Largest profile, at 800m, takes 2 second to automatically identify.
Smallest profile at 800m, takes 6 seconds to automatically identify.
Time decreases linearly with distances under 800m.
Largest profile is identified instantly at 500m
Smallest profile is identified instantly at 350m
Time increases linearly with distances over 800m (assuming advanced sensors or BAP; they do not speed up this process - just increase the range)
Largest profile takes 4 seconds at 1000m
Smallest profile takes 10 seconds at 1000m
Once an enemy is identified, they will remain identified at all ranges (within sensor range) - if they are detected and then move further away, they will not become un-identified as long as they are within sensor range and in line of sight.
Enemies currently identified by teammates will be identified instantly when line of sight is achieved. (Not sure about this one. May do too much to defeat the purpose)
If the target breaks line of sight with all enemy mechs (or is hidden by ECM), the process resets.
Scoring a hit on an enemy will instantly identify them if they are within sensor range and not hidden by ECM.
This will make scouting a more viable option, as the scout will not be immediately pointed out to the enemy as soon as they break cover. It also helps flankers get into position, as they can move between cover without being instantly spotted by the computer. Lastly, it can be used to give a little bit of a boost to troubled mechs such as the Commando and the Locust. As a side-bonus, it makes the non-ECM variants of small mechs a little more attractive, since the ECM variants would barely notice this system.
Smallest: Locust, Commando, Spider (after the nerf, it's not quite so powerful, and only the non-ecm varaints would really notice)
Small: Jenner, Raven, Cicada
Medium: Pretty much all Mediums except the Cicada. Maybe this one could be sub-divided to help the worst mediums a bit more. Oh, and the Dragon. Maybe the Catapult, so that they don't have such a hard time being long-range support?
Large: All the heavies except the Dragon (and maybe Catapult); Awesome.
Largest: All Assaults except the Awesome (and maybe Victor? Not sure where it should go).
The middle is kinda grey, but the Locust, Command, and Spider definitely are alone in the smallest category, and the Atlas, Highlander, and Stalker definitely go in the largest.
Personally, I'd also like to see sensor range reduced significantly. 450-600m default, up to 1000m with both BAP and Adv. Sensor Range.
Edited by Sable Dove, 23 December 2013 - 02:53 PM.