Marack Drock, on 14 March 2014 - 06:53 AM, said:
In SPACE NOTHING CAN TURN 90 DEGREES IN LESS THAN A SECOND! Physics will not allow it. Torpedo is out!
really we see it turn 90 degrees in the movie, And I assume it did the same in the novels, ergo it can, real life physics plays no role here, otherwise battletech fails just as hard as Star wars. Hint their both fictional universes.
Oh and by the way the crew of Gemini 8 would like to talk to you as they experienced a full 360 degree revolution every second with their RCS malfunction they had. So you can do a 90 degree turn in a second in real life, Now you may have a point, with momentum... The fact is you can make a object do what we see, but making it will be very difficult with current real life tech.
Next Missiles cannot work in space because they rely on air movement to turn.
Might want to tell NASA that, no don't bother I can go across the river and tell them my self, as I live right across from cape Kennedy, and I can hear them laughing at this idea. The answer to this problem is so simple even the Aggregat Four rocket used it in WW2, also see below.
Again Engines pointed at the same angle will not be able to change the angle of the ship's destination.
Ever heard of Thrust Vectoring? Maneuvering Thrusters? Reaction Wheels? Obviously you haven't, and how do you explain battletech ships? They have engines in the same locations with no visible secondary engines so B-tech ships as well can not turn... If you say Battletech has these but star wars dose not, please put up evidence of this.
Ever heard of a game called Kerbal space program?, the game allows you to fly your own space program (design, build and fly your own rockets), using real life physics (to the best of their ability's), steering a rocket with
Gimbaling engines is vastly easier than one with out, RSC also allows one to steer a rocket, as dose reaction wheels
EWOKS!!!! Defeated the supposedly superior Empire... EWOKS. Also if Battlemechs are so horrible why does the Confederacy (spider droids), Galactic Empire (At St, AT AT, At Pt, etc), Republic (At Rt). Mechs will still win do to sheer amount of numbers.
It's a fictional universe one in which the laws of Physics have been bent to allow for mechs to be a viable combat unit. the same in Star wars, though like Battletech Starwars has a considerable number of more conventional vehicles, though Star wars also uses a number of hover tanks (largely using anti gravity tech and not skirts and or fans).
Also what numbers? I gave you the amount of battlemechs in the BTU their small vastly smaller than what Starwars can bring.
Also please provide the size of a battletech military...
Ewoks are in universe are not something you want to mess with, Though in real life pit a human vs a bear or gorilla in a death match and in close quarters, with the bears getting the Drop on you, even real life Soldiers will do poorly. Now give them weapons...
Also I believe the previous garrison did worn the units that replaced them (which we see in the film) and they where ignored. Even so they where winning until the AT-STs where taken out.
I miscommunicated there were at least a couple of a million in Episode 6 though. According to Wookiepedia there were 30 Star Destroyers, 1 Dreadnought, 1 Com Ship, and 2 Battle Cruisers and 1000+ Tie Fighters VS. 650 Rebel Starfighters, 30 Rebel cruisers (18 of which were as small as Corellian Corvettes). They were astoundingly outnumbered and still won. So close to 1 mil on Rebel side and close to about 2 or 3 mil on the Empire side (as a crew of a Star Destroyer is about 800 thousand).
Numbers are not the only factor going into a fight, Technology, Training, Tactics, Skill and a bit of Luck all play their part. So you mean crew, sure millions perhaps but in general we do not talk about over all manpower in naval fights but in terms of ships, the size of the crews do not inherently dictate how a naval fight will go.
In order for a debate to work you must take it to a common ground. A real world scenario where PHYSICS exist. As a Battlemech, Jumpship, and Dropship are within more physical possibility they will have the advantage (also because Star Ships in a world of physics would only be able to move in 1 direction).
That's why it's best to assume both sides work as advertised. It's rather unfair to go off and say Oh i'm sorry your made up ships do not work because real life says so, but my slightly less unrealistic made up ships get a free pass, so you lose. You see a problem here? The problem is, your taking two fictional universes and pitting them against each other, sure one side is slightly more realistic but that dose not give it a get out of jail free card with it's own issues, then you now have to face arguments of how plausible are various aspects of each... And the fact that our understanding of the universe is less than perfect as well, so whose to say that either one has found a way to cheat a bit?
