Shar Wolf, on 04 November 2013 - 07:19 PM, said:
I would bet (part of) the problem people have with the new design is fear that it is going to far in that direction.
Lets face it: Hawken's stuff looks like walking tanks - and the only design that stood out in my mind was the walking television

well i can only speak for myself but i'm not worried about updates, the centurion was almost a redesign but it's cool and still resembles what it was. all the unseen need is a modern update, all the othermechs have had it and didn't loose their character even the new phoenix mechs! imagine what the unseen could get, what a revival! it's just HG stopping it from happening because they're the kind of ***** who are greedy for more cash through the court house rather than at the negotiating table. other compoanies made a buck being wise about licensing their property designs to others, everyone wins. HG are ***** who can't see a good buisness deal if it was used to hammer their face in.
ssm, on 04 November 2013 - 06:44 PM, said:
Centurion in MWO looks way better than any TRO artwork I've ever seen (why? see below). As for Stalker - even guys at Mektek reverted it's joints. It's obvious that whoever has drawn original artwork for Stalker didn't know a squat about mechanics and animation, because (let's be frank) Stalker on knee-joint legs would behave like giant wobbling male reproductive organ.
totally agree with you. i mention the other mechs to say that originals can be updated and look cool without losing their niche apperance. sorry if i came across in a different way. i'm all for updated designs if originals are in-appropriate but there's really no need to suddenly jump on the reseen bandwagon, they were just stockgaps for mismanagement as far as models/ artsupply goes.
still i love the retake on the mech designs here and i'm sure with a little more creativity the unseens can be born anew.
ssm, on 04 November 2013 - 06:44 PM, said:
You're missing point there. It's true - guys at Mektek are fans, and so were people for whom they included Marauder model in theirs MW4 mod. But you completely misuse words like "popular" and "everyone", because you're really talking only about hardcores (like you). And even if they are main target audience for fan-mad mods, they ain't anymore for modern BT games (like MWO) and even TT game.
true it was included by hardcores for hardcores, you're very right that it was aimed at an established niche group and not a marketplace demographic

you humble me.
but what makes you think a radical overhall of the unseen wouldn't be popular? we both agree at how cool the new centurion is comparred to the old and the updates like that of the stalker's legs are a good thing. can't you imagine what really talented creative minds such as that of Flying Debris could do to spruce up the original warhammer, rifleman and marauder? i'm sure they'd be just as popular and would look far better than the reseen artworks.
ssm, on 04 November 2013 - 06:44 PM, said:
For entire Battletech franchise to thrive, we need new players - and nowadays artwork from 80's just doesn't cut it. Potential new players (and a lot of people like stompy robots) want their walking tanks to look like walking tanks, not stylised Japanese 80's Alien battlepods.
gundams and transformers say hi we're still popular with generations of kids!
hell dragon ball and sailormoon from late eightes early nineties are coming back to inspire a new audience. there's so many old and unchanged material from decades ago creating new fans. i'm shocked at how many people in my agegroup {20's} are into the beatles! seriously age doesn't account for good designs, because they're like art and everyone appreciates different stuff.
there's plenty who love shakespear and not moder addaptions so be carefull when saying retro doesn't cut it. hell some ancient stuff is still making huge cash. hello kitty hasn't changed pikachu is still fav for a poke mascot. just look at entertainment today established stuff > than new stuff. it's how MWO came about, it's well established enough to warrent it coming back. so should the familliar designs that came with it.
ssm, on 04 November 2013 - 06:44 PM, said:
There is simple reason why MWO went for "stylised tank entertaiment" - Mechs are functionally walking tanks, and their esthetics should reflect this. I know that nostalgic hardcores love the looks of original unseen Marauder, but it doesn't look like military vehicle (as it should), but like something taken straight out of 30 year old Japanes Anime about gigantic aliens invaiding earth in stompy robots.
Why? Because <wink wink, nudge nudge> Marauder is taken straight out of 30 year old Japanes Anime about gigantic aliens invaiding earth in stompy robots.
i agree with the first statements of course the old designs should be updated no question but they don't need to be thrown out onto the scrape heap and have something else shoved in it's place. that's like changing the teenage mutant ninja turtles into ninja cats or ponies because that will attract new bloods seeing how they're more popular. of course this doesn't happen, you play to the strengths of a record winner, an establishment, the mini the VW bug the fiat 500 all cashed in on that premise. PGI is already doing that with the PP.
yes 30 year old designs are so dead and buried. that's why the list goes on for the amount of stuff made originally in the 80's still popular today! iron maiden's still a blast they touried only a year or so ago still attracting new fans jeremy clarkson's being doing the same stuff for over 20 years and people young and old still enjoy topgear shenanigans.
new blood is more likely to be attracted than older people, they checked stuff out the first time round and won't return, new people aren't influenced by anything yet so they take things with a fresh mind, just give them the same updates as this whole game is based on and they'll be loving that thing which was oh so embarresingly a 30 year old anime robot.
and lastly. i'm tired of typing all this stuff, i've written more than my fair share of opinions, that's all this has really been... opinions. because there's one thing we can all agree on in it's entirety. HG SUCK ****!
night y'all
Edited by GalaxyBluestar, 04 November 2013 - 10:55 PM.