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The New Ready Button And The "ready Police"

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#1 Redlor Fidelious


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Posted 09 October 2013 - 09:59 AM


I realize that there is a shiny new button on the interface that begs to be clicked. I also realize that there are lots of folks that do not read the patch notes. Finally I have realized that the minority of folks are creating a bad experience for new players and old hats.

I do not feel there is a need to remind everyone in chat to ready up. After the first 24 hours it became apparent that folks knew what to do yet the insistence continued. And into the second week now of the new feature, I see (jokingly or not) suggestions of team killing those who are last to (or dont at all) "Ready up". Snide remarks about how there is always "that guy" who prevents the rest of the players from dropping faster really don't create an environment where new players will hang around long.

Yes, there will always be someone who is last to push the ready button. ALWAYS. The person who let the timeout expire... maybe he has a child that toddled into the room and drew his attention away... Perhaps that guy that was AFK for the entire match after not pushing the Ready button had to pack his sick mother into the car and drive to the hospital... Maybe that person is spending time in a browser window making himself blind.

I have begun to see people actively NOT PUSHING the Ready button out of spite to demands, comments and remarks dropped into game chat.

So everyone, please take what time you need to "ready up". I am in no hurry to start a match (especially when it takes 30 seconds or more for the matchmaker to find a game for me).

1) Is 60 seconds really necessary? I suspect that 30 seconds is sufficient especially for Pick up groups.
2) How about a seperate match queue we can opt into for those time when we really dont care about pre-match planning?
3) When will you be turning tripping back on!? :)

#2 Mawai


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Posted 09 October 2013 - 10:16 AM

View PostRedlor Fidelious, on 09 October 2013 - 09:59 AM, said:

3) When will you be turning tripping back on!? B)

I agree mostly with your ready button comments. The ready button has become an opportunity to troll others (along with the lance and company command buttons). They are features needed to support content that is not in game yet. So PGI should reduce the timer to 30 or even 15 seconds after all the mechs are loaded on the launch screen.

On your smiley comment on tripping :)

Tripping was a disaster when it was in the game. It was the most used grief technique available and bringing it back without significant though and modification would be a mistake ... though you probably know this :)

Most often it was used against light or mediums with a fast dragon or other mech ... knock the light or medium down by intentional collisions and then everyone stands around and blasts it while it remains in one place trying to stand up. Usually the mech knocked over died. The only thing that saved them sometimes was the incredible rubber banding and positional desyncs that resulted from the collision mechanics. The knocked over mech would be at one place on the server and a different one on each client until everything was synced up ... which sometimes saved it.

Personally, I would be happy to have collision damage added back to the game but not knockdowns. This would be a deterrent to light mechs ramming other mechs to get around them. In addition, the whole knockdown and tripping mechanic is a bit artificial. The gyros in these mechs are capable of keeping them upright and moving 40km/h on one leg. It isn't really reasonable to think that a collision even at 150km/h is necessarily going to knock it over - the gyros could well keep the mech stable and upright ... however it should presumably take some damage.

Edited by Mawai, 09 October 2013 - 10:54 AM.

#3 JimboFBX


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Posted 09 October 2013 - 12:20 PM

if you would ready up then people wouldn't have to tell you

are you the same person who feels that it's more important to pay attention to your phone than the green left turn signal?

the issue is that someone can late join and extend then timer another 60 seconds

additionally, I find some people literally take over 45 seconds to load. if someone has a 60 ping that fluctuates and they haven't readied then it's because they're being an *** and not pressing the button. it's the newest form of griefing

#4 chevy42083


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Posted 09 October 2013 - 12:39 PM

I've waited to ready until my team is full.... not really sure if that would matter, but I wait anyways. Too many times I've jumped at hitting ready, then dropped short on team mates. Sometimes, I'll join, then go on to browsing, looking at something else, or grabbing a drink while it takes it's time to pair up games. If I'm not quick, I'll miss the ready. This is a habit from joining a game and being "called back" by the sound effects of dropping. The alternative is staring at the screen thinking about pairing up matches, then continue to stair at the pretty green ready lights to come on. Maybe I'm ADD. I do see the need for pre-game communication... so you aren't mid-sentence when it drops. I don't think it needs to be a minute, as many of us type right after launch anyways.

Edited by chevy42083, 09 October 2013 - 12:41 PM.

#5 Redlor Fidelious


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Posted 09 October 2013 - 01:09 PM

View PostMawai, on 09 October 2013 - 10:16 AM, said:

Tripping was a disaster when it was in the game. It was the most used grief technique available and bringing it back without significant though and modification would be a mistake ... though you probably know this :)

Yes, I agree completely that re-enabling tripping (as it was implemented during closed beta would result in an even worse form of greifing. It was complete shenannagins that a Dragon could trip an assault mech. But the mechanic did make you accountable for poor piloting.

