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Official Developer Update

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#601 Zombie SixNine


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Posted 24 July 2012 - 08:30 PM

View PostThat Guy, on 15 June 2012 - 01:34 PM, said:

Thank you for an honest, non-PR sounding misinformation campaign. Despite the usual internet rage at things, we gamers actually do appreciate the truth and an honest approach in information. It nice to be treated like adults rather than addicts or children :(

But...we are addicts of BattleTech...aren't we... B) ?
(The first step in addiction is admitting you have an addiction) :ph34r:

#602 SakuranoSenshi


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Posted 25 July 2012 - 07:54 PM

First, let me apologize for the wall of text but this issue keeps going round because the ignorant (no offence, literal meaning intended) keep repeating what certain 'wannabe' technical types have told them (you know the kind, just enough knowledge to be dangerous, uses all kinds of tweaks that somehow never do much but break their system).

I read a few pages before getting tired, great announcement that cleared up some questions I had even now (recently joining), I did spot repeated technical confusion / ignorance, though, with regards to memory under 32 bit Windows.

32 bit OS does not limit you to 4 GiB nor does it, even worse, actually let you only touch 3.5 GiB (or some arbitrary other portion) of that memory. Address space is not the same as physical memory; the 32 bit word limits the virtual address space for each process to 4 GiB and on a standard setup 2 GiB of this is kernel memory space, meaning that without workarounds, the process has 2 GiB of address space to use for its own data. The OS is perfectly capable of accessing more than 4 GiB of installed physical memory and will definitely access all of the memory if 4 GiB is installed, however, Microsoft now (yes, they deliberately altered it) limits certain versions (essentially non-server stuff) to 4 GiB of physical memory and they do this in the kernel, according to licence. That's right, if you fiddle about, disabling protection that stops you swapping system files, so that you can put an appropriate 'business' kernel in there instead (or edit certain flags on the kernel) you can use as much physical memory as you like.

So, where does that 3.5 figure come from and why didn't Microsoft extend the address space up to 36 bits and so on? That's what 'PAE-enabled' kernels are all about surely? Well, your kernel is 'PAE-enabled' (technically that's the wrong term but the point is that software is in place to use a larger address word for talking to physical memory, this has been necessary for some time due to security enhancements that rely on it) even if you're using a 32 bit version of Windows. The problem was that many poorly written drivers made assumptions about memory layout which meant that it was not safe, in practice, to allow virtual addresses above the 4 GiB 'top' value and some caused problems even within the current range, if virtual addresses above 2 GiB were permitted to user processes. Microsoft actually tried it and made a business decision to leave the old virtual memory model untouched, figuring, arguably correctly, that extending it anyway was of limited value. As for the 3.5 GiB figure; that happens when addresses at the top or bottom of the virtual address range are reserved for right across all processes, so that the device or process mapped into it is visible to all processes. There is a 'video window' in there but there is some misunderstanding of that, so I'll tackle that shortly. In other words, you are getting reported the total available virtual address range, not your installed physical RAM. The weird and inconsistent way that Microsoft have reported 'memory' under Windows versions is why this confuses laymen, I suspect.

Another myth that I alluded to above is "my video card(s) have 2 GiB of memory, so I have even less, because it gets taken out of the 4 GiB". This one is harder for me to understand, to be honest - your video card memory is not RAM, in any of the senses that word is typically used outside the very technical. Your system cannot (well, couldn't until the advent of the current GP on GPU craze) in any way treat the memory on your video card (or any other adapter card not specifically designed for expanding memory) as general access memory, in fact it can't even see it. That's right, only the stuff internal to the card has access because it's not on the system bus at all and you remember the video window, right? That's what the rest of the system must use to put information into the video card's memory and that's handled by negotiating with the card and its drivers. That window is, from memory, typically about 256 MiB but it depends on card and configuration, certainly it's never been more than 512 MiB in my experience when I have been looking over reserved address ranges for devices.

TL,DR; 32 bits doesn't stop you using your memory upto or over 4 GiB but Windows licencing probably will stop you using more than 4 GiB if you have a 32 bit version of their OSes. Your video card's memory doesn't affect your available system memory in anyway and only tangentially affects available address ranges, in the same way it has for a long time.

