Proper Etiquette:
With the new wait until everyone is ready screen it's become popular to take command and begin rearranging teams. While sometimes this can be helpful, we seem to need to teach people a little bit about politeness, and etiquette when taking command.
- Step 1: When taking command, please ask what players are in premades. Do NOT rearrange these.
- Step 2: Wait a moment for people to speak up.
- Step 3: If no one speaks up or they say they don't mind, rearrange base on weight class.
- Step 4: Undo any rearrangements based on request.
- Step 5: Command as normal.
This is by far not the best it could have been in terms of length and being direct to the point. However, recorded live and unscripted I did try.
The chatter introduction goes from the beginning.
Grid squares are 500 meters, and with that info you can skip ahead to 2:35 if your time is short.
After some time, I take command of the lance, demonstrate how to give orders. It would be nice if the attack order could be locked onto an enemy mech's movements.
If you already know about the battlegrid and just want to check out my Heavy Metal's very interesting build and how I use it, jump to the time below.
At 5:48, after poking a little bit of fun at the Stair Climbing Simulator (more of a poke for PGI to implement some forward thrust to JJs), the screen burns out to a pug match where I take command of the company and begin issuing out orders and leading the charge.
I'd like to think I did pretty well. Although none of the 8 trial mechs on my team survived and I lost one of my own lance members, we completely annihilated the enemy team and kept up fairly well with the captures, too.
This is temporary as it's been requested a number of times. A much more concise and well-thought out tutorial will come eventually.