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Q Re: Frr, Kutira Lore & My Fit.

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#1 lilmookieesquire


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Posted 13 October 2013 - 06:25 PM

Hi guys. So, I have a quick question about lore and where I'd fit etc.

I'd like to think I'm a pretty chill player, but everytime I play MWO, the people who seem to bug me the most tend to be under the FRR banner (I guess those people want to fight/see the clan "first" would attract a certain kind of zealot/personality). So for semi-irrational reasons I've decided that "hating" FRR is kind of my thing/experience while playing MWO.

Based on that, I figure Kurita would be the best fit from my MWO experiences (aside from Kurita being the undeniably bad-***-est house and I have a slight background with Japan, rarara.)

But speaking from a lore perspective- if I "hate" the FRR, would you guys say being a House Kurita member the most realistic/best-fit, based in that FRR is basically ceded rebel territory given up as a buffer against Davidson to receive comtech... So I'm guessing there would be at least some non-ronin Kurita that look down at the FRR in general, even if they can't openly fight against them.

Would you guys say I'm barking up the right tree here?

(edit: vs just playing as a merc etc)

Edited by lilmookieesquire, 13 October 2013 - 06:27 PM.

#2 Lord Ikka


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Posted 13 October 2013 - 07:35 PM

Well, while most DCMS members tend to dislike the FRR- they don't outwardly hate them. Since the Ronin War the FRR has been useful to the Combine, keeping the Lyran merchants away and being a good buffer.

It is only a matter of time until Kanrei Theodore authorizes the DCMS to reclaim our lost territory anyway ;)

#3 BookWyrm


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Posted 13 October 2013 - 07:46 PM

I don't understand the irrational hatred, but the Draconis Combine or possibly Clan Wolf would be the right place if you dislike the FRR. ;)

#4 lilmookieesquire


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Posted 13 October 2013 - 07:51 PM

If one was not entirely sure what DCMS stands for/is, where could one find more information?

Draconis Combine ... Merc... squad...?


Ah! http://www.sarna.net...stered_Soldiery


Edited by lilmookieesquire, 13 October 2013 - 08:15 PM.

#5 lilmookieesquire


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Posted 13 October 2013 - 08:05 PM

View PostBookWyrm, on 13 October 2013 - 07:46 PM, said:

I don't understand the irrational hatred, but the Draconis Combine or possibly Clan Wolf would be the right place if you dislike the FRR. ;)

That's the irrationality of it I guess? And not as a whole. I've just ran into some people whom I can not confess to have taken a like to and noticed they belonged to FRR house.

I appreciate the answer. Don't worry, I'm sure it's not an accurate reflection on your entire house.

Unless clan wolf is actively seeking mediocre but strategically minded pilots, I think I'm gonna have to stick with the beloved Draconis Combine.

(edited for increased politeness)

Edited by lilmookieesquire, 13 October 2013 - 08:07 PM.

#6 ManaValkyrie


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Posted 13 October 2013 - 09:39 PM

Actually the Houses tend to attract people of differing interests or common interests, some people hate steiners, some davions, some liao.etc Each person is different, but i will say that if you dislike the FRR, there was/is plenty of hate for it within the House Kurita lore.

To be honest the best bet is to go play with folks within the house kurita units and see if you like the people there!

#7 Steinar Bergstol


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Posted 14 October 2013 - 01:44 AM

View Postlilmookieesquire, on 13 October 2013 - 07:51 PM, said:

If one was not entirely sure what DCMS stands for/is, where could one find more information?

Draconis Combine ... Merc... squad...?


Ah! http://www.sarna.net...stered_Soldiery


Yep. You got it. Draconis Combine Mustered Soldiery. Basically the DC military.

For the other states you have:
AFFS = Armed Forces of the Federated Suns
LCAF = Lyran Commonwealth Armed Forces
CCAF = Capellan Confederation Armed Forces
FWLM = Free Worlds League Military
RRA or RKA = Rasalhague Royal Army or Rasalhague KungsArme

#8 CheeseThief


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Posted 14 October 2013 - 04:22 AM

As far as the lore goes, the people of the Rasalhague Republic were rabble rousing, mullet wearing ne'er-do-wells who didn't like the fact that they got themselves conquered by the Draconis Combine over 700 years ago. So they constantly went rabble rabble rabble and the Combine constantly had to send troops in to remind them who's boss.

