Hardpoint restrictions, individual mech traits, and a better heat system, NEED,... NEEEED... implimenting if this game is to become truley balanced and playable with a variety of play styles.
Without it, people will ALWAYS find the best high alpha setups and use those to keep the current meta going.
With a hardpoint restritcion system there would be a need for mech traits so that its fair across the board, and a lower heat cap with increased cooldown speed along with both the hardpoint limits and the traits will allow mechs to become more unique in what they are capable of but whislt still maintaining customisation.
A common example, the AWS-8Q is perfect for such discussion.
Trait: Reduced PPC heat.
Notable hardpoint limits: 3 Large (or XLarge) energy points
The way i forsee hardpoint limits being implimented would be as follow.
it would work on 'physical size' and the ability to mount them on the chassis.
3 types: Energy, Ballistic, Missile.
3 or 4 Sizes : Small, medium, Large and/or XLarge.
Each individual weapon would have their slot alocation size changed to fit within the hardpoint design.
So for example.
Catapult K2
Left arm and Right Arm = 1 Large/Xlarge Energy hardpoint each.
These hardpoints could contain 1 Xlarge weapon or 1 large weapon, or 2 medium weapons, or 3 Small weapons. or 1 medium and 2 small or 1 large and 1 small.
Left and right torsor would have 1 Small Energy hardpoint each and 1 medium ballistic hardpoint each.
Allowing for example 1 Small laser + ac5 each side.
Some possible loadouts could then result in.(if tonnage allowed)
2 PPC + 2 Slaser + 2 Ac5.
4 Mlaser + 4 SLaser + 2 Ac5/2
2 Mlaser +6 Slaser + 2 Ac5/2
Bassicaly each 'size' of hardpoint Small to large/Xlarge would be given a number.
So say Small was given a number of 2
Medium 3
Large 4
Xlarge 6
Meaning a Xl could have any combination of the lower sizes that fit. So 3 Smalls or 2 mediums or a large + a small.
Im sure PGI could find better firgure to still allow more customisation whilst restricting silly loadouts.
Kinda hard to explain fully but im sure i get the point across.
PGI would then have to work Structure Upgrades into this system.Like how would Endo Steel affect hardpoints. The way i see it is bassicaly the same as now. Except that certain slots within the current design are allocated a size for weapons as explained above, the other slots are universal but unuseable by weapons, meaning if u add endo-steel it uses up these universal slots that would otherwise be used for Heatsinks, ammo, ams, ecm, JJ's, etc etc.
i hope those reading have been able to keep up wuith what im tryign to explain, im not the best at writing down my thoughts, though i could easily explain this in person lol.
The main point i would put across to PGI with a system like this is that. There would still be alot of customization. A mech doesnt have to be symetric. the K2 for example could have 1 PPC in the left pod and 2 Medium lasers in the right or some such. The same with other mechs. The customisation would survive, but boating (unless the chassis is designed for it) would be reduced dramticaly and the alpha meta would be gone wiht hte implimentation of the better heat system. Mech traits would allow those designed for certain purposes but unabele to fullfill them right now ..like the JM6-DD... to fullfil lthem once again.
I.E JM6-DD Small And Medium AC weight reduced by X%.
Allowing 6 Ac2's with enough ammo to be used properly.
Edited by ArmageddonKnight, 11 October 2013 - 06:47 AM.