{ For the curious and technically minded, PAE [Physical Address Extension] is actually a 'physical' processor specific extension, dating back to 1995 and Intel's Pentium Pro; it's present on all current processors and all older processors for at least the last decade. It's a necessary feature for implementation of 'no-execute bit' protection, amongst other things.

http://www.geoffchap...ense/memory.htm written by someone who happens to share my surname is a much more in depth treatment of Windows specific issues related to this, for the really curious and technical }

#603 Zepher108


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Posted 26 July 2012 - 07:29 AM

View PostRuss Bullock, on 15 June 2012 - 01:10 PM, said:

Hey MechWarrior fans,

Through conversations internally (as well as by the suggestion of some of our great Beta testers) we felt we needed to give everyone an update on the state of the game, especially as we head towards the Founders Program. It is important that everyone understand what exactly they are buying and what they should expect. Now there will be a new press release and email that will go out on June 19th to launch the program, but for extra clarity I’ll go over some critical points here on the forums with you. Here is a roughly described timeline to help set your expectations:

MechWarrior Online is currently in Closed Beta and to be more specific, what we have dubbed internally as ‘Closed Beta 1.’ For Closed Beta 1 we had a goal of sending out 10,000 beta keys in total, and we should achieve that in the next week or so. Our next step will be to start selling the Founders Packages starting Tuesday June 19th - and for clarity this is a limited time offer, which also guarantees Closed Beta access on the Injection date. Our next step comes on July 10th where we are scheduled to move to our production hardware, and thus will have the capability of hosting many thousands of simultaneous players. Then we’ll be at the point where we move to Closed Beta 2. Once we have achieved Closed Beta 2 we continue to ramp up the beta testers to the point where we can handle the injection of the founders program. I should say that it is logical that this next round of beta testers will likely be drawn from those early purchasers of the founders program; it only makes sense since they have shown such dedication and are quite likely to be excellent beta testers.

Now the next date of course is the injection of the founders purchasers, and let me be the first to break the news, this date has shifted from July 17th to Aug 7th. There is a very simple explanation as to the new date - some of the key production hardware was delayed in arriving to the data center. We simply need to make sure we have a minimum amount of time to work with the production hardware and be confident that we can handle the loads of the Founders Program. Of course the next date to come along after that will be Open Beta. I cannot announce a date at this time but I can say we are still going to ship this summer as promised, so if you look at the Founders access date of Aug 7th and when summer ends, one can probably make an accurate enough guess as to our currently planned open beta date.

Okay, back to managing expectations of the content of the game once you get access, the same logic applies to both those that are and will be lucky enough to get a beta key and those gaining access to the game on Aug 7th through the founders program. Come Aug 7th when the customers of the Founders Program gain access to the game we are still going to be in Closed Beta - therefore not every feature we have discussed on the web site will be playable. Currently in the beta we have been introducing a patch every 2 weeks where more features are included and that process will likely continue up until Open Beta and beyond. The end result is that we expect to have each of the features we have announced and discussed on the web site in the game by the Open Beta date with one unfortunate exception. That exception is the Community Warfare pillar; it’s a big system and extremely important to us however we did not want to delay the game especially when it is something that can so logically be added onto the product post launch. That way we can get everyone playing this summer as planned having a great time working on their Mech and pilot trees, then the depth of Community Warfare will be added into the game. I don’t have an exact projected release of the Community Warfare feature set but we fully expect to have the core of the community experience in the game within 90 days of open beta.

A note of clarification on the BattleMech’s – We have a system for announcing the Mech’s to the community on the web site but one should not assume this means that all of those Mech’s are currently present in the beta or that they are all available come Open Beta. We essentially add them into the game one at a time in very near the same way they are announced on the web site. Our expectation is that there will be 10 unique model types along with all their variants making for a total of around 40 different chassis come Open Beta. From that point forward they will continue to be added at a very regular pace.

So as it pertains to the Founders Program, they aren’t meant represent the value you receive immediately upon gaining access to the game. The value of the Founders Package is that it is a lifetime reward and recognition opportunity. All of the hard currency you get in the product will be yours to spend over the entire lifetime of the product, the Founders tag which will be available on the forums immediately after purchasing your Founders Package will mark you uniquely for the entire lifetime of the product. The same can be said for the Founder’s ’Mech’s, they will be unique on the battlefield marking you as an original founder of MWO as well as providing a boost to C-bill earning for the lifetime of the product.