View PostJimboFBX, on 09 October 2013 - 12:20 PM, said:

if you would ready up then people wouldn't have to tell you.
are you the same person who feels that it's more important to pay attention to your phone than the green left turn signal?
the issue is that someone can late join and extend then timer another 60 seconds
additionally, I find some people literally take over 45 seconds to load. if someone has a 60 ping that fluctuates and they haven't readied then it's because they're being an *** and not pressing the button. it's the newest form of griefing

#1 Lets see... part of this I thought I discussed already. After the first 24 hours it became apparent that folks knew what to do yet the insistence continued. And into the second week now of the new feature, I see (jokingly or not) suggestions of team killing those who are last to (or dont at all) "Ready up". Snide remarks about how there is always "that guy" who prevents the rest of the players from dropping faster really don't create an environment where new players will hang around long.
#2 Phones and cars don't mix Mmmmkay
#3 Pretty sure I already suggested that 60 seconds is to long and all cases of 60 seconds in the ready screen could be replaced by 30 seconds (or less given the nature of PUGs)
#4 You are correct. I have witnessed this and in the case of a particularly beliggerant player, participated in avoidance of the ready button. Getting all steamed up over it is troll food. Its a game. Enjoy it.

View Postchevy42083, on 09 October 2013 - 12:39 PM, said:

I've waited to ready until my team is full.... not really sure if that would matter, but I wait anyways. Too many times I've jumped at hitting ready, then dropped short on team mates. Sometimes, I'll join, then go on to browsing, looking at something else, or grabbing a drink while it takes it's time to pair up games. If I'm not quick, I'll miss the ready. This is a habit from joining a game and being "called back" by the sound effects of dropping. The alternative is staring at the screen thinking about pairing up matches, then continue to stair at the pretty green ready lights to come on. Maybe I'm ADD. I do see the need for pre-game communication... so you aren't mid-sentence when it drops. I don't think it needs to be a minute, as many of us type right after launch anyways.

Through the closed beta and the entirety of the open beta, this has become a habit quite frankly. There are plenty of us who will have to adjust to a new habit.

#6 Wiegraf


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Posted 09 October 2013 - 01:15 PM

View PostJimboFBX, on 09 October 2013 - 12:20 PM, said:

if you would ready up then people wouldn't have to tell you

are you the same person who feels that it's more important to pay attention to your phone than the green left turn signal?

the issue is that someone can late join and extend then timer another 60 seconds

additionally, I find some people literally take over 45 seconds to load. if someone has a 60 ping that fluctuates and they haven't readied then it's because they're being an *** and not pressing the button. it's the newest form of griefing

God that 1 minute must drive you INSANE. I can't imagine what you could get done in that 1 whole minute!

I mean it's not like lights in assault maps run away and hide to preserve their KD ratio, potentially causing 3 - 5 minutes of waiting while assaults trod slowly towards a base to cap it.

Nope you're right, this 1 minute of waiting on a ready to button to go through is MUCH worse than that type of griefing.

#7 Asmosis


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Posted 09 October 2013 - 08:21 PM

because it can take a while for the MM to find a game, i often alt tab and play a different game or read forums while im waiting. Soo a couple times i've tabbed back to a page (well, 6 lines) of "hurr durr ready rdy R>E>A>D>Y>!" quips.

One time i was about to click ready (with 40 seconds on the clock) and one guy just spewed vitrol everywhere. so i chatted instead, sorry to the other 22 players.

@Above poster. Imagine if that guy you quoted was the first player into the match . . . because the 60 second timer resets every time a new player joins the game :)

Edited by Asmosis, 09 October 2013 - 08:23 PM.

#8 JimboFBX


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Posted 09 October 2013 - 09:25 PM

average time to join a game is about 7 seconds

on a rare occasion more than 10

#9 Valore


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Posted 09 October 2013 - 10:12 PM

How about: If you don't hit the ready button, your mech self destructs and you lose 100k Cbills :)

#10 Corvus Antaka


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Posted 10 October 2013 - 12:39 AM

How about, pgi gets rid of the ready button which we never needed for the past 2 years?

#11 Prince V


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Posted 10 October 2013 - 02:11 AM

View PostMawai, on 09 October 2013 - 10:16 AM, said:

The gyros in these mechs are capable of keeping them upright and moving 40km/h on one leg. It isn't really reasonable to think that a collision even at 150km/h is necessarily going to knock it over - the gyros could well keep the mech stable and upright ... however it should presumably take some damage.

I'm sorry. I had to log in just to reply to this, and I'm sorry in advance to the OP since this is kinda off topic but...
That statement, assertion, assumption, whatever you want to call it, is utterly absurd.
Lets compare what you just said to something else.
You can hop on one leg pretty well, right? I know I can. If I really put some effort into it, I could probably hop on one leg about as fast as someone walks. Not too shabby, kinda like a mech walking at 40 kph. Now, lets see you run at your top speed (like a light mech) toward a wall or corner (like a mech 3-4 times your size and weight), making sure to angle so that it only hits one side of your body, and then just keep on a-runnin like nothing happened just like these mechs. Never mind the possibility of the wall (other mech) also speeding toward you as well, combining both your speeds.
...Yeah. Like I said. Utterly absurd.

