Marack Drock, on 15 March 2014 - 07:46 PM, said:
Thing with saying they all act the way they do means only 1 can win and it will win no matter what. And that is Star Trek because of Q. If we are to say they all act the way they do then the series that follows the laws of physics and hense forth will obviously lose because they cannot break those rules. Star Wars is based on: Eastern Superstition, Lack of Physics, etc.
That is generally correct, do you really think that if we went back in time to fight the Romans (Cira 75 BC) we will suddenly find out that our technology will not work because from the Romans perspective we are using Magic? Or are you gonna say that once they see a Computer, Gun, Electricity, Modern Jet fighters, Radios, Fusion reactors and ect they are gonna instantaneously understand what the heck it is and understand how it works and be able to create their own in 2 years, exclaiming "quare qui non cogitamus?" ("Why didn't I think of that" in Latin, or at lest what the wiki translator says.)
Just because Star wars and just about every other Made up universe ignored various aspects of real life physics dose not mean we can simply throw them out the window just because it inconveniences you.
For example the Mass effect series invents a magic element that allows them to do lots of fun stuff, but according to you that element stops working the moment they meat a real life army.
And again in the BT universe those ships would not work because of: Shape, Lack of Aerodynamic wings capable of producing thrust, Center of Gravity below Center of Pressure (I fly model airplanes and Rockets, if the CG is below CP then the plane/rocket will literally flip end of end until it hits the ground Personal experience).
And you thinks B-tech ships will operate just fine given their art work ? Have you done study's on these ships? And why are we obsessed about atmospheric operations any way? Battle tech warships do not operate in one (only Dropships do and not even all), so fights between warships will only take place in space. You do know that a Modern Fighter jet is aerodynamically unstable, and can only fly due to it having a computer right?
Might I ask do you know where the Center of Gravity of a ISD is? or a Lola III? and how do you know? The dynamics of space flight is slightly diffrent than what one needs for atmosphearic needs.
Q could win hands down and only because ST is to lazy to tell us if he can die or not and don't bother to do anything but say he is all powerful.
Obviously Q is a major factor for Trek winning a particular what if debate, though that assumes Q wants to get involve, or in a number of cases I have seen Q is stated not to get involved. Heck for all we know Q might let the Federation lose and then wish it away leaving the memory of said defeat on some pore sods mind, that he's playing around with that week. Even so the fact that Q might not want the Feds to lose, dose not mean the Feds by it self can win, and that is the important part. Basically calling in "Divine" favors to bail you out is a pore way of saying you can not handle your opposing foe. Heck why did not Q help the Feds during the Dominion war if he's so willing to help them out?
The same way the Rebels did. According to Sarna and the Wookieepedia the Large Laser is within .2% the same as the X-Wing's laser cannon. The Ion Cannon (like the ones on Y-Wings that are capable of going through shields) are literally PPCs even in size. Weapons (other than the Death Star cannon) are the same. So now we take in consideration that BT ships are much smaller than Star Wars ships making them harder to hit.
Are you serious? Your going off the physical size? That's a pore way of doing things, you need to go off their achieved capability's, like what kind of feats are large lasers capable of doing? or the Blasters on AT-ATs for example. You keep saying a PPC will behave like a Ion cannon in Star wars, but you do not state why out side that their very smiler weapons, but B-tech ones do not produce much in the way of interference, so the task is now to you to prove that a PPC on a battlemech will function as a SW ion cannon, particularly a warship scale one. Heck as you say the Y-wing has a pair of Ion Cannons, if they where as dangerous as you say in star wars, then why did they not use them on the Death star attack? Where they could of shut down the various systems and made it much easier to attack, so obviously Fighter scale Ion Cannons have obvious limitations when dealing with targets much larger than they are. Also the burden of prof is on you to prove that a B-tech Naval PPC is any where as powerful as a Star wars Warship scale Ion Cannon (or turbolaser for that matter).
Also Star wars dose have huge numbers of smaller ships, like the 450 meter long Strike Cruisers, the 350 meter long Carrack class light cruisers, the 600 meter long Immobilizer 418 "Interdictor" cruiser (bad news for B-tech ships trying to jump out), or it's Heavy cruiser configuration the Vindicator class, or the equally long and more well known Dreadnaught class Heavy Cruisers. Keep in mid the Empire has over 20,000 Star destroyers but they also have easily 10 to 50 times that number in these smaller ships.
The Rebels took advantage of the Imperials in Episode 4 by waiting for them to land on Yavin IV and then attacking while the forces were split in half. If BT were to use this same method, since we know the Empire is incapable of even hitting Ewoks (unless they have an AT-ST) we can assume 1 drop ships (at least) would land on the Death Star and unleash mechs. If even 10 mechs got on the Death Star it would spell instant destruction because the Star Destroyers would either have to shoot the Death Star's surface to kill them, or the Ties would (so they would blow themselves to bits). While that is going on they could have 2 or 3 dropships launch from the rear and land. If the Imperials had to go stop them then the forces are split into thirds and spreading damage to the Death Star. So in the end the Death Star would be pulverized and with (by my estimates by how many X-Wings and Y-Wings were destroyed) only about 50 to 60 mechs would be gone (and there are MILLIONS or 100s of MILLIONS of mechs). So Death Star Destroyed along with many Imperial ships. So now we have the Rebel forces (who by Episode 5 are still very weak). Battletech moves on Yavin 4 first where the Imperials are attacking to learn where the Rebels went. The Imps are being attacked not only by 30 foot tall mechs but also by Rebels. As Darth Vader has slow reflexes by this time he would most certainly not survive the attack (especially because he would only be able to block MGuns with his saber). Yavin IV taken.
