"When the Civil War of 3014 was over, Captain-General Janos Marik emerged triumphant.
But at what cost...
Marik has lost his brother, his wife, and his confidence. The realm he rules, the Free Worlds League, weakened by over two centuries of warfare with the Lyran Commonwealth and the Capellan Confederation, is being torn apart by the diversity that was once its greatest strength. "
Marik Republican Roughriders models itself after the 1st United States Volunteer Cavalry, established in 1898, by Theodore Roosevelt.
Marik Republican Roughriders represents "The Old United States of America" of the Marik Empire, where FREEDOM is worth fighting for.
We are a group of guys/gals that LOVE the 'ol Red, White, and Blue, The United States Constitution, and Israel ! If what has been said so far offends you, then read on no farther, its just going to be more offensive.
The topics of Religion, Politics, and daily news may be brought up while playing with us, and if these topics offends you, READ NO FURTHER. NO NEED TO APPLY.
We are a group of guys/gals that are MENTALLY grown up. We may at times act like children, but as a grown up, we have learned to put away childish speech, childish ways of thinking, and childish actions. We are ALL personally responsible for are own actions, it does not take a village to raise a child, it takes PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY to raise a child, you brought it into the world, you take care of it. But, like in this game, you have friends to help you if you need it.
We are a group of guys/gals that believe that good chemistry with one another makes a GREAT unit. We are looking for interchageability type of gameplay. For example: Lets say we have a 2 4 man lance (A,B,C,D E,F,G,H) and as group A-D play great together and group E-H play great together, and then we decide to change it up a bit (A,E,C,H B,F,D,G) and both group STILL play great together, and yet another group (A,B,G,H C,D,E,F) are playing great together. Not saying we are going to win every battle we come up against, but, when we lose, we learn from it, fix it, and move on. We take our GAME seriously and WE HATE to lose.So, if your looking for a unit just to make friends and hang out, NO NEED TO APPLY.
There is no DRAMA in our unit. Why you ask? Because everybody in our unit are at least in the same ballpark when it comes to our beliefs and mind set. That seems hard to come by these days. If there are some problems, it is dealt with like grown ups, then we move on.
There are a lot of BIG units out there with a lot of members, lots of diversity in each unit, and if its diversity your looking for, then this unit probably won't be for you. This unit might be either the hardest unit you ever joined or it just might be the easiest unit you ever joined, it all depends on how well you mesh with the rest of the unit.
Most of our unit members have JOBS, that is why interchageability is very important to this unit. There is no set practice dates or meetings as of yet. But these things could change in the future.
The Marik Republican Roughriders like to ride uniformed in dressing all our 'mechs' in the good 'ol red, white, and blue. If money is an issue in order for you to buy the Camo's and colors we ride in, just let us know, and we will bend over backwards to make sure your in uniform with the rest of us. WARNING: you will be amazed on how offensive the good 'ol red, white, and blue is to a lot of players out there.
If your interested in becoming an Marik Republican Roughrider, just email at normpeterson43@gmail.com.

Marik Republican Roughriders
Started by Norm Peterson, Oct 15 2013 11:07 AM
9 replies to this topic
Posted 15 October 2013 - 11:07 AM
Posted 15 October 2013 - 11:34 AM
Oh yeah, Conservatives forever! Also, Purple Mech Capitalism.
Posted 16 October 2013 - 05:21 AM
Actually we wear the Red, White, and Blue
Edited by Mask, 16 October 2013 - 05:23 AM.
Posted 19 May 2014 - 05:32 AM
and boy do we get grief for it

Posted 30 July 2014 - 12:55 AM
Well, i'm from the netherlands and our flag is red, white and blue.
Seems there is no cooincidence that i joined up with the MRR, i didn't know about the colours when i joined.
just confermation that i'm in the right unit.
Seems there is no cooincidence that i joined up with the MRR, i didn't know about the colours when i joined.
just confermation that i'm in the right unit.
Posted 13 October 2014 - 04:35 PM
Was pressed ganged into joining MRR lol........Boooooooom. Peace all
Posted 13 October 2014 - 04:45 PM
O and forgot to mention I like Eagles..........Boooooooom.
Posted 13 October 2014 - 07:53 PM
Ah, that's a load norm. You have so many foreigners with you that it's a good ol' mess of opinions, just like it should be!
P.S. Find it cute that you mention Teddy since he left the republican party xD
P.S. Find it cute that you mention Teddy since he left the republican party xD
Posted 16 October 2014 - 05:35 PM
Foriegners?! Where? Qick , lurm those skeevie steiners!

Posted 13 December 2014 - 10:22 PM
You forgot to mention that you are also a unit who threatens and shoots down fellow Marik pilots.
I was surprised when several MRR Mechs in "good ol' red, white a blue" ganged up on me and shot me today at the beginning of a mission at Cavanaugh II.
Why did you do it? I failed to press the READY-button. I did not do that even after you, Norm, told me you would shoot me if I wouldn't.
Norm, just so you know - I had no idea what you wanted of me. I did not click the ready button for my last thousand missions or so, because it has no function at all in PUG . So I did not assume clicking it has any effect if there is no enemy present in CW.
Well, MRR did shoot me then. And I am still very angry about that.
You, Norm, and me we certainly won't become friends.
Also I am not going to folow up on your invitation to join MRR. Actually I would prefer not having to play with people like you at all: Disrespectful. Dishonorable. Bullies.
You forgot to mention that you are also a unit who threatens and shoots down fellow Marik pilots.
I was surprised when several MRR Mechs in "good ol' red, white a blue" ganged up on me and shot me today at the beginning of a mission at Cavanaugh II.
Why did you do it? I failed to press the READY-button. I did not do that even after you, Norm, told me you would shoot me if I wouldn't.
Norm, just so you know - I had no idea what you wanted of me. I did not click the ready button for my last thousand missions or so, because it has no function at all in PUG . So I did not assume clicking it has any effect if there is no enemy present in CW.
Well, MRR did shoot me then. And I am still very angry about that.
You, Norm, and me we certainly won't become friends.
Also I am not going to folow up on your invitation to join MRR. Actually I would prefer not having to play with people like you at all: Disrespectful. Dishonorable. Bullies.
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