I agree with some of the other things you said, and I agree that knockdown was used to grief and it was a flawed and highly exploitable system, but throwing out arbitrary and absurd justifications for the system the way it is now, in an effort to keep griefing knockdowns out or for whatever other purpose you did it, isn't going to win you any support. It just sounds silly.

#12 Redlor Fidelious


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Posted 10 October 2013 - 05:51 AM

View PostPrince V, on 10 October 2013 - 02:11 AM, said:

I'm sorry. I had to log in just to reply to this, and I'm sorry in advance to the OP since this is kinda off topic but...
That statement, assertion, assumption, whatever you want to call it, is utterly absurd.
Lets compare what you just said to something else.
You can hop on one leg pretty well, right? I know I can. If I really put some effort into it, I could probably hop on one leg about as fast as someone walks. Not too shabby, kinda like a mech walking at 40 kph. Now, lets see you run at your top speed (like a light mech) toward a wall or corner (like a mech 3-4 times your size and weight), making sure to angle so that it only hits one side of your body, and then just keep on a-runnin like nothing happened just like these mechs. Never mind the possibility of the wall (other mech) also speeding toward you as well, combining both your speeds.

No reason to apologize civilized discourse was part of the goal here. Your statement reminded me of a few instances where the tripping mechanic caused a prone mech after collisions with static objects. I wonder how enabling just that half of the mechanic would play. I would love to see SOMETHING introduced to make folks more aware of their piloting.

View PostValore, on 09 October 2013 - 10:12 PM, said:

How about: If you don't hit the ready button, your mech self destructs and you lose 100k Cbills ;)

This would create a situation where I would worry about clicking ready. Not sure how it would affect the "Ready Police".

#13 Bilaz


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Posted 10 October 2013 - 08:59 AM

Terrible, terrible button. its not working at times - which dissapoints me a lot. And i'd rather have "always ready" button in options or in mechlab - than be a bird in skinner box.
Also 60 seconds - why not 20-30? i mean if you fail to load in this time you still have turn on animation untill match really starts - and its a long wait if you load fast.

#14 Bront


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Posted 10 October 2013 - 09:11 AM

The Ready Police! They live inside of my head!
The Ready Police! They're coming to arrest me!

(Now I can't get Cheap Trick out of my head, darn you *shakes fist*)

Seriously folks, chill. It's a game. It's not worth getting upset because someone forgot to hit ready, didn't know about it, or, you know, isn't ready (Finishing grabbing a drink, finishing up their snack, etc).

Other than that, Trolls gonna be trolls.

#15 Bad Andy


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Posted 10 October 2013 - 10:48 AM

I agree it's not necessary but one thing it has shown is how immature many people are...

#16 Firenze


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Posted 11 October 2013 - 05:19 AM

I think people really need to start being more patient honestly. this game isnt exactly super fast paced anyway. Best way to deal with someone not readying up? I dunno, maybe just ignore it and wait like a normal person?

#17 -Muta-


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Posted 11 October 2013 - 06:21 AM

I hit Launch get up from the chair and go get myself a coffee... I know I have 1 or 2 minutes before the game begins.

#18 Electron Junkie


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Posted 11 October 2013 - 06:28 AM

I think people would have more patience if they didn't have to spend the first 1~2min of the game powering up and then trudging across the map to initial contact.

#19 Moldycrow


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Posted 11 October 2013 - 06:31 AM

This wouldn't be such a big deal if it was a real lobby where you could change teams around, that we could select a 'Mech that's better for the map, or that we could change our weapon groups while waiting for someone to ready up. As it is, this screen doesn't really serve much purpose. The ability to take command isn't really worth it.

Edited by Moldycrow, 11 October 2013 - 06:32 AM.

#20 xhrit


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Posted 11 October 2013 - 08:55 PM

View PostMoldycrow, on 11 October 2013 - 06:31 AM, said:

This wouldn't be such a big deal if it was a real lobby where you could change teams around, that we could select a 'Mech that's better for the map, or that we could change our weapon groups while waiting for someone to ready up. As it is, this screen doesn't really serve much purpose. The ability to take command isn't really worth it.

Software development is an iterative process. You can't have a lobby with cool features without a first having a lobby.

Remember the old end of game screen, and how it did not have lots of features or look very good? It was not very useful. Then they added stuff (like chat, and the ability to tell what mech everyone is piloting) that made the end of game screen more useful. It just takes time.

And for everyone who doesnt remember what the end of game screen used to look like, it used to look like this...

Posted Image

Oh, and before you ask why don't they add all the cool features before they release anything, see my sig.


Edited by xhrit, 11 October 2013 - 09:00 PM.

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