Almond Brown, on 29 November 2013 - 11:42 AM, said:
Heat dissipation does nothing to solve the current Ballistic Meta issue. A better energy weapon just means more the of those ballistic builds could add "extra" damage to their profile. The same is true now. Want a cooler over all build, and have a Ballistic slot, fill it.
The Mechs without the option to add a Ballistic are currently suffering from GH, but without GH, we have seen the Meta. Now all that needs to happen in increase the Heat (or add the others to the GH team) or increase the Cool down of the Ballistic series to reduce the pin point (other whole topic btw) DPS issue.
Here is a
AWS-9M that would be a good sniper. Added the Bells and Whistle bits to make it a complete Team player package. To bad about the lack of ECM though.

the awesome has far to large of a profile to attempt running such a light load, especially with only a standard 300. i would lose the erppcs altogether, pop in endo, at least a standard 325 and go with 2-3 LL or ERLL, and a streak 6 with BAP, losing the tag entirely. (only dedicated LRM boats and dedicated spotters REALLY need a tag, and lights are much better for spotting being able TO ACTUALLY RUN AWAY, something this mech (most awesomes actually. lol) cant do).
only PB has the speed to pull off 2 ERPPC builds, the 9M is far better off with mixed lasers and streaks+bap to chase off annoying lights. which also incidentally lets you hang back and support the team, which is good because the awesome is not a good front liner at all.
when i do run PPCS in my 9M its 3 PPC's and 1 SPL with a standard 325, and i hang back, play the classic awesome role of support sniper. and honestly its "alright" but greatly overshadowed by jump snipes like the highlander or victor. mostly because of its large profile, that makes it way to easy to hit, and also because the awesomes lack of mobility and its low mounted energy slots (does not peak over hills, any stalker PPC snipe makes mincemeat of awesomes because they only have to expose the tips of their torsos, same for battlemaster PPC snipes, they get super high energy mounts that just make the awesome, well not awesome at all

in short the awesome is actually ONE OF THE WORST SNIPING MECHS, solely on the fact that it is such an easy target to hit and has less tactical options available to it, compared to other mechs OF THE SAME WEIGHT CLASS.

and to try and compensate my making a speedy awesome (any xl in an awesome is basically an absolute nono because of its atlas like shoulders) you will often find yourself wholly outclassed, out armored and outgunned compared to the awesomes peer mechs..
mind you i love my awesomes, i hate that they aren't anything close to competitive.
Edited by Mellifluer, 30 November 2013 - 01:43 AM.