AC, on 11 October 2013 - 06:33 AM, said:
The 3C doesn't have horrible hard points, it's just that PGI decided to give the spider excessive hard points in addition to jump jets so the spider is the default mech of choice. If they had gone with 2-3 ballistics points, then the Cicada would still have had a purpose.
The CDA-3C suffers 2 problems: The 40 ton total weight limits it to a single Autocannon with current weapons, so the extra ballistics are either MGs are pointless (This is why the 3M is often a better Ballistics platform unless you boat MGs). The 40 ton weight limit also means it takes much larger engines to get it up to comparable speeds to lights.
If we had 'light' ballistics or 'heavier' MGs the CDA-3C would be in a much better place than the SDR-5K. The SDR-5K often runs a LPL/ER LL (only one step down from the heaviest energy weapon atm) + 4 MGs. The Stock build of the CDA-3C is the 1 PPC + 4 MG. It's hard to 'improve' the 3C...