At the start of a match yesterday I saw some friendly fire. It was heavy hit that was followed by a lot of apologizing. The hit player started complaining until he realised he hadn't taken any damage. He reported red damage indicators on this HUD and cockpit shack but no damage on his paper doll. But how is that possible? Both the shooter and shootee agreed that the shot hit, yet no damage was recorded.
This suggests that server saw the incident completely differently to both players. Given both players hadn't even started moving how could that be?
My theories are:
1) PGI have disabled friendly fire for the first few seconds of a match (in some cases).
2) That HSR isn't always getting torso orientation right on the server side.
What other possibilities could it be?
Edit: Just to clarify: Mechs in my incident were a Firebrand and a Cataphract 4X, shooter shootee respectively.
Edited by Kazairl, 14 October 2013 - 10:18 PM.