Locusts and Commandos are tiny. They're designed to scout and harass. They don't have jump jets or can carry big weapons, and have aluminum foil for armor. Their short stature size should make them the perfect scout 'mechs but they're not because the enemy can always see them as soon as they can see the enemy.
Radar (or Radio Detection and Ranging) uses very long light waves to look for high density objects against a relatively "dark" background by "shining" a radio flashlight in a direction and "looking" for things to "glow". This works relatively well, your eyes + a light source work in relatively the same way but use visible light (hence the name) instead.
Just like your eyes, when something is small and far away it's more difficult to notice. Especially if the lighting is poor (and radar almost always is "poor lighting") and refraction from the ground creates "noise" (think bloom) which makes objects more difficult to see.
Feature Request:
Reduce the range at which "tiny" 'mechs can be detected by 30%. To be fair, don't allow this to stack with ECM's range reduction.
As I understand it only the Locust and Commando are "Tiny" 'mechs. Other light 'mechs are classified as "Small".
This would allow these scout 'mechs to actually fulfill a combat role: scouting. They could get into position, get eyes on the enemy, and not be instantly seen by their targets.
Edited by focuspark, 17 October 2013 - 09:09 AM.