In the end this new frontier of online free to play titles really is a shift in thinking for all of us. So many of us are so trained to think about retail products that barely change after they are sold to us in the store and it’s hard to grasp the concept of a game like MWO. Yes we still have lots of work to do between here and Open Beta but our work won’t stop there, we will immediately work to put in the Community Warfare features and from there it will be a sprint to the invasion of the clans and so on. While I am at it here are a few other key pieces of information people need in order to make their purchase decisions.

Okay European players, here is the answer you have been looking for: Yes you can buy the Founders Package and you will never be blocked from continuing to play on the North American servers. Also if we are able to set up servers in your region you will be given a onetime opportunity to transfer to those regions servers taking everything you own with you.

And of course the elusive System requirements:

MechWarrior Online Minimum System Spec:

Core 2 Duo E6750 2.66GHz
Athlon II X2 245e

GeForce 8800GT
Radeon HD 5600/5700

4 GB

Windows XP 32-bit SP3


HDD Space:
4 GB

MechWarrior Online Recommended System Spec:

Core i3-2500
AMD Athlon II X4 650

GeForce GTX 285
Radeon HD 5830

8 GB

Windows 7 SP-1 64-Bit


HDD Space:
4 GB

A few notes on the system requirements for absolute clarity. Right now a duo core system is our minimum spec machine but it is also our main focus of concern. It is playable on those specifications and I have tested it myself but it is currently very much a minimum spec type of experience running on low detail settings. Currently it’s obvious that a Quad core system is the key as even the earliest Core 2 Quad systems run the game very well. However at this point in time we have only been able to spend a very minor amount of time working on optimizations and it is our goal since there are still so many out there to get the Core 2 Duo systems running much faster.

Okay, hopefully that gives you guys all the information you could possibly want to be the best beta tester, potential Founders Program customer or simply consumer of MechWarrior Online. Sorry if one or more items isn’t exactly as you would hope it to be, but were working hard and we truly feel that all signs thus far say that the core experience of MWO is everything we could have hoped for. Now we just need to keep adding layers of features. Thanks for reading and remember you guys are the best community in all of gaming, keep treating each other with respect and together we will bring MechWarrior back to glory.

Russ Bullock
Piranha Games Inc.

But what if the people who bought the founders package just learned about the game and thought it looked cool and bought it jsut cause it looks cool and they had money to waste what about the fans that dont have enough to buy the package we are loyal fans to ive been signedup ever since i first heard of this website months ago and ive been long anticipating not to complain or anything but what if this is a true case.

#604 Neverfall


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Posted 26 July 2012 - 11:40 PM

This is the post that turned a lurker into a legendary founder. +1.

#605 ReBrock


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Posted 27 July 2012 - 05:54 AM

Hi there Guys!
Glad to see one of my childhood favorite game come on-line. Must say I currently play WOT for which I left behind WOW. ;) Can't wait for the launch and I wonder is there is a way I could pay for some beta access? Thank you very much!

#606 Wheel of the Law


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Posted 27 July 2012 - 08:20 AM

Would this be an appropriate forum to do something like post my system specs, and ask in-the-loop hardware people whether (and how) I might want to upgrade? I used to sell computers for a living, but I've been out of said loop since about 2004. In other words, I now only understand the concepts... ;)

#607 SakuranoSenshi


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Posted 28 July 2012 - 03:26 PM

View PostZepher108, on 26 July 2012 - 07:29 AM, said:

But what if the people who bought the founders package just learned about the game and thought it looked cool and bought it jsut cause it looks cool and they had money to waste what about the fans that dont have enough to buy the package we are loyal fans to ive been signedup ever since i first heard of this website months ago and ive been long anticipating not to complain or anything but what if this is a true case.

Welcome to real life. Please lose any sense of entitlement; if you can't afford the founder packs, you can't afford them. To be fair, if you cannot afford the lowest tier of them, you really must have bigger concerns than getting special status in free-to-play computer game.

View PostWheel of the Law, on 27 July 2012 - 08:20 AM, said:

Would this be an appropriate forum to do something like post my system specs, and ask in-the-loop hardware people whether (and how) I might want to upgrade? I used to sell computers for a living, but I've been out of said loop since about 2004. In other words, I now only understand the concepts... :ph34r:

Wrong thread and section of the forum. Otherwise, go for it somewhere appropriate. I feel your pain, as it moves fast enough that I have to refresh myself on what is state of the art and it's been part of my job (or study) for most of the last couple of decades.