And no Battletech ships are just as impossible all of their engines will not work in real life. a 500,000 ton warship (which is rather light wight for it's size) each day only uses 39.5 tons of liquid hydrogen at 1G, this is out right impossible in real life, key facts the energy expended results in an FTL exhaust (well not really but darn close) and far exceeds what hydrogen can provide given the used amount.
Edit:Now I am done because this is not a debate. This is 2 people yelling at eachother with neither accepting the other's opinion no matter how true either one is.
Concession Accepted
Also- Antigravity is the weakest arguments ever. My "weak statements" were not as utterly pathetic as that was.
Says the man whose only argument is to cry real life physics says it will not work when talking about a hypothetical fight between two made up universes, when the side he favors clearly will lose. And no it is not lame it is a simple fact that Starwars has anti gravity tech and battletech dose not.
Lets put it this way what capability's has either Starwars or Battletech (you can do this with others) been shown or stated to be capable of doing.
FTL Speeds?
Sub light speeds?
Ground combat capability?
Capital ship weapons capability's?
Defensive capability's?
Fleet Size?
Manufacturing capability's?
Number of worlds it owns?
Engineering capability's?
What do you recon for each of these categorys?
Heres some basics
FTL Speeds?
-Star wars can cross 100,000 light years in a matter of days, though less well traveled paths it might take a year or so. Battle tech at best 3,000 light years per year in 30 light year hops
Sub light speeds?
-Star wars has shown that it can cross hundreds of thousands of KM in mere minutes, for battletech smiler travel distances will take several hours. Though typical combat speeds are not much different however.
Ground combat capability?
-Is far more even, though Star wars tanks are far faster than B-tech units, For example the Juggernaut can reach speeds of 160kph (thats a 10/15 mech), Saber tanks can reach 320kph, where as most B-tech hover tanks are 90 to 160kph and the vast majority of battlemechs have combat speeds under 150kph.
Problematic for battletech is that a number of Starwars units are shielded. And in terms of numbers starwars has a much larger army. Though both sides weapons can hurt each other, and over all battletech latter on has a powered infantry advantage.
Capital ship weapons capability's?
-In battletech Capital weapons can be calculated to single digit kilotons, 100 kiloton nukes can kill most ships, in Star wars At the lowest calculations pit the invisible small "trench" guns on a ISD in the single digit kilotons, of which an ISD has dozens of them to say nothing of the larger visible guns like the ones on the sides, higher calculations and stated ability's can be high gigaton range.
Defensive capability's?
-Battletech uses armor plates, Star wars, their ships use at lest two different kinds of shields (Ray shields stops energy weapons, though Strong enough Ion cannons can penetrate, Particle shield stop physical impacters), as well as Armor plates. The shields can stop in universe attacks for an indeterminate amount of time, though concentrated fire can drop a localized area for a short time.
Fleet Size?
-Star wars at lest 20,000 Star destroyer sized vessels, with hundreds of thousands of smaller ships, Battletech at it's height, around 5,000 or so warships, thousands of combat dropships, with tens of thousands of transports.
Manufacturing capability's?
-Star wars Built over 20,000 Star destroyers in under 30 years, has a number of worlds ringed by orbital ship yards, never mind the hundreds of thousands of smaller ships all of which are the size of B-tech warships in terms of length. Battletech at it's height dose not even have that kind of ship production capability's. At best they can build a hand full of ISD sized ships each year.
Number of worlds it owns?
-Star wars 1 million +, Battletech under 3,000
Engineering capability's?
-Star wars can build 18km long star ships built mobile space stations that are in excess of 160km in diameter (some sources indicate the second one was around 900km in diameter), has planet wide city's; Battletech, the largest ships are under 2km long, and dose not have any where close to planetary wide city's and never mind items like the death star.
Edited by Nebfer, 14 March 2014 - 06:32 PM.