Err what? I'm starting to think you know nothing about star wars, or battletech for that matter. You do know the Rebels ultimately lost at Yavin right? Also Why could not the Death star deploy it's own ground forces (all 25,000 some odd of them) or use it's own guns to defend it self?
Why would a company of battlemechs spell doom for the death star? The Death star I is bigger than the
state of Connecticut, An entire Star league battlemech Division could not even destroy something that big.
Can you tell me where you get millions of battlemechs from? As for example the Armed forces Federated Suns as of 3062 only has ~87 regiments of battlemechs in it's standing army, with each regiment having around 132 mechs in it, So around 12,000 battlemechs, give or take a few, as theirs bound to be a bunch of small units not listed. And the AFFS is one of the stronger battletech militarys at that time.
Also why would the Rebels side with battletech? Heck how do we know that they might not side with the Empire to help with a out side threat?
Hoth. Well this is easy. BT has already taken its toll on the Imps now (who now no longer would be able to find the Rebel Base as they didn't know Hoth was the destination because BT took Yavin IV). Rebels wouldn't stand a chance. If we sent Scout mechs in they would pulverize the rebels because they would not be able to get the Transports out before some missiles came through the hangars and blew everything up. Rebels defeated (including Luke and Leia and everyone else).
You do know that using standard operations Battletech would of likely taken the better part of a week* just to reach Hoth from their standard Jump points, then spend a few days trooping around Hoth to find what they need. The Rebels managed to find the man sized probe droids that was snooping on them. Why do you think a Lance or two of much larger 26-46 foot tall battlemechs are going to be any more stealthier than the man sized droids? Never mind that their dropship(s) is way bigger than the pods the droids used...
* Looks up the Star type of Hoth, hey it's a Spectral type B (Blueish white), looks up what B-tech says Transit times for that kind of Star is... Crap never mind a better part of a week,
try 2 to 4 MONTHS at 1G! So no your idea will not work, well I suppose they could use a Pirate point (L1 point in real life), but that assumes they have a good deal of info on the system. So if Battletech tried attacking the Hoth System the Rebels would of noticed it long before they even reached the planet and be long gone.
The minimum distance the chart says for a B class star (spectral type) is 58.4 billion km or 390 times the distance of Earth to it's own sun (earths Jump point is just 10 AU or just past Saturn's orbit and takes 9.1 days at 1G), and would take a Dropship 56.5 days at 1G to reach planetary orbit (as battletech dose not have artificial gravity anything above 1G for a significant amount of Time (I.e. more than a day or two) will be bad for the occupants of said dropship).
Episode 6- Well not much left to do now. Darth is dead, Imperial forces are fractured looking for a non existent rebel base. So BT attacks the in construction DSII and the Endor Base (poor AT-STs) and easily wins (if Ewoks can win with logs BT can win with NUKES). Shields down on DS... NUCLEAR MISSILE...
Given your already implausible scenario, this is equally worthless. Keep in mind the emperor him self leaked the location of the Death star II so he could crush the rebels (it did not work out unfortunately for him).
Using Nukes is not necessarily a good thing, by the way how many and of what yield?
Oh and how is the battletech forces gonna get past the Ewoks? They do not have a "golden God" to help them bring them to their side. And how are they gonna get past the Defensive cauldron to the planet and not be noticed? The Rebel Strike Team used the B-tech equivalent of a small craft (which has it's own FTL drive, something that is impossible to do in battletech), what your suggesting is a more larger force. Besides an AT-ST is more of a B-tech Ultra light battlemech, used as a scout and escort.
I'll tell you what. Here's a few questions I want you to answer me.
Acceleration rates/Sub light speeds: What is the acceleration capability's of battletech and Star wars ships? The faster the more capable they are. A ship can get to a location a lot faster at 10Gs than at 1G (that's 98.1m/s vs 9.81m/s or 321ft/s vs 32.1ft/s).
Military Size: How big is their military? How many warships, ground forces?
Fire power: What kind of fire power feats do their weapons display, both on ground weapons and on their capital ships. For example how long would it take for either side to reduce a planet to slag (I.e. level all city's, populations and anything of important) with a single ship? What kind of fire power dose a mechs Large laser have? a Blaster cannon on a AT-AT?
Industrial capacity: I.e. How fast could they replace a Warship? Say either sides lose 100 large ships how long will it take for them to make up for the loss?
FTL speeds: How long will it take either side to travel 100 light years using their faster than light drives?
Communications capability: particularly FTL based ones.
Number of controlled worlds/population: Which is bigger? Kinda hard to attack one side if it out numbers you by say 100,000 to 1
Defensive ability's: What kind of ability's do they have to defend them selves from attacks?
You can do this for a lot of other what ifs, and get a fairly good idea of who's gonna come out on top in a war.
Also do you know what
Canon is? And how it relates to what we are talking about?