Sandpit, on 16 October 2013 - 11:18 AM, said:
So I've gotten into a few "discussions" today in the various "Remove this" threads popping up on the forums. Just as an example I have started a list to help prove a point
So I followed the link in your sig to this post Sand. This is a humbling list and a hell of a perspective.
I didn't realize how bad it was getting.
I think alot of people need to take a step back, not from the game, but from the forums.
I think the mob mentality coupled with all the doom and gloom on the forums is to much for a lot of people.
I know if I spend to much time on the forums I start jumping on board the "nerf" this band wagon etc etc.
I find myself quite often swaying with the mob regardless of if their points are valid or rage/ignorance fueled.
Some of us, and I am one of them, need to strictly regulate the time on these forums to maintain a truely objective outlook.
When I start falling into that old trap I have to make the conscious effort not to come to the forums because they have sucked out half my brains several times and I turn into a fracking {Dezgra} here and in game (ya atleat I can admit my mistakes/faults).
Rational discusions and facts give way to rage, hyperbole and anecdotal evidence all to often on the forums and people need to grow up and start acting like the adults we all are. It has been a hard lesson for myself to learn and I am still learning.
What has worked best for me when I take issue with anything in game is.......... jump on TS (yes I have it, can use it and even have my own server) and jump in a channel with good players and get their thoughts on my issues. I normaly jump on the NGNG server and chat it up with ACES guys to get their take on the "issues" I am having. AND I stay away from the forums at all costs when I "feel" I have an issue with something in game. The forums seem to exacerbate any perceived issue at that time.
My hats off to the voices of reason on these forums. You have reached some of us. Hard work like that from this community will ensure the game not only survives, but it thrives.
Some people might be truely amazed at what they can learn from talking with other knowledgeable, rational folks.