins with a weapon that I believe is relatively well balanced, the AC/10.
Dmg Heat CD Tons Crits DPS DPT DPC HPS
AC/10 10 3 2.5 12 7 4 .833 1.428 1.2
So then, aside from the weapon we need ammo, and also heat dissipation, ammo is easy so let's do that first, 15 shots per ton, 1 Crit per ton, 30 shots is what I consider the minimum to really use the weapon, so add 2 crits and 2 tons of weight.
Now heatsinks, were going to use doubles, going to assume 16, and a 275 engine. Why? A 275 carries 10 in engine heatsinks with one slot for an additional heatsink, that's 11 heatsinks at .2 HPS for 1 ton 0 slots and 5 outside the engine at .14 HPS, 3 crits and 1 ton each. Together that is 6 tons 15 slots 2.9 total HPS dissipated. Do the math and on average a double heatsink then weighs .375 tons takes up 1.066 crits and dissipates .18125 HPS,
We want 50% heat dissipation, 1.2 HPS (The heat per second generated by the weapon) /2 = .6 /.18125 (The heat per second dissipated by 1 double heatsink) = 3.31 double heatsinks to dissipate 50% of the AC/10's heat. That means an additional 1.241 tons, and 3.531 crits.
Dmg Heat CD Tons Crits DPS DPT DPC HPS
AC/10 10 3 2.5 12 7 4 .833 1.428 1.2
+2 +2
+1.241 +3.531
So here are the real stats of the AC/10
Dmg Heat CD Tons Crits DPS DPT DPC HPS
AC/10 10 3 2.5 15.25 12.5 4 .656 .8 1.2
Here are the Base stats of the PPC in order to equalize DPS we need 1.6 PPC's (AC/10 = 4.0 DPS, PPC = 2.5) DPS 2.5 * 1.6 = 4.0
Dmg Heat CD Tons Crits DPS DPT DPC HPS
PPC 16 16 4 11.2 4.8 4 1.429 3.333 4
Let me Crunch the numbers for you, here are the real stats of the 1.6 PPC's, again 50% heat dissipation
Dmg Heat CD Tons Crits DPS DPT DPC HPS
PPC 16 16 4 11.2 4.8 4 .043 .966 4
+4.125 +11.733
Dmg Heat CD Tons Crits DPS DPT DPC HPS
PPC 16 16 4 15.33 16.55 4 1.043 .966 4
So, what do the numbers really mean? The numbers indicate that when enough PPC's (1.6) are carried to equal the DPS of an AC/10: (assuming 50% heat Dissipation)
PPC damage per crit is ~20% better than an AC/10
PPC damage per ton is ~60% better than an AC/10
PPC heat per second is ~ 333% higher than an AC/10
The Question then is:
Is an extra 100 meters of range, 20% better damage per crit, 60% better damage per ton and infinite ammo worth 3.3 times the heat. No ammo explosions but a cooldown 1.6 times as long meaning missing hurts a lot more with the PPC, on the other hand firing at beyond max range for partial damage does not hurt your potential maximum damage the way it does with a ballistic, neither does missing entirely for that matter. With the PPC you can take that 50/50 shot at 750 meters, with the AC/10 you really need to be at 450 or closer or you're wasting those precious 30 shots. The actual weapon stats are much more balanced than most of us believe (yes there is room for improvement *Cough* ERPPC) but weapon stats are not the real problem issue in most cases.
The REAL ISSUE is BOATING. (But Gabe boating is cannon, lots of cannon mechs were boats) Indeed, many cannon mechs were boats but mechs were laid out in standard configurations that could not be changed. The entire point of omnitech was to make mechs re-configurable. If we say that all mechs are omnimechs we are already throwing out cannon and the result is the boating problem mechwarrior has always suffered from. So what's the solution? Well, IMO Mechwarrior 4 had it right, PPC = 3 crits, if the energy slot in that right arm isn't 3 crits or bigger you can't put a PPC there, also 3 one slot energy hard points are not the same as a 3 slot, you can put 3 small lasers in a 3 slot, but you can't put a PPC in 3 one slot energy hard points. IMO this would at the very least reduce boating and I think the game would be better for it, that's just my opinion of course so feel free to discuss.
Edited by Gabriel Amarell, 28 September 2013 - 02:31 AM.