We're excited to show off the latest project we've been working on for the last little while. It's been challenging keeping quiet about it with all the excitement surrounding MW:O.
With the game leaving beta, launch party, etc. We also didn't want to ruin the surprise for the people receiving it. But here it is finally! Sarah's Jenner in 1:60 scale, hand painted, free standing, posable 3D printed model.

For those that don't know, Sarah's Jenner was launched in memory if a 5 year old fan who had lost the battle to cancer. She and her father was a huge fan of MW:O, and for $10 you could purchase the Sarah Jenner and all proceeds was donated to the Canadian Cancer Society. The response was overwhelming, far exceeding the donation expectations. Sarah's Jenner had a unique skin designed just for her, complete with rainbows, unicorns, band **** and teddy bears. These decals were painstakingly reproduced with tiny brushes. -possibly the most time consuming part of the process... but the results are well worth it!

Those hearts are roughly one square millimeter. I'm not actually an experienced model painter... The painters I had in mind couldn't do it, so I took the task on myself. My painting experience includes an Atlas.. and that's about it.

Here is the official virtual jenner (top) replaced with a photo of our physical Jenner (bottom) for comparison for those that might not know what a Sarah Jenner is.
So how did this project begin? You might have seen my previous 3D print of an MW:O Atlas. Well the folks at NGNG took notice and brought the idea up, that they wanted to bring Sarah's Jenner into reality, and present it as a gift to Sarah's father. They offered to cover some of the costs, and I was in-between projects and looking for something new and inspiring to do, so it was a perfect matchup. There were also many lessons learned from making the Atlas that I wanted to apply, why not make something cool for an awesome cause at the same time.
I should also mention here that we weren't the first people to have this idea. Horned Owl on the MWO forums created a full colour Sarah Jenner for her father as well. Though the approach and end result are substantially different. Most notably, Horned Owl's comes fully finished from the printer at Table Top scale. While ours requires assembly, is lot larger, has moving joints, and silver thermo-plastic instead of full colour sandstone.
We decided to make it 1:60 scale, which seems to be somewhat of a standard in armorcast models. Which puts the Jenner at around 150mm tall. Almost exactly as tall as the atlas.

Slightly taller than a marker.

The arms are roughly as big as a quarter. Imagine painting a shark in the area of quarter of a quarter. It was hard -at least for me, I know you experienced painters out there can paint the alphabet on a grain of rice. You have my respect.
So if that wasn't hard enough. I had to make 3 of them.

One was a prototype. The other 2 were gifts. The first one I print to test all the tolerances, and mechanical issues that arise from going virtual to physical, and to make sure that it actually prints properly. This time around, I didn't want any noticeable seams like the atlas had on it's legs. I didn't want to print with any supports that would mar the surface finish, and I wanted it all to snap together requiring only small dabs of glue to solidify everything. I'm happy to say that I achieved all of those goals and corrected almost all the design flaws seen on the Atlas.

NGNG wanted one for Sarah's father, and one to PGI. I assembled and painted the prototype and revised tolerances and mechanical function of parts as I waited for the other two Jenners to finish printing. It took 2 full days to print all the parts. But it actually went quite smoothly, I designed, prototyped, and assembled and re-designed version 2 in a span of a week and a half, between work.

These pictures kept me going throughout the process. Just had to get the details right. (top ingame Jenner, Bottom Physical)

Each one was sent out with a NGNG stand for added baddass-ness. To be displayed with it if they so choose.
And here's a slew of pictures! Assembled from 39 parts excluding pins.

To answer the inevitable question:
We don't distribute the 3D print or working files. And it is not for sale. Sorry!
And thanks again to PGI for running the Sarah campaign. Thanks to all of you who bought a Sarah mech and/or Donated to Charity! And NGNG for partnering with us on this project!
Both Sarah mechs should have arrived at their destinations by the time you're reading this.
We'll have more stuff for you to see soon once we get those uploaded! stay tuned...
Thanks for visiting.
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Edited by Valcrow, 08 October 2013 - 09:39 AM.