When the Fedrats and Lyrans got together and formed the Federated Commonwealth, the people of Rasalhague were still going rabble rabble rabble. With DCMS forces spread all over the prefecture suppressing rabble rousers when the super charged Lyrans went on the offence, they weren't in great shape to form a strong defence and so the entire region got ransacked. One 4th Succession War latter and the Lyran and Combine forces had made a great big mess that neither wanted to clean up, and so the Free Rasalhague Republic was born so neither of them had to.

Of course the people of the Free Rasalhague Republic went rabble rabble rabble and designed themselves a hamstrung bureaucratic mess for a government. Their supreme leader, Prince Magnusson, is stuck trying to appease everyone instead of growing the nation, the government is dominated by special interest groups (who are all militant rabble rousers) and the Republics entire existence is owed to staying weak, neutral and non-threatening to the two super powers that let it exist as a buffer state, a grand feat when the entire culture is grown from constant war and rebellion.

The military is weak and without much supporting infrastructure since it all got bombed into the dirt during the 4th secession war. Most of the equipment is hand-me-downs, throwaway gifts, or export grade military hardware purchased from both the Lyrans and Combine more to show equal trading preference than to actually build a serviceable army. Their Aerospace wings are pretty good though, although weather that is good compared to a real nation, or the rest of the RRA rabble is up for debate.

Eventually the clans turned up and saved us from the abomination that was the Free Rasalhague Republic, with clans Wolf and Ghost Bear making exceptional territory gains by carving up the mighty Royal Rasalhague Army, a grand army about as strong as that which defends the St Ives Compact, only spread across almost 6 times as many planets. But to the Rasalhagians credit they went rabble rabble rabble, and rabbled hard enough that they completely broke both clans in the process. Ghost Bear suffered a massive political shifts because of it, turning from crusader to warden within just a couple of years, extremely fast for the 'wait and see' clan, and forced them to abandon all their clan holdings so they could properly control their new territories. Wolf on the other hand, despite its author and territory advantages got screwed over by internal struggles and wiped out by clan Jade Falcon because of it.

As far as who actually hates the Free Rasalhague Republic, well no one does really. If you 'hate' the Free Rasalhague Republic then Kurita is a good house, not because it's not a real nation but rather because it's existence is proof that the Combine gave away worlds without a fight, which flies in the face of traditionalist values. The Black Dragon Society pretty much uses this as a rallying cry in their anti-Theodore insurrection during the Jihad.

The Republic itself was formed out of the 4th succession war to act as a buffer state between the Lyrian side of the Federated Commonwealth and the Draconis Combine, mainly because neither of them wanted to clean up the mess or go another round if good old Hanse Davion decided to christen his kids. The Republic was a neutered state by design and did a very good job of staying neutral, unthreatening and simply between the Lyrians and Combine.

Edited by CheeseThief, 14 October 2013 - 04:48 AM.

#9 Jarl Dane


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Posted 14 October 2013 - 04:43 AM

If you really want to hate the FRR, just pretend you're a clan trueborn in the vein of Vlad Ward and you should be set. Everyone else is pretty apathetic about the subject.

People in favor of belittling the FRR make great points though. It's not like there are real life places where minorities have been subjected to imperialistic and foreign enculturating influences for centuries only to have their modern day citizens demand independence.

Cuz that would be crazy.

Ohhh wait. I guess that makes a free Ireland a joke.
And the Basque in France and Spain.
And the Icelanders.
And the list goes on.

Guess they're all jokes that should embrace Empire!

#10 Kyone Akashi


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Posted 14 October 2013 - 06:56 AM

The relationship between Rasalhague and the Combine (and Steiner) is a complicated one. I usually see a lot of people focusing on the hostilities between the FRR and Kurita due to the military conquest and the fact that the entire region was never successfully pacified. This often leads to the misconception that there is only bad blood between the two, and that the Lyran Commonwealth should automatically be treated like an ally simply because they supported Rasalhague's strive for independence, offering the rebels material support and, later on, a military offensive against the occupying DCMS garrisons.

It is, however, not that simple. As Steiner forces moved into the District, the rebels soon learned that they were merely being used as pawns and that the Commonwealth had aimed to merely replace the Combine as their overlords. In territories "liberated" by the Lyrans, their former allies were rounded up and imprisoned, and as civil unrest grew, a brutal police crackdown rivaling Draconis riot control practices followed. Simultaneously, the Coordinator (or rather, his son *cough*), played his gambit of discharging the District from Combine rule before it would fall entirely into Lyran hands.

Since Steiner publicly favoured Rasalhague independence and this was presented as one of the goals for the Lyran military campaign, and since the Commonwealth had already started to taste the desire for freedom from the native people (which would surely lead to considerable enmity if those "peacekeeping forces" would remain any longer), they had to follow suit and acknowledge Rasalhague's independence.

The people of the newborn Republic would soon learn that the Coordinator was a man of his words, for when rogue elements of the DCMS launched an unauthorised campaign to reclaim these territories that many warriors had fought and died to conquer and to keep, Theodore Kurita personally led elements of the An Ting, Shin and Vega Legions, two regiments of the Sword of Light, and a company of Sorenson's Sabres into the territories of the FRR to defend its independence, sorrowfully engaging their former comrades-in-arms in battle. A commitment that did not went unnoticed by the Rasalhagian people, especially when many of their own mercenaries - hired with heavily limited contracts due to a lack of experience in self-governance - refused to fight the Ronin.

It is notable that the Free Rasalhague Republic still maintains a medal reserved exclusively for warriors of the DCMS - the Starburst of Rasalhague, awarded to Kuritan soldiers whose actions saved the lives of Rasalhague civilians. To my knowledge, this is the only case of an independent state having a medal for the military of one of the Successor States.

And this brings us to today's situation. As per the above considerations, I would suspect that, as a whole, Rasalhague's relationship with the Draconis Combine is much better than with the Lyran Commonwealth, although it obviously attempts to appease both Great Houses in an effort to maintain its neutrality and not rise the ire of either party by favoring the other.

As for what the people of the Combine think about Rasalhague, this is a bit more difficult. I think there will be two main schools of thought here - the traditionalists who agree with the Ronin's cause, if not their actions, and the "new generation" who trusts in the Coordinator's leadership, a product of the slow change in the realm's culture and changing dogma, and who may even possess sufficient initiative to see through the propaganda and understand the wisdom behind the decision to let Rasalhague go free.

During the Dark Age, freedom fighters from Rasalhague even join the Dragon's Fury, as Katana Tormark promised them to liberate the FRR from the occupying Clan forces. A known named example of this is Danni Haag, a MechWarrior serving in Tai-sho Tormark's Amaterasu regiment.

In short: Both House Kurita as well as House Steiner would offer a place for someone who does not like the FRR, but Kurita stands out in both allowing a special hatred, as well as allowing for someone who actually likes Rasalhague, whereas with Steiner one would either be mildly annoyed (missed opportunity for expansion) or neutral (if buying the PR about giving them freedom) about them.

For a character background, if you play a Kuritan who hates the FRR, all you'd have to write down for a reason would be something like actually coming from there, and being forced to leave your home as the DCMS withdrew. In the first weeks or months after troops withdrew, there actually were a number of Anti-Oriental incidents as the Rasalhague natives took out their anger at the now unprotected Asians - some of whom were Combine settlers that had been granted special privileges as the region was still part of the Draconis Combine. A bit like with the German minority in Poland after WW2, although history probably has a lot more examples if one were to look closer. The timing would be just right that someone who was a young and vulnerable kid during Rasalhague's Declaration of Independence (3034) is now old enough to be a Mechwarrior.

Hope this helps!

Edited by Kyone Akashi, 14 October 2013 - 07:03 AM.

#11 AlexEss


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Posted 14 October 2013 - 08:05 AM

IIRC it is way way waaaaaaaaay more common that you have FRR hate towards DC then the other way around, unless you used to be form the Rasalhauge military district.. Actually the FRR tend to be a bit xenophobic in general... Most likley stemming fomr the fact (as mentioned before) that most other miltary forces use more people to garrison a planet then the FRR have to garrison a sector...

OOC: Ofc the FRR i think was created primarily so that the game developers woudl have a easy way to explain the clans gaining a foothold in the IC... It is all very convenient that a new fresh nation just so happen to rise right across the exodus road just in time to be established but not so long that it manages to put together a proper fighting force... =P

#12 Blacke


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Posted 17 October 2013 - 05:08 PM

Anyways, all good answers. Welcome to House Kurita. Come drop with us on the House TeamSpeak.

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