Lord Ikka, on 11 October 2013 - 04:49 AM, said:
Best guess at what a Clan Invasion Pack would be is this, based on tiers like Phoenix (maybe they'll do a Founders-style, but I'm betting Phoenix tier system)-
Tier 1: Koshi (light and fast- allows them a Light Mech intro that isn't extremely powerful like the Uller/Puma)
Tier 2: Ryoken (good Mech with a lot of options, unique look)
Tier 3: Madcat (iconic, has to be in the pack)
Tier 4: Masakari/Daishi (I'm leaning towards Daishi just for being more well-known, but they might not want a 100-ton monster to start with)
Tier 1 I would sort of agree with you, but the Uller isn't that powerful since 30 tons will limit on how you can build it stronger without knowing what clan tech will be like. The Koshi will turn into another Locust with many people not liking it.
Tier 2 is a good option yes.
Tier 3 Yes
Tier 4, yea they can do the Warhawk / Masakari instead of the Dire Wof / Daishi since the Daishi is pretty much one mean weapons platform and would kinda make it OP by todays standards whereas the Masakari is a little more limited.