It's simple.
The bigger the mech you are the less you should be rocked by Impacts.
For instance a constant rain of LRM5's on a chainfire should totally rock a medium mech but when used against an assault should barely even blip his bubble.
Same with Ballistics.
This is all.

October's Great Idea: Mass Vs Kinetic Impacts
Started by Carrioncrows, Oct 12 2013 03:52 AM
7 replies to this topic
Posted 12 October 2013 - 03:52 AM
Posted 12 October 2013 - 11:32 AM
Carrioncrows, on 12 October 2013 - 03:52 AM, said:
It's simple.
The bigger the mech you are the less you should be rocked by Impacts.
For instance a constant rain of LRM5's on a chainfire should totally rock a medium mech but when used against an assault should barely even blip his bubble.
Same with Ballistics.
This is all.
The bigger the mech you are the less you should be rocked by Impacts.
For instance a constant rain of LRM5's on a chainfire should totally rock a medium mech but when used against an assault should barely even blip his bubble.
Same with Ballistics.
This is all.
Great idea and would be greater if implemented after tonnage limits. I'd hate to suddenly see the 9 assaults on the other team not affected by my AC/20 rounds.
Posted 12 October 2013 - 02:13 PM
Biglead, on 12 October 2013 - 11:32 AM, said:
Great idea and would be greater if implemented after tonnage limits. I'd hate to suddenly see the 9 assaults on the other team not affected by my AC/20 rounds.
Obviously AC20 round would effect an assault.
AC10 would be noticeable.
But a AC5 and AC2 would impact with little more than a whimper.
LRM5 - Nope
LRM10 - nadda
LRM15 - Was it the wind?
LRM20 - You just got Rocked.
Edited by Carrioncrows, 12 October 2013 - 03:11 PM.
Posted 12 October 2013 - 03:00 PM
This would definitely add more realism to the combat. It's true, being hit full on with an AC20 round at 10 Metres should knock a Spider in to next week. Whereas the same round fired at an Awesome should result in a gentle rock. Things like the LBX 20 Scattershot (When we get it) would have a limited Mass effect because they utilize sub-munitions.
Posted 13 October 2013 - 03:26 AM
Me like this, +1
Posted 13 October 2013 - 09:09 AM
Mediums do need a nerf, after all...
Posted 13 October 2013 - 05:41 PM
Perfect idea. It has no flaws that I can see.
Posted 13 October 2013 - 06:17 PM
Carrioncrows, on 12 October 2013 - 02:13 PM, said:
Obviously AC20 round would effect an assault.
AC10 would be noticeable.
But a AC5 and AC2 would impact with little more than a whimper.
LRM5 - Nope
LRM10 - nadda
LRM15 - Was it the wind?
LRM20 - You just got Rocked.
AC10 would be noticeable.
But a AC5 and AC2 would impact with little more than a whimper.
LRM5 - Nope
LRM10 - nadda
LRM15 - Was it the wind?
LRM20 - You just got Rocked.
With MWO's current values, an AC/2 shell (roughly 9% of the mass of an AC/20 shell) would have roughly one-fifth of the momentum (that is, the product of mass & velocity) of an AC/20 shell, and roughly one-half of the kinetic energy (that is, one-half of the product of mass & the square of velocity).
By contrast, a Gauss Rifle slug (roughly 70% of the mass of an AC/20 shell) would have ~55% more momentum and roughly 3.5x the kinetic energy of an AC/20 shell, at nearly 2.5x the range.
Likewise, individual SRMs/SSRMs would have about one-fifth of the momentum of an AC/2 shell (or, 1/25 of the momentum of an AC/20 shell), and roughly 1/60 of the kinetic energy of an AC/2 shell (or, 1/120 of the KE of an AC/20 shell); individual LRMs would have 1/40 about of the momentum of an AC/2 shell (or, 1/200 of the momentum of an AC/20 shell), and roughly 1/667 of the kinetic energy of an AC/2 shell (or, ~1/1446 of the KE of an AC/20 shell).
For reference, a MWO AC/2 shell with MWO's current values would have a mass of 13.333 kilograms and a muzzle velocity of 2000 meters per second, which would give it a maximum momentum of 26666.667 Newton-seconds and a maximum kinetic energy of 26666666.667 joules (or 26.667 megajoules).
A single MWO LRM would have a mass of 5.556 kg and a flight speed of 120 m/s, which would give it a maximum momentum of 666.667 N-s and a maximum kinetic energy of 40000 J (or 40 kilojoules).
By contrast, the largest BattleMech has a rest mass of 100 metric tons (100000 kg).
As such, I'm fairly sure that (if we're going on momentum and KE alone, and ignoring the fact that AC shells and all missiles other than Narc beacons use explosive warheads) having a MWO AC/2 shell with the above values hit any 'Mech every half-second (representing a single AC/2 at maximum ROF) would and should be causing significant degrees of knockback (and, consequently, cockpit shake), while MWO LRMs with the above values should be causing effectively no knockback/shake.

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