#608 crazywolf5150


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Posted 31 July 2012 - 03:30 PM

View PostZergax, on 18 July 2012 - 11:55 AM, said:

So.... im guessing with 2GB ram this old computer wont run it right?

No, it won't run on something that old and lacking in memory. I would build a new computer if I were you... or go back and play the original mechwarrior games.

#609 crazywolf5150


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Posted 31 July 2012 - 03:33 PM

Here's my system specs for the desktop I built:

CPU: Intel Core i7 3.06GHz
GPU: nVidia Geforce GTX 560 Ti 2GB

#610 Malavos


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Posted 31 July 2012 - 06:36 PM

I find it amazing the specs are so low for the level this game is going.

#611 SakuranoSenshi


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Posted 31 July 2012 - 06:51 PM

View PostMalavos, on 31 July 2012 - 06:36 PM, said:

I find it amazing the specs are so low for the level this game is going.

A good engine scales well, so that it can work at a relatively modest level of hardware and implement features on a ladder basis so that at the top it makes the best hardware going cry.

#612 Mad Adam


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Posted 02 August 2012 - 04:57 AM

It might take me a while to save up to buy a compatible PC, but it will be worth it to play MWO.

#613 Mad Adam


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Posted 02 August 2012 - 05:01 AM

View PostDymitry, on 23 July 2012 - 07:02 AM, said:

2 posts 2 NDA infringements...Very skilled.

Yes, they said so.

Um, no NDA infringements to be found, sorry.

#614 Araevin Teshurr


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Posted 02 August 2012 - 08:23 AM

I appreciate this information, thank you.

In today's environment of social gaming in groups clearly beating solo gaming to death with a large smelly boot; a major selling point for Mechwarrior Online to Mechwarrior fans is the depth and endless possibilities in this universe.

We read the books, played the games, and see great potential to combine mech warrior pvp combat, with the mechanics of mercenary and faction house play background to an MMO style mission / reward system, interwoven with clans, house alliances, and galactic level combat vs. the clans and each other.

Keep building upon the game, add a system of mission / reward, and be sure to give Clans something to build together, and you will have a game that lasts for years as Eve-online has.


#615 Jay Kerensky


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Posted 03 August 2012 - 02:37 AM

Got a call from a mate - "Mech Warrior is apparently going online". Dropped the phone and ran to the PC - 2 minutes later had whacked the little credit card from it's wife hiding position and am now happier than a 3 legged mech in a butt kicking tournanment. Would buy a new PC if I needed one to play this baby, been too long since Mercenaries!

#616 wicked joker


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Posted 03 August 2012 - 04:39 AM

when overall is this going to be up for testing. cant wait to get in

#617 Henric Pryde


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Posted 04 August 2012 - 07:35 AM

Someone please tell me can I fit a Radeon HD 6870 videocard onto a FOXCONN 2A92 1.01 Motherboard?

I want to order this today but I dont know if it will work.

#618 Arteste


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Posted 04 August 2012 - 10:48 AM

View PostJay Kerensky, on 03 August 2012 - 02:37 AM, said:

Got a call from a mate - "Mech Warrior is apparently going online". Dropped the phone and ran to the PC - 2 minutes later had whacked the little credit card from it's wife hiding position and am now happier than a 3 legged mech in a butt kicking tournanment. Would buy a new PC if I needed one to play this baby, been too long since Mercenaries!

Dear GOD, Jay... What rock hast thou been living under???

View Postwicked joker, on 03 August 2012 - 04:39 AM, said:

when overall is this going to be up for testing. cant wait to get in

It is being tested as we speak... did you mean besides Beta?

#619 nasgul


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Posted 04 August 2012 - 11:40 AM

brilliant can hardly wait

#620 Talono


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Posted 04 August 2012 - 12:14 PM

I hope Russ will not kick me because of NDA stuff..but buy it ! Its worth it. Great Graphics, and YES, a Jenner can kill an Atlas, so scout mechs are not for the wastecan. Balanced Gameplay, very very skill dependent. If you have the biggest guns it is no auto-win here.

I was really smiling when they said no "Pay to Win" but they managed it :-) If you pay you can have your mech division faster up, but you get no "bigger guns", "super ammo" like in WOT and no "stronger mechs".

If you want to have, lets say, "12 Atlas" the FTP player simply needs more time to get these "12 Atlas".

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