Trauglodyte, on 12 November 2013 - 09:24 AM, said:
I appreciate that you love your Locusts. I've elited out all three chassis and am working to Master them now. But, that doesn't change the fact that they aren't designed/built right. The hit boxes may or may not be too big - it is too hard to tell given that they make up a disproportionate amount of the body. But, that they're short on armor and are too easy to hit makes the damn thing a coffin on legs. And, you can argue that the game has too much or just the right amount of damage output. But, the Locust, in stock form, carried an extreme amount of armor compared to other Light mechs and, given its speed, was pretty sturdy. In MW:O, everyone has 5x the amount of damage output than the stock versions which puts the already sub-armored Locust at an extreme disadvantage. Case in point, I got double legged last night by a Trebby that tossed a double SRM6 and a Large Laser and my legs were only yellow.
The poor mech just isn't built for this game and the weapons that you can carry either put you at an extreme disadvantage due to having to get close (SRMs, Md Lasers, and MGs) or are easily countered (LRMs) or both (Streaks).
Not everyone was meant to pilot lights. Even with more experience in them, you obviously haven't gotten the hang of it, so it might just not be your cup of tea. I'm the same way with an Atlas and Catapult - I love mechs of all sizes, but I just can't get the feel for those two for some reason.
Kingdom Come, on 12 November 2013 - 03:31 PM, said:
Yes, I too am finding it almost impossible to pilot of Locust. I am constantly losing my legs despite maximum armor. I rarely get a kill and rarely break a 100 damage. There is no good reason to play this mech other than in Conquest if you don't mind just base capping. You have to avoid most conflicts. Please make this mech viable. Thanks, KC
I may cap if it is nearby, but I use it as a harasser more than anything. It's quite fun once you learn not to use it like a (broken) spider.
Storm Khan, on 12 November 2013 - 04:29 PM, said:
That's called giving it an ECM slot isn't it?

YES! That would be joyous!
strikebrch, on 12 November 2013 - 04:34 PM, said:
Locust is designed for player who find a way to pilot it better. I get 200-300 dmg and 2-3 kills when i use it. Just practice with it and you´ll see.
I agree. It's not for everyone, but neither is the Commando, Atlas or any other mech.