If you're not familiar with how they work:
The Charts
I created two charts each for 3 different engagement scenarios. The engagement scenarios in one chart basically describe builds that can achieve similar DPS. This gives you an idea how more difficult it becomes to sustain your damage over time. The total damage over all engagements is roughly constant.
The most left figure in chart usually implies something suitable for a sniper that fires only for a few seconds and then gets back into cover for safety and cooling, and has to do this more often to get his kills. The most right figure usually implies somethnig suitable for a brawler that stays engaged in combat for a long time, and will usually not do that all that often, because an engagement might usually already lead to either him or the enemy dying.
The two charts then are divided into a chart with a relatively high damage goal only the heavier mechs can hope to achieve (because only they can equip enough weapons), and one with a lower damage goal that might be feasible for lights and mediums.
High Damage Chart
Here is a chart for 3 high damage output volumes.
(Something achievable with 2 AC/20s, 3 PPcs or 6 Medium Lasers)

Low Damage Chart
And here is one for lower damage output:
(Something achievable with 2 PPCs or 4 Medium Lasers, or 1 AC/20)

Please not that I can't guarantee that the MG and Flamer values are accurate, I might stll have a mistake there.
It is notable that in general, the low range bracket weapons are more efficient than the long range bracke tweapons, but there is definitely not a steady drop off with range.
Ballistics seem to gain notable efficiency the longer you use them, quickly surpassing energy weapons which seem pretty steady.
Interesting is that AC/5 and LBX10-X are very similar in their efficiency, but I am still ignoring pinpoint precision vs spread in these calculations, so the LB10-X might indeed be weaker from an efficiency point of view.
As one might expect, the UAC/5 is now less efficient than the AC/5 when not used in double shot mode, but more when used in it. (The damage calcaluation does take the jam rate into account, so the efficiency can be far higher, until it considerably dropped during jam times, leading to the average in the chart. Depending on how well you can manage your jams and mitigate them with retreats, you can get better results)
*)or enthusaistic enough. But I don't feel like the work would be worth it right now, it's not like the devs use these statistics.
EDIT: I corrected a mistake in the laser statistics, the LL used a different weapon damage stat and the beam duration was not calculated correctly.
Edited by MustrumRidcully, 18 October 2013 - 12:39 AM.