I am a long time fan of the Battletech game and have enjoyed the priviledge of campaigning and modeling in the genre for years. I am going to post pictures of some of my humble efforts here for your amusement as we await the publication of Mechwarrior Online. For those of you enured to the editorial pitfalls of fanfic, I have published a Technical Read Out for the 3025 erra on Solaris 7 here: http://www.solaris7....nfo.asp?ID=2102
My first offering for your viewing pleasure is the Starter Box Project. I took 4 Starter Boxes and unified the mech chaseys in the House collours that best fit the TRO 3025 information. I also made an attempt to ballance the resulting companies in relation to one another and keep movement profiles similar. I could not bear to paint 2 dozen mechs in Marik purple, so I experimented with an arctic cammo scheme for my Trellisane FWL fanfic instead. The Coventional Vees are my token Comstar attachment with an an additional pic of the Comstar mechs as well.
Thankyou for your consideration of my humble efforts within the hobby gentlemen.