Ransack, on 31 October 2013 - 05:50 AM, said:
Aaaand how many people talk strategy? compare that to the number of people bytching about someone not clicking ready. I stand by what I said.
Wish I could spam click the like button for this post...
And also Sandpit, I'm fully aware of why you made this post and in my post that qouted you should notice I said I agree with most of your points but cited the film grain as one that I did not agree with.
In the end lots of ppl have come up with ways to do things a bit better for the game, the Devs just simply do NOT listen. So, ya ppl get pissed off cuz PGI has no sense of balance, they bounce from one extreme to the next...
wanna deal with "boating"? give the hardpoints size restrictions instead of Ghost heat...
OR, have an engine have a "power output" rating... alphastrikes cannot exceed said rating... just something to consider... <or not in PGI's case>
want "real DHS"? then you would have to scale back the additional heat capacitance you gain from heatsinks, cuz thats not how battletech works.... if I remember correctly heat capacitance is determined by the engine used and dissipation is determined by the heat sinks... I could be wrong though.
<also I know you didnt cite that, I had noticed someone else had recently added that in the last few posts>
There are alot of creative ideas people have had to fix different portions of the game and NONE of them have really been considered... instead PGI consistantly comes out of left field with some off the wall mechanic almost everyone hates...
Good posts tho man, it does increase awareness to whats happening that most people lose sight of cuz something doesnt apply to them exactly... until it does... LoL
Edited by Havok1978, 03 November 2013 - 05